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The use of the word "ambient" when discussing music usually puts me off straight away; I have no interest in anything that someone would describe as "background music".. the most ambient I'm ever likely to go is some of the moodier sparse tracks on a film score.


But you have piqued my interest a bit. Could you give me some track names to check out? I will have a blast at some Mortiis on youtube in the evening when I'm home.

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The use of the word "ambient" when discussing music usually puts me off straight away; I have no interest in anything that someone would describe as "background music".. the most ambient I'm ever likely to go is some of the moodier sparse tracks on a film score.


Yep, fully understood. Dark ambient style certainly isn

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So I ask you. Anyone dealt with anything similar in the past, and if so how so?


I used to run and now sparingly play for a 5-a-side team and I was useless out of nets, I knew that already but I've seen it a lot over the last few years.


What I did with the lesser abled players was give them encouragement because most of them just ran around like headless chickens and tried too hard to show their worth instead or realising that it is a team game and everyone has to work to their strengths. I spoke to them after/before games and just relayed on where the rest of the team thought they could improve or could work on.


I would suggest trying to get the team together at a weekend or down the pub and put the issues out on the table, everyone can either group together and you'll be able to work things out or it will end a mess but someone has to step up and make the issue/s known otherwise you'll end up with the 'fuck off' moment and things will be just made worse.

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(Passing by) an Old and Raped Village,Marshland, Parasite God and Smell the Witch


So, so so so so so so so cringeworthy. How can people listen to stuff with names like that without pissing themselves laughing? At Hammerfest last weekend I set people a challenge. Come up with a metal band who's name isn't cringeworthy. Couldn't be done.

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Who said anything about mental barriers? The names are just cringeworthy. Really, they are. I enjoy heavy metal (but not in wrestling), but I still find a shitload of the subject matter, lyrics and band names cringeworthy.

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I think there's a couple of different things being conflated here.


On the one hand you've got the really cheesy fantasy stuff... To me the whole asethetic is a bit Dungeons and Dragons and I'm not really into it. But if you like it that's cool.


The stuff that's laughable is when some band is presenting like they're on some hardcore badass death shit and take themselves super serious and make albums with titles like "A Crown of Crushed Foetuses" and don't realise how stupid that sounds. Those guys totally deserve to be ridiculed.



Edit - In response to Richie.

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Bowie was (in part) embracing his campness with Ziggy Stardust. There doesn't seem to be any hint of irony with these po-faced death metal bands and their mad names. Most of them, at least.


So I aks you. Anyone dealt with anything similar in the past, and if so how so?

I've been in that situation. We had some awful players on a work footy team, whereas a few of us were pretty good and had played in the same uni first/second XIs. No offence, but the rest of you are being bells. If you're so competitive, go and do some real sport. An afterwork kickabout is not the place to channel it. Otherwise it just seems like some macho bullshit.

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