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JD L'Amour!

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Posts posted by JD L'Amour!

  1. Sabu has too hasn't he?


    Yea against benoit in ecw in 95 i believe. Its on the benoit dvd.


    Just searched youtube,




    I knew of the incident, just wasn't sure if it was properly broken, or if they talked up the injury.


    Total work. What the fuck was Benoit doing if not planning that move? And anyway, Sabu took a perfect head-drop bump. The only thing that made it such a big deal was that no-one in the US was doing head-drops at the time and they played it up to the max.


    I don't doubt that it hurt, but it was nothing like as big a deal as they suggested.


    Benoit is on the record of stating Sabu was just to take a front bump, but decided he wanted to do a little twirl in the air an land on his back. That he didn't get the full rotation down. I don't think its a work to be honest. Sabu had a decent amount of time off because of this - and did not work. So unless Paul was paying him not to work (and I doubt he would take out his hottest attraction in order to progress an angle) or Sabu chose not to work for a while to progress an angle (keep in mind, that would involve turning down indy bookings - I guess Sabu was not adverse to turning down money). it doesn't add up.


    But has it ever been confirmed Sabu wasn't taking indy bookings at the time? Surely some back issue WO's would have the answer.

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