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Posts posted by bigjay

  1. I know I complained about the part one interview with Russo on Stone Cold's podcast but I'm currently listening to part 2 because, well, I just can't resist.


    Anyway what I'm gonna' say has nothing to do really to do with Russo being a poor guest (well, sort of anyway).


    I just wanna' say Austin is one of the best interviewers. He's made such a great transition from his wrestling days to his now podcast days. Austin is willing to challenge people's ideas and philosphies about professional wrestling.


    For example: When I was listening to him interview Court Bauer, he brought up the conversation about comedy in professional wrestling, or something along those lines, and he basically turned round and said something along the lines of "Why is that? Is wrestling supposed to be funny?". He totally challenged a writer who probably was responsible for some of the poor tasting comedy during the shows and Court, I think, stumbled through his answer because he was being challenged.


    Well, Austin just did it again and in tremendous style.


    He asked Russo if three hours were too long and Russo describes why three hours is too long and how WWE are sending mixed messages with their PG rating. He says that, that is where the main problem with today's WWE is. Austin then asks what Russo would do if he were there. Russo goes "it's all business and whatever makes Vince the most money" and talks basically just talks about how they need to go back to the attitude era - he didn't actually say that but it's the jist of what he's saying because the kids are asleep and adults are watching TV at that time and they need to compete with their competition at that time.


    Austin replies: "Shouldn't it be about professional wrestling and not trying to entertain everybody under the sun?"


    Love it. Russo hilariously then tries to spin it by saying: "You can't entertain everybody" which Austin replies with: "That's what I'M SAYING!" Russo just repeats it again: "You can't entertain everyone". Austin then goes: "But shouldn't you be true to who and what you are, and that is professional wrestling?"


    Russo just agrees by saying: "Yes, I agree with you." Austin continues to point out his view to which Russo just agrees with everything.


    It's obvious, because he's said it in past interviews, that Russo doesn't believe in wrestling during a weekly show, he obviously believes in the "entertainment" part. Obviously everyone differs from opinion but it's the fact that he's finally been challenged by someone about it that makes it so great to listen to.


    Austin's podcast is definitely the best one going today.

  2. Another thing I forgot to mention was how loud he talked. He would start low then graduate louder and louder then go quieter then go louder as well.


    Here's how it would go. No caps = quiet. CAPS = loud.


    "Steve, blah blah blah blah blah, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, and Steve, blah blah blah blah, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, blah blah blah."


    I can understand it when he's really passionate about something, we're all probably done it. But he does this for virtually every question he's asked.

  3. A little bit of me is a Russo fan. I agree with some of his ideas and some I don't. I don't think he's the worst thing ever to happen to wrestling. I'm always interested in listening to interviews with him but my God did this interview make me want to put a bullet through my head ... and I'm sure Austin did too. About an hour into the interview it sounds like Austin is totally regretting bringing Russo on which is just hilarious.


    The amount of times he says "Steve" or "Bro", you could get drunk within five minutes. Like I said, part of my admires Russo but when he goes on and on about random stuff that has nothing to do with the question that's where it becomes hilarious stupid. For example: Austin simply asks Russo "How long did it take to write a show?" and Russo then goes into a rant about "Today's wrestling compared to that era's wrestling". Steve, bless him trying, tries to keep him on topic by saying "We'll get to that". And Russo just carries on. It's just hilarious. All he had to say was "It took 1 hour/2 hour/a day/2days" but he goes off into something else.


    Honestly, I got a headache from listening to this interview.

  4. It's funny about the mentions of Foley flirting with women/motor boating women because I kind of find Foley's attitude towards women somewhat creepy and/or disrespectful. I'm not sure how to quite describe it but it's always kind of bothered me a little. I never met the guy so I'm only going by the books that he has wrote. I recently read Countdown to Lockdown and thought it was a cool read but there were parts in the book where he would talk about women but in weird/jokey ways. Every time I read something like that, it made me uncomfortable because I knew he had a wife. In my opinion, even if he was just joking about the things he said, I still wouldn't have included them in the book anyway just out of respect for the wife. He did mention his wife nearer the end of the book, something along the lines of "I still think my wife is the most beautiful women in the world" but after all the jokes and things he had wrote I didn't get that feeling. It just seem like he included it in so his wife wouldn't blast him for mentioning all these other women and not her. I haven't read Hardcore Diaries yet but it's on my shelf waiting for me and I'll get to it at some point but it sounds like my views are only going to be increased when I get to the Melina stuff.


    Some of his mentions/jokes of gay people or gay related things, nearer the beginning of the book, kinda struck me as irrelevant and uncomfortable as well. Just my two cents.

  5. What about Homicide? He's done bugger all in TNA for months and super over with the ROH crowd, surely he could come back for a big run? I can't imagine TNA caring enough to turn him down for a contract release.


    Didn't he ask for his release but TNA said no so he tried to get himself fired by saying negative things about TNA in a few interviews but even that didn't work.

  6. I'm currently wondering whether or not to subscribe to The Wrestling Observer and Figure Four Weekly, however but I part ways with the money I would like to know from you guys if it is actually worth the money? Do you have a subscription to WO/FFW? Is it any good? Thanks.

  7. I'd read about this in Power Slam years and years ago when it first happened but never saw it. It's from ECW's Anarchy Rulz 2000 PPV. An angle is going on in the back and the producer accidently switches to the production truck. Paul Heyman (realising the camera is pointing at them) goes ballistic. Brilliant.


    It's at 2:25.



    HA! I saw that the other day and it killed me. Does anyone know who Joey Styles was fighting? At first I thought it was Paul but then obviously I saw Paul in the truck and go nuts.


    Maria Youshoot Interview preview


    The best part of that is in the middle of a game of "Real or Fake?" (in which she places every diva in one of those columns) she pauses with Jillian Hall as if to say, "Are you serious?". :D


    Yeah, loved her reaction to that. Pause, look at camera, "really!?". :laugh: Great stuff.


    I loved what she said later on in the video:


    "But then it's weird, they wanna make us PG but then sometimes they throw us out there in bikini's and hey wrestle in bikini's and make sure nothing happens. What are we supposed to do superglue that shit on?"


    LMFAO xD brilliant.

  9. Does anyone know where I can download full episodes of WCW Nitro and Thunder? I'm looking for full episodes from 1995 - 2001 and I would like to burn a couple to DVDs so I can watch on the telly but I'm not really a professor when it comes to downloading. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  10. Quick question about the ROH tapings, if anyone knows, I recently read their Newsline on their website and they said that they will be taping 7 weeks of ROH on HDNet on Friday. 7 weeks worth of taping in one day? Surely that can't be right, so how do the ROH on HDNet work?

  11. I recently saw "Marley and Me" and it was brilliant, the comedy was perfect, the story was great and the dog was top notch. The ending was just so emotional, there was not on dry eye in that cinema, the ending is so sad, but the saying at the end of the film is really something to remember. I can not fault this film at all.

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