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While i have seen such stupidity (the hatebreed thing being one of them..) there is also a need for having so many subgenre titles even if a lot of them sound silly, metal is a pretty fucking diverse genre and the difference between bands can be as big as ANY genre gap. A band like Nadja are as different from Iron Maiden as Taylor Swift is so you can't exactly lump them into the same genre.



That's just simply not true though.


Sure, if you are a connoisseur the subgenres are useful in discussion but people aren't just being dismissive when they say "it all sounds the same to them"; it literally does if it's not something they've heard much of.


At a broad level there's only between 5 and 10 music genres full stop. If someone has no exposure to any of the content of one of them they're not going to mistake it for one of the others, but will easily be unable to distinguish any of the subgenres.


Spirit - you are a self-described "diehard metal fan". Your viewpoint is obivously blinkered when it comes to this and you can't possibly have the perspective to make an assessment like that.

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On the whole it isn't true but that's why i said it can be because metal seriously has gotten that diverse since the 2000's and i can see it getting more so every day with new bands who are technically still under the metal banner moving in new unchartered directions. Even now i'm listening to Jesu who i'd mark as one of the biggest players to help start this movement, although, i can see this all being a very subjective argument depending on peoples tastes and knowledge of certain musical types like you said.


I think we can easily agree to disagree on this one, i personally couldn't give a shit what things are labled as by other people aslong as i can enjoy my music in my own little world.

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I agree with Merzbow that the large number of sub-genres are necessitated simply because there are so much differences in sound between different metal styles.

And I agree with this, but it doesn't stop any of the subgenres from also being Metal, which was your original argument.

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Is there any type of music more elitist than metal, thinking about it? With all the millions of sub genres, some hardly different from the last, scoffing if you don't know the difference between gay metal and camp metal, and a sneering "that isn't metal" attitude. I think that adds to the cringe factor, to be honest.

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Is there any type of music more elitist than metal, thinking about it? With all the millions of sub genres, some hardly different from the last, scoffing if you don't know the difference between gay metal and camp metal, and a sneering "that isn't metal" attitude. I think that adds to the cringe factor, to be honest.




Not by much but i'd say so, mainly when it come to what's "real" Industrial. You're spot on about the cringe factor, the amount of times i've had to distance myself from metallers because of that elitest bullshit is insurmountable.

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Industrial is just another subgenre of metal.


Industrial had nothing to do with metal in the slightest when it was started by Throbbing Gristle, which is probably what you wanted me to say ;)


In my experience, most of the people who go on about the diversity in metal are usually the ones who dismiss dance and hip hop as all sounding the same.


For sure, luckily i'm just as much of a fan of forms of hip-hop and dance as well as metal. It's sad to say that i'm one of a few of my metal loving peers that looks outside that one box, i get on much better with non metallers by a long distance.

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You should be in the best position to answer Butch's question about elistist music fans actually....


Do you reckon metal fans are more elitist, or the electronic/noise/ambient/anything without a beat or melody lot?


It's a damn tough call, although i'd say metal mainly due to Black Metal fans who go overboard. Most younger noise fans i meet these days are awesome and have a love for music in general.


Hip-Hop has its fair share of cunts too.

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Don't know about the hardcore metal fans (I've never been to Bloodstock) but the rock/metal fans at Download seem pretty accepting. Chase & Status & Pendulum got a great reception at Donington. Not sure if Slayer would get a similar reaction at Creamfields?

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