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I personally think it's quite mental how extreme the conditions have to be for a football match to be cancelled as well. Torrential rain can have a massive impact on the game and it can arguably become as farcical as a tennis match would be, with touches going all over the place, the run of the ball becoming totally random, 'keepers not being able to hold onto it, visibility dropping etc.


Presumably with football, the fact that it's just about still playable when it's pissing down, combined with the ludicrous amounts of money involved, means that it takes a lot more for it to be cancelled. Plus the ball is designed for all weather, which helps.


I love the idea of a sodden tennis match now. A 120mph serve hitting a soggy ball into mud. SPLAT. Return THAT ya bastard. Heh.

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I personally think it's quite mental how extreme the conditions have to be for a football match to be cancelled as well. Torrential rain can have a massive impact on the game and it can arguably become as farcical as a tennis match would be, with touches going all over the place, the run of the ball becoming totally random, 'keepers not being able to hold onto it, visibility dropping etc.


Presumably with football, the fact that it's just about still playable when it's pissing down, combined with the ludicrous amounts of money involved, means that it takes a lot more for it to be cancelled. Plus the ball is designed for all weather, which helps.


I love the idea of a sodden tennis match now. A 120mph serve hitting a soggy ball into mud. SPLAT. Return THAT ya bastard. Heh.


Also with the amount of fixtures a team has to play in the space of 9 months, it's just not feasible to abandon games because of the weather being a bit shit.

People should remember the outrage caused back in January when there was a load of games cancelled cause of the snow.

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When i was younger i played in a cricket tournament when it started raining quite heavily. But for whatever reason the match wasn't stopped.....until the fourth time me and the other batsman had the bats slip out of our hands and going flying towards a fielder. So that could be another reason!



Thanks for the answers.... The flying cricket bat would add a new aspect to the game... now to put some explosives ala wrestling on the field, could make things interesting :thumbsup:


Reminds me of Brian Lara Cricket on the Megadrive, a cracking glitch where if the wicket was wet you could bowl really short but with no pace whatsoever, the ball wouldnt bounce and instead roll slowly along the ground and more often than not bowl out the batsman.

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Reminds me of Brian Lara Cricket on the Megadrive, a cracking glitch where if the wicket was wet you could bowl really short but with no pace whatsoever, the ball wouldnt bounce and instead roll slowly along the ground and more often than not bowl out the batsman.



Roll Bowl

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Stupid question, is there a forum where there is discussions that are quite intellectual, but not stuffed in academia so they are impenatrable and not related to one particular subject?


for example.. if i wanted to go to have a discussion about Kursk, but wanted a discussion with people who whilst knowledgeable arent going to belittle and go in to the minuate of specific tanks and what they did. where would i go WITHOUT going to a specific WW2 forum.


Ditto for some Laura Mulvey Critcisms?


Like Johnny 5 I need input/ discussion but dont want it sooo deep that my head melts

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I think I asked this a while back but I forget: there's a tune used quite often in Deadwood, it was also used in the first episode of 24 Season 1, when Jack is about to go taser his boss. Anybody know what it is?

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