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This is a very stupid question but I am going to ask it anyway. I am thinking of hiring a car when I am in spain later in the year, but on left hand drive cars is the clutch brake and accelerator in the same order as right hand drive cars?


The pedals are the same, however the gears will feel different. For example for 1st gear you will need to pull the stick towards you and up, rather than push away and up.


Thanks bud, does it take a while to adjust? Just wondering should I take 5 minutes in the car park to get use to it.

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Get an automatic.


I did that when I went to America, and it makes life a lot easier - you'll be spending long enough getting you head around driving on the other side of the road, flipping everything around in your head and all the other malarky.

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Good luck even trying to rent a car in America that isn't an automatic.


It will be an automatic by default.

Very true, but in Spain I assume you get a manual by default, so you probably have to specify that you want an automatic.

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Was there any need for your first question? It's something you could have found out much quicker by typing the same question into a search engine.


Of course a smartass answer isn't required, but at least I didn't just go to the lazy "let me google that for you" riposte. I get marks for effort.

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Where has my avatar gone from my 360 tag in my sig below? I thought he'd gone to the toilet or something but he's been gone for a couple of days now. I'm worried.


changed your xbox recently? deleted anything?


try signing in, and leaving it for 10 minutes, should fix it.

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It's my mates birthday today and I've left it til the last minute to buy her a present. She wants some ER DVD's and they're currently a tenner on Play but

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You should be able to pass of the Play ones, because you'll have the HMV receipt from the ones you give her, right?


If it works like that, then it's all good.. if they're somehow tagged with the store then obviously you're a bit stuffed. How much would they go for 2nd hand but unopened? If you'll end up taking a big hit on them then you gotta ask if it's worth the

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Well, I'm probably going to buy 2 so I'd be saving about a tenner. Worth it, I reckon and I can always sell them through Play trade or Amazon marketplace if it doesn't work.


I'm working on the basis that the ones from Play arrive shrink wrapped and I can just say I removed all the HMV related labels.


I was mainly intrigued as to whether it would work, on top of my general scrooge-like money ethics so you've given me the incentive to give it a try!

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Go for it!


Check how they're packaged in HMV though.. is there an outer plastic, or are the HMV stickers directly on the shrink wrap? If the latter, it'd probably be best to remove the wrap entirely and make up an excuse as to why (eg bought it as a gift de-plasticked it to wrap it in paper and then found out that the person already had those DVDs)

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