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  1. Yeah Grimes had a lot of potential and was really enjoyable in NXT. Don't quite understand what happened there. Just lost in the shuffle I guess. Von Wagner. Well, he was there too.
  2. I think there's more benefit in someone beating Becky directly for the belt than someone else winning last night. Wins/losses in a battle royale don't make a huge amount of difference really, but a big win over her could be more memorable.
  3. It's hard to believe it's the same company booking Ospreay/Danielson and that Jericho stuff. I just don't get it.
  4. That was definitely one of my worries. I thought fucking hell if that's episode 4 I dread to think what the rest of it is like. It goes quite against conventional storytelling in some ways. But makes complete sense as it's very much about what comes after too. It's all intertwined. It's definitely worth finishing. I still feel quite bleak after it to be honest but it's a story that deserves finishing.
  5. Yeah my wife asked if it's something she'd enjoy. I said no. I'm not sure if I could sit through it again.
  6. Yeah just finished Baby Reindeer. Hadn't read anything before so didn't really know what I was getting myself into. But damn. Absolutely one of the most intense and harrowing things I've sat through. The performances are layered and there's so much confusion and emotion and definitely worth watching.
  7. I remember it well. It got cancelled, came back and then got cancelled again. I did see some talk now and again of a potential continuation on Netflix or something - and we've seen with shows like Manifest and Lucifer that it can happen - but I guess the further you get away from it time wise the less likely it'll happen, same with stuff like Hannibal. Definitely pros and cons to all sides really. I'll stick to watching Bargain Hunt.
  8. She's a hard one to judge. I definitely agree the experience will help her as I think it helps anyone. But I know she's been doing a lot of training, so I would hope she's more capable than we've seen so far and it's just the way she's been booked that means we haven't seen much. I can see why some people think perhaps she hasn't improved but we just don't know at the moment.
  9. I don't find it quite so bad now, but back when I was having to torrent a ton of US dramas that never seemed to make it over here - probably 2004 onwards - you often ended up with stuff that was cancelled after like 6 episodes with no resolution whatsoever. For a few years there it was really frustrating because you didn't know if you'd even get a whole season, let alone a whole story. Some of them made full seasons but got pulled off the air. Not to say that networks/streamers aren't bad now but they were pretty damn ruthless back then. I guess at least it's one benefit of streamers dumping full seasons onto their platforms at one time. At least you get to see what they've made.
  10. I watch a lot of TV and my wife gets so annoyed if we watch something that doesn't have a proper ending. It's almost as if I have to watch it first to veto the bloody thing or not.
  11. I remember being so indifferent to Sheamus when he first turned up and for quite a while really. I can't quite remember when he started being someone I enjoyed watching - maybe the Cesaro stuff? That was quite a few years into his WWE career but something just clicked for me.
  12. Ha. Nah, I never gave that one a go. This one is the Rick/Michonne one - The Ones Who Live. I think it was originally going to be movies but they made a show instead. It's them running around killing zombies and then being all over each other in between. It's like death is their aphrodisiac. So odd.
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