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Posts posted by koko

  1. ok lets stop all the arguing, maybe i shouldve worded my argument differently. Basically the whole british scene of wrestling has gone way down hill. The fact now that most matches you see are the same. People wanting to be heel but just going out there and telling the crowd to shut up, why would you do that, no one tells stories in their matches as to why their the heels, or why their working the wrist they put on a wrist lock because its all they know and dont get as much out of their moves as possible and do everything they know in one match which lest be honest isnt impressive. The fact theres a 50 worst british wrestlers prooves that wrestlings gone bad. I know world of sport to most people these days doesnt look all that, but when you watch it their wrestling hold for hold not doing everything in the first 5 minutes. They slowly build the match and if you notice they stick to their own move sets. So you wont see two guys doing dropkicks or cross bodys. They set themselves apart. Nowadays everyone does the same things, big spots and badly and quite frankly we tried to copy the americans but dont have the funds to be able to and for that matter we dont have workers with their size. You get small guys clotheslining bigger guys, wheres the sense in that, and you get bigger guys going to the top, why would they do that. Basically british wrestling is suffering because of guys with superstar syndrome who quite frankly arent all that and do the same match over and over again, and workers who refuse to put people over becauyse they want to look good forgetting pro wrestling is a worked sport and the only way to make a match look amazing is the guys putting aside ego and working together rather than looking out for number 1.

    I actually agree with odds and sods of what you are saying, but how about not tarring the whole scene with the same brush, eh? If you seriously want people to work together, try not saying everyone is shit - it's not the best way to get started, is it?Most of us worth our salt know how well Dropkixx train their boys and girls in amateur, freestyle and wrestling - both JR and JH have nearly ripped my face off quite a few times, but that doesn't give you the right to declare DK the top of the tree, does it? And here's a thought - maybe there are fans that perceive DK as shit. Nothing you can do to change their minds, is there? We're in the entertainment business, and if what you do doesn't entertain some people, then it's tough titties, and it's not going to change. Tell the story right, as you have said, and most people are going to enjoy themselves though. There's always going to be a minority that prefer rum and raisin when you're offering them raspberry ripple - doesn't mean it's crap, it's just not their flavour of ice cream, but it's all ice cream nevertheless.And don't try and get out of all of this by using your "most" quote - that's a cop out. As it happens, I think you're right regarding how matches are portrayed, but only in the minority of promotions.Majik
    Shut up shitarse lol but seriously i also kind of agree i hate going to a show and the only indicator as to who's heel is they tell me shut up, i'd like to see more heels who can get heel heat without begging for it.
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