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Does anybody know where i might find picture frames that would be suitable to put film cells in? I've had a look round the internet and can't really find what i'm thinking of. Obviously normal frames are no good because it needs a clear back and space to fit the film cell in.


It's just i've seen a few unframed mounts that i'd like. I guess the sort of thing i'm looking for are them frames which have the little clips on the back to hold things in place. A poor description i know. Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know which song Alan Partridge is listening to in the car when he is sat waiting for Lynne who is at her mother's grave? I think it's the Bank Holiday Bond-athon episode.

The theme from Return of the Saint i think.
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Any one know where i could get some pint mugs, the glass ones with a dimple effect.


I had an Ansells and Bass one but don't know where they have got too.

I had a gander on ebay but there was only a hand full and i though it might be good to try and price them

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It's just i've seen a few unframed mounts that i'd like. I guess the sort of thing i'm looking for are them frames which have the little clips on the back to hold things in place. A poor description i know. Thanks in advance.


Wilkos.. last time i checked had loads of these

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Does anyone know where i can download the Charlie The Unicorn videos?
Download 'Youtube downloader' then rip the vids straight of Youtube. Make sure they are the proper versions uploaded by 'Secretagentbob'




I've been looking for a song for ages, tried Youtube, google, yahoo, all sorts. It was a old pop, song from the 90's i think. Bit dancey & hip hoppy. I cannot recall who did it. I think the lyrics were something like "the dj spins the record and he's wrecking my style" (sounds more like 'retcha ma sar' though.)

Its been in the back of my head for a long time, not knowing what it is, is irritating. :angry:

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I've been looking for a song for ages, tried Youtube, google, yahoo, all sorts. It was a old pop, song from the 90's i think. Bit dancey & hip hoppy. I cannot recall who did it. I think the lyrics were something like "the dj spins the record and he's wrecking my style" (sounds more like 'retcha ma sar' though.)

Its been in the back of my head for a long time, not knowing what it is, is irritating. :angry:


Could be this...


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I've been looking for a song for ages, tried Youtube, google, yahoo, all sorts. It was a old pop, song from the 90's i think. Bit dancey & hip hoppy. I cannot recall who did it. I think the lyrics were something like "the dj spins the record and he's wrecking my style" (sounds more like 'retcha ma sar' though.)

Its been in the back of my head for a long time, not knowing what it is, is irritating. :angry:


Could be this...


I can see it is similar to the description but it's not that, one i mean will be a decade or so older. Still been searching to no avail. Cheers though. :thumbsup:

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When i was about 14 or 15 i watched a movie we rented from the video shop where some kids broke into a shopping mall. There was a cop who went to far alot and he followed them inside and decieded to shit them up. I remember him firing a crossbow to scare them and and as he did one of them stood up and was accidentally killed, i think he then decided he had to kill the rest to keep it hush hush, i missed the end.


I was 15 in 1992 so it must be around that time period. Anyone know what the film was called?

I've tracked down so many films from my youth and rewatched them lately i wanted to add this to the pile next to Nightmare Vacation lol

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When i was about 14 or 15 i watched a movie we rented from the video shop where some kids broke into a shopping mall. There was a cop who went to far alot and he followed them inside and decieded to shit them up. I remember him firing a crossbow to scare them and and as he did one of them stood up and was accidentally killed, i think he then decided he had to kill the rest to keep it hush hush, i missed the end.


I was 15 in 1992 so it must be around that time period. Anyone know what the film was called?

I've tracked down so many films from my youth and rewatched them lately i wanted to add this to the pile next to Nightmare Vacation lol


Was it The Initiation?

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