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When i was about 14 or 15 i watched a movie we rented from the video shop where some kids broke into a shopping mall. There was a cop who went to far alot and he followed them inside and decieded to shit them up. I remember him firing a crossbow to scare them and and as he did one of them stood up and was accidentally killed, i think he then decided he had to kill the rest to keep it hush hush, i missed the end.


I was 15 in 1992 so it must be around that time period. Anyone know what the film was called?

I've tracked down so many films from my youth and rewatched them lately i wanted to add this to the pile next to Nightmare Vacation lol


Was it The Initiation?


No its not that but good thinking.


I remember it starting where the copper villain is chasing bad guys and causes them to die, just to establish he takes the law a step to far.


Just to say its its not the Maniac Cop series which i have owned for years or the 2 Psycho Cop films (Go look up trailers for those two so bad they are hilarious films)

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I just got a new laptop today and when I was setting it up it reccommended USA keyboard settings. This was false information and now my second functions are all fucked. How do I fix this? I'm really not good with computers.

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I just got a new laptop today and when I was setting it up it reccommended USA keyboard settings. This was false information and now my second functions are all fucked. How do I fix this? I'm really not good with computers.


Assuming Vista....Control Panel (Classic View) > Regional and Language Options > Keyboard and Languages tab > Change Keyboards > Choose english (United Kingdom) > Apply

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:yinyang: Does anyone happen to know the name of the song that was used by Five USA in the adverts for The Beast? I meant to ask this ages ago when they were still showing and advertising it but I've only just remembered now.


One more question how do i go about getting my PS3 hooked up to the Playstation Network? I realise this sounds like a retarded question but my knowledge of almost anything technology or computer related is very basic and i know next to nothing about this sort of thing so if anyone can help me out it's greatly appreciated.

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I've just got a new Creative slim line video camera but can't turn the thing on! I threw my instruction manual out (thinking I knew best). Tried charging obv... does anybody know how I can get it on? Cheers


Edit: Battery was wrong way around lmao

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Google's stumped on my following problem, so I'm going with "if in doubt, someone on the UKFF will have an answer":


I'm attempting to update an existing pivot table in Excel (2003), which lists staffing information.


The 'Page' section shows the Contract type, filtered to just show Agency staff. The 'Data' section shows the weekly hours each member of staff works. The 'Column' section shows the grade of each member of staff. The 'Row' section currently only shows last name and first name.


I'm wanting to add another field to the Row to show a cost code associated with each person. However, when I try to add this extra criteria in, it comes up with an error message which says "There are too many records to complete this operation".


Now I know this is a filthy lie, because I've created plenty of Pivot table using the data in the past. It's Monday morning and I don't wanna have to create a new Pivot from scratch, so is there any other way around this problem? Thanks.

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Google's stumped on my following problem, so I'm going with "if in doubt, someone on the UKFF will have an answer":


I'm attempting to update an existing pivot table in Excel (2003), which lists staffing information.


The 'Page' section shows the Contract type, filtered to just show Agency staff. The 'Data' section shows the weekly hours each member of staff works. The 'Column' section shows the grade of each member of staff. The 'Row' section currently only shows last name and first name.


I'm wanting to add another field to the Row to show a cost code associated with each person. However, when I try to add this extra criteria in, it comes up with an error message which says "There are too many records to complete this operation".


Now I know this is a filthy lie, because I've created plenty of Pivot table using the data in the past. It's Monday morning and I don't wanna have to create a new Pivot from scratch, so is there any other way around this problem? Thanks.


The combinations will probably be too vast for Excel to show all the options. (It will list them in groups and duplicate the ROW entries).


Try changing the order: Cost Code | Last Name | First Name. Each field can be dragged within it's group to show it's hierarchy.

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Google's stumped on my following problem, so I'm going with "if in doubt, someone on the UKFF will have an answer":


I'm attempting to update an existing pivot table in Excel (2003), which lists staffing information.


The 'Page' section shows the Contract type, filtered to just show Agency staff. The 'Data' section shows the weekly hours each member of staff works. The 'Column' section shows the grade of each member of staff. The 'Row' section currently only shows last name and first name.


I'm wanting to add another field to the Row to show a cost code associated with each person. However, when I try to add this extra criteria in, it comes up with an error message which says "There are too many records to complete this operation".


Now I know this is a filthy lie, because I've created plenty of Pivot table using the data in the past. It's Monday morning and I don't wanna have to create a new Pivot from scratch, so is there any other way around this problem? Thanks.


The combinations will probably be too vast for Excel to show all the options. (It will list them in groups and duplicate the ROW entries).


Try changing the order: Cost Code | Last Name | First Name. Each field can be dragged within it's group to show it's hierarchy.


I probably should have mentioned this before to clarify- the first row is cost code, with a total for each code, and then the plan is to have last name and first name then group by cost code.


But when I try to add in first name, it has a problem. I can see why the combinations might be too much for Excel, but like I say I've had no trouble before.


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Tried going to the makers website to see if they have an online manual?


Edit: Need to reply a lot faster to make it worth replying.


Yeah I went through all of that, mate. Couldn't find anything though. Switched the battery over so many times. Just so happened that it worked this time :thumbsup:

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My Xbox red ringed a little while back.


I haven't been able to get the support website to work, so I need to give them a ring... I can't access their website at work, and I imagine the support line will be closed by the time I get home.


Could someone please check the website and put the phone number here please?



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