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Posts posted by oaktree500

  1. I just loved this bit towards the end

    Fulham clarifies there are no absolutes; the principal of free will and choice that exits with all souls precludes all absolute realities, and the aliens may decide to postpone their intervention


    Basically, 'Buy my book! What I am saying is bollocks and, if said event doesnt happen dont blame me, because its an Alien's perogative to change their minds.'


    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Although in his defence his says "this will happen in 2010", so in theory hes saying these aliens said to him, "we''ll be arriving about october 13th, but if not its deffo 2010".


    So...........at least it would give you the time to buy/read his shit lol.

  2. Not that it helps for this year, but i think WWE shopzone (in the USA) has been doing WWE fancy dress costumes, and im 75% sure there is a piper one!


    There is also sgt slaughter and The iron sheik. As well as more modern day people!



  3. - Was Shane Douglas, Konnan, and Billy Kidman supposed to jump ship with The Radicals to the WWF?


    I heard that Shane Douglas wanted to leave but couldn't get out of his contract with WCW


    ALthough that may be true, didnt Douglas then leave WCW and join XPW? Phoning WCW from the XPW show telling them so shove there $X ammount contract up there ass? I'm guessing thats why he has no money now.


    I'd also heard he could get out of his contract, although nobody told him they had actually signed on with WWE, and he was "Left beind". :rolleyes:


    In other news, i think a few years before douglas and others had been talking about the subject with raven also. In a meeting with WCW brass, talent were informed that "if they didnt like it, they could stand up and leave". Raven stood up..........but everybody else was still sat down. Raven got fired, and went back to ECW.

  4. This may be true, although id think in anybodys estimation 20+ years is a long time, and depending on where they are from, isnt the nearest galaxy 1000+ light years away?


    In regards to the hawing/einstien theorys, i havent heard of these, although did watch the hawking program on saturday as was wondering how it is he thinks these ideas will work? His theory was about time travel. Some of it made sense, that large objects drag on time etc, although his theory to obit the nearest super massive black hole was what got me. The mechanics behind it were fine , (iif you orbit the black hole for 5 years, 10 years will have passed on earth aparently), but im unsure yyou could orbit a black hole..........and another problem would be getting there and back.......tis X ammount of million light years away.

  5. Well what im saying is, great maybe they could travel at the speed of light.........but wouldnt in then take them 20+ years to get here? and i dont know bout you, but id get pretty pissed off if i got here and in there eyes saw we were a bit backwards.


    Because it'd be another 20 years home!

  6. Ok now i read about the "Goldilocks zone" find, an im open to the fact there may be life out there somewhere.


    But in regards to ufo's, what is peoples thoughts? Im just confussed as to how people reckon ufos come here all the time, when (to my knowledge) no planet in out solar system could contain life as we know it. I know of moons of saturn that may harbour some sort of "new life" in many many years to come. (i think is it europa, it has lakes made of methane.)


    But outside our solar system, there is nothing for millions/billions of light years? So , allthough i may be wrong, How would these "aliens" get here? Many would of needed to perfect light speed travel, and then some of which would of travelled X ammount of years to get here. (i think this latest find is 20 light years away for example.).


    So life out there? Possible yes.


    Life coming here? Looking like a no.

  7. Some people (David Icke, being the most well known) believe that the world is run by a race of super intelligent shape shifting lizards. It's pretty much as straight forward as that.


    However, others who believe that the world is run by the Jews (as they hold all the money and can tell Governments what to do) will use the term lizard as a euphamism for Jew. It was this approach that Canada used to try and block Icke coming into the country, claiming that his talk of lizards was actually anti sematic propaganda.

    Just read a huge thing on Mr Icke via wikipedia, im slightly confussed into how hes come up with half of his theories.


    So these lizards, are they lizards in people skin (like in V) or are the lizards, who are actually now people? I get some of these ideas (100% are all pure bollocks) but this one confusses me the most, as why would there be lizard people in the first place? So im guessing he's completely mental then? I read he also used to be a well respected guy? Stupid boy!

  8. I cant say i remeber there beign a special guest ref, although i know warrior does a run in. It wasent perfect was it? FOr some reason i think its him, although i know he did one at maina 10 wasnt it?


    About the spring break nitros, i think alot of people went in the pool didnt they? I tihnk at least one person per "spring break episode" went in.

  9. The Island


    Where the hell was i when this film came out? I remeber seeing trailors for it , but i cant actually remember it coming out.......was it straight to dvd? And if so.....WHY? I've heard good things about it and cant believe its taken me this long to watch it.


    This film is beyond awesome, (insanely over the top still), and is a great sci-fi movie! if you dont want to know the plot (in a brief paragraph) look away now (Apologies my spoiler tags wont "insert"):


    Basically Ewan Mcgregor lives in this futuristic tower bloc, where everybody wears the same colour clothes, eats the same food, etc etc. It even goes so far as to analyze your wee......and tell you what dietry additions you need in your system! The people who live are are told that a huge contamination has happened outside and thus they have to live in these huge towers, (although they can see outside to a nice landscape). Every now and again a "Survivour" will be brought it and because of the contamination they are like infants, hardly walking and with learning problems. The only Plus side to this life is that every week a "Lottery" is played to find somebody to move to "The Island". T his is aparently the only natural place on earth with no radiation effects, and looks quite nice also! This is where the problems begin as whilst snooping around, Mr Mcgregor finds that the tower block is actual all underground and that the island, is just a cover up for what really happens to the people that win!


    I wont spoil it any further, as that is about the first 15-20 mins in a nutsell......and it gets much better!


    A film that again i cant understand why not that many people have seen, and that i wil be buying on DVD to watch again in the future!



  10. This is a question that probably only Dillkid can answer, but we'll see: Is there a version of The Rock's "If ya smellllll..." 1999-2002 entrance theme without lyrics? I know his one before that (the one that started with "Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?") is available without the words, but that's only because the wordless version was D-Lo's entrance at one point.

    No there isn't. It went from his "Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?" intro quote from 1998- 1999 with the "If Ya Smell" 1999- 2001/2004- theme that he used in September 1999 staright to the lyrical If Ya Smell theme with that intro.

    Cheers Dill. I know Rock never used it without lyrics, I just hoped the tune might have turned up as an mp3 somewhere.


    Not sure if I am writing this properly but I dont think the Rocks theme from late 2001 - Aug 2002 had any lyrics past the original "if ya smell". although the same tune it was comprised of different instruments so not sure if that counts

    Also unsure if this helps, but his theme from his "final/hollywood" gimmick didnt have any words at all.

  11. Just going back to the Directors Cut discussion. There have only so far been 2 movies where I have noticed the cuts, and think they improve on an already good film. Those being Aliens and Terminator 2.


    What other Directrs Cuts make a good-to-great film watchable for a second time (if your the kind of person who watches most films only once, like me)?


    I have got the Directors Cut of Leon to watch, as its one of my favourite films of all time.


    Let us all know what others are out there!

    May not be on the same level, but the directors cut of daredevil is amazing. There is about an hour of stuff added onto the film, with a whole subplot involving Coolio (~) as a crimanl, showing all the court cases etc. As well as the love scence with electra is completely different, with also added swearing and all round awesomness.


    Daredevil as a film = no, but the directors cut = yes yes.

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