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OK, I've exhausted all outlets, and I find myself here...How do you uninstall IE8 on Vista? Tried all the usual channels, but can't for the life of me find an uninstall exe, or repair function. I wouldn't ask, but my mum insists on using IE, despite my attempts to persuade her towards Firefox, or even Chrome.

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Tech question here guys. Basically my internet set up at home is all through a net gear router, so i can play xbox and ps3 online aswell as moving the laptop around as i wish, been like this for 18 months with no problems, but now the tinternet keeps disconnected itself for a min or so a time and then reconnecting. Is this my isp or is it more likely to be the router is on its way out?

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Somebodies spraypainted around here that "##### is a grass" in various places. I'd hate to be that guy.


Would you grass somebody up? I know I wouldn't.


Not even a drug dealer or a rapist or a nonce brah???

Nonce, and a rapist, maybe.


But there is a million drug dealers around here, and I don't want cut.

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Somebodies spraypainted around here that "##### is a grass" in various places. I'd hate to be that guy.


Would you grass somebody up? I know I wouldn't.


Not even a drug dealer or a rapist or a nonce brah???

Nonce, and a rapist, maybe.


But there is a million drug dealers around here, and I don't want cut.


Too right. Drugs are best at full strength.

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Meeting a new dealer is like starting a new relationship with a girl. At first everything is new and wonderful, their goods are the best but after a while you start to tire of the conversations you have every time you meet, when really you just want to get down to the good stuff and then get out of there as fast as possible. Eventually you start phoning them and making excuses on the phone as to why you can only pop round for 5 minutes, until eventually you just stop phoning them altogether.

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Right, i'm off to New York next week, and was thinking of picking up an iPod over there as i assume it would be cheaper (are they? There's your first question)

What i'm wanting to know is, would it all work over here? As in the stuff to install it and such, and all the updates and whutnot.


Would it be easier for me to just buy one over here?


Cheers chaps

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