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Thank fuck. I used to have the album on my iPod last year, but couldn't for the life of me remember the name of the artist or anything! I had a feeling you'd answer elegia, cheers.

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Most of them can be found by typing 'x-men part' into youtube, although if you want the dvds I did manage to get an 'unofficial' box set of the Spider-Man cartoon off ebay, so I'd imagine there are X-Men ones on there.


i remeber watching something when i was younger where spiderman went into some other dimension or something, sent by this spider woman, and had to pick a team of marvel names to help beat the evil team this woman had picked. i can't recall much about it, but i remember Dr Death creating a utopia city or something along those lines.


you talk of spiderman has reminded me of it, and i quite like to recall some of the plot or name of the series, it went over a handful of episodes i believe



Its the Spider-man's version of the secret wars. It was to test he was a leader as he had to fight Spider-Carnage in the next big story line,


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rypAOLCBEbg There you go the rest are there also.

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I want to leave my IT job, and the profession, and think the best way to do this is to take a below-average pay admin job at a company with a lot going on, so I can eventually move into something I like. Uni's, councils etc.


However, what keywords/phrases will be good to show admin experience when I've never had an actual admin job? I am confident I could do most tasks with my eyes shut, but need to mess with my CV in order to fool employers just to get interviews.


Anybody got any tips?

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The ideal candidate must have excellent computer skills, especially in working with Excel; good written skills and a professional yet friendly telephone manner; a very high level of accuracy with a keen eye for detail; and the ability to use their own initiative to prioritise their workload in a demanding environment.


Is from an advert for a Admin role I saw. Things like that. Plus I'd imagine you already have good data entry skills which is the kinda thing they like.


I have a bar job interview later today, but I have no experience in bar work, what should I say to get the job?

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Say that you have experience of bar work, and then just wing it. Seriously... And then you can make bullshit excuses if it looks like they're catching you out like "uhh, the tills were different where I worked before" and shit like that.


Just be personable and get on with the person interviewing you and you'll be fine. Any monkey can pull a pint, just don't be a fuckup and make sure you demonstrate some social skills.

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I have a bar job interview later today, but I have no experience in bar work, what should I say to get the job?

The thing you miss most about your last post was dealing with people, you feel that your personable skills, coupled with your attention to detail will make the hospitality industry the career path you wish to choose. Mind you, that sounds like bar manager interview talk! As long as you come across as likeable and efficient, you should be alright. Just try and transfer your skills from your last job into this one, just don't say it's a short term solution.

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Most of them can be found by typing 'x-men part' into youtube, although if you want the dvds I did manage to get an 'unofficial' box set of the Spider-Man cartoon off ebay, so I'd imagine there are X-Men ones on there.


i remeber watching something when i was younger where spiderman went into some other dimension or something, sent by this spider woman, and had to pick a team of marvel names to help beat the evil team this woman had picked. i can't recall much about it, but i remember Dr Death creating a utopia city or something along those lines.


you talk of spiderman has reminded me of it, and i quite like to recall some of the plot or name of the series, it went over a handful of episodes i believe




Its the Spider-man's version of the secret wars. It was to test he was a leader as he had to fight Spider-Carnage in the next big story line,


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rypAOLCBEbg There you go the rest are there also.


excellent. thanks for that. I loved that, i really did. i'll be re watching those ASAP.


while im here i have another question, i went to update my avatar and the adress was too long it seemed. any simple solution.


sorry for being all questions and no answers, im rubbish.

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while im here i have another question, i went to update my avatar and the adress was too long it seemed. any simple solution.


sorry for being all questions and no answers, im rubbish.


Whack it into tinyurl.com first?

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it needs to end in JPEG or whatever it is.


i tryed putting it on a different host to by normal pick of facebook and it worked fine, thanks for the help though. never knew of tinyurl befor but its one of those useful sites to know

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:yinyang: Does anyone know the offical release date for Terminator: Salvation in the UK? I ask because i heard the other day it's been put back by a month, then i heard it got moved foward and Wikipedia is being no help so does anyone know?


Dunno if that's any help.

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:yinyang: Does anyone know the offical release date for Terminator: Salvation in the UK? I ask because i heard the other day it's been put back by a month, then i heard it got moved foward and Wikipedia is being no help so does anyone know?


Dunno if that's any help.

:yinyang: That works for me, cheers

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:yinyang: Does anyone know the offical release date for Terminator: Salvation in the UK? I ask because i heard the other day it's been put back by a month, then i heard it got moved foward and Wikipedia is being no help so does anyone know?


Dunno if that's any help.

:yinyang: That works for me, cheers

Didn't know that there were Odeon's still about. :confused:


It says there 3rd June.

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