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Posts posted by red_icon

  1. The one 'comment' about PTW/my mother/etc alone is both untrue, and unnecessary, and bearing in mind it came from the mouth of a 'man' who lies more than he breathes, Nick 'I spit water over people because I can't get heat any other way' Bourne; who no sane person has ever listened to in their lives - speaks volumes about how much you people dislike me, if you'll believe a scumbag like that. I mean, you might want to ask people their personal views on the bloke who's saying that before you say anything about me.


    The photo of me you've used is from 2007. Living in the past much? I've lost two and a half stone since then, and shaved my head. Want my new proper promo picture? At least get your facts half straight if you're going to do all this.


    As for the police thing, it's just a situation at football that has been blown ridiculously out of proportion (why don't you ask Bedfordshire Police? Oh, no, that'd mean not assuming things on your behalf), that has nothing to do with PTW.


    As for the comments about 'young females', I'll not even react to that on most levels. I'm certainly not married, and never was, I'll say that much; and my children are at a lot of PTW events (want to criticise me for that too? go ahead...some of us are proud to be a father), so if you want to assume (there's that word again, it's what people do when they only have rumour and hearsay to use against someone); go ahead. I can't stop you, but it shows how desperate people are when they have to sink to these comments. If you know me personally, you'll know I have the most amazing girlfriend who I am thoroughly unashamed to admit I am all loved up over, and am even trying to grow up for. Take the piss all you want there, because I simply don't care.


    On a booking note, I never book myself to 'take glory', if anything, you can ask the people I work with; all I do is book myself to help put others over, and bump around (okay, I'm not great, try asking people I work with, I'm ridiculously humble on the subject, and I'm still learning; but who the hell isnt still learning?) for the boys. Wow, what a sin, the promoter that doesn't have to do it but wants to help, gets thrown about a bit to make his lads look good.


    But I'll make the day of all of you, I'll tell you that I am legitimately not booking Dan Edge anymore. No, that's not a 'work', or a 'shoot', and anyone nearish to the situation will tell you that's completely genuine. Also, that wasn't the main event the night of our 'match'; as James Mason vs Johnny Kidd was. I doubt it actually will, as I have never been given any benefit of the doubt on this forum, but perhaps that will go someway to you all seeing some changes; same as the upcoming main event of PTW's October 9th show, which is James Mason vs Jonny Storm. I don't suppose either point will get the majority of you to see things even remotely differently, but I figured both things were worth a mention.


    Anyway, deep down I always dreamed of making your little list, and am only quite disappointed in an odd way; that I didn't make first. There's always next year, I guess, and I will now go off and promote three PTW shows in three different parts of the UK in three weeks; to attempt to overcome and come to terms with my disappointment. Eitherways, despite the inaccuracy of most of what was posted; thank you for putting me on your list. Professional/two faced enough for you?


    I love you guys! :thumbsup:



    Stop coming onto a fan forum to justify why you're such a cunt. You're whole life is a fucking failure, you're like 35-40 years old or whatever, you have a kid, and you're dedicating what appears to be, your whole life trying to play 'wrestling owner man' in make belief 'PTW world'. When you're 80 and on your death bed or whatever you're gonna look back on your life and think back to the days when you used to run three shows in three weeks that no one (most likely) gives a flying fuck about other than it being something to do for a few hours, and then thinking back to the other times in your life where you went onto a fan wrestling forum and gave speeches on this and that. What suprises me is the fact that it doesn't appear you realise how much of a shit life you have.


    And don't reply saying shit like 'Err we had some really good wrestlers wrestle the main event in PTW once, yay' because no one gives a fuck, one match doesn't make PTW good, its still shit.


    No one gives a fuck if the pictures old, you're still an ugly cunt. No one gives a fuck if you're proud of being a father, you're still a cunt. No one gives a fuck if you have an amazing girlfriend, it doesn't mean you're not a cunt. No one gives a fuck if you book yourself to help people get over...if you're booking the show, it means you're a booker..not a wrestling personality, and you should book a wrestler to put another wrestler over rather than book yourself to do the job. It appears to me that you think you're so great at being a heel, that wrestlers on PTW won't be able to get over without you, which tells me that you're a mark for yourself, and you underrate 'your' wrestlers talents...you thick cunt.


    No one gives a fuck Pete, cunt.

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