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Does anybody know where I might find a War is Over (If You Want It) Raglan t-shirt similar to that worn here by Dave Chappelle:




I'm sure I could get Zazzle or someone to print the design but I've had bad experiences with the quality of material from websites like that. From googling around there's a design which has the text on different lines, like this:




But I'd prefer the Chappelle version, which is a better match to the original John and Yoko billboards.

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That was my favourite book ever as a kid. I got it out of the school library and kept it checked out for like a year.


edit - in response to your question I'd just say lots of practice. And copying drawings you like from comic books.


Now you mention it, it was first published in 1986 so i'm almost convinced i'll have had a look at it during my youth. That and some football book on Quarterback techniques endorsed by Joe Namath which had the most beautiful pencil sketches included.


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I've never really struggled with drawing figures, but heads and particularly faces and the relationship between nose mouth and chin are where i've always had problems.

Yeah, me too actually. A lot of my style has always been focused more towards wild and distorted imagery, rather than the elegant take on the human form exhibited in the likes of the Marvel stories. I

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Made a commitment this weekend to try and get back into drawing on a regular basis. Would never have professed to be any good, but I used to be happy with what I produced which is far from the case these days.


I bought a book on how to draw in the style of Marvel, and spent most of yesterday struggling to get to grips with drawing heads. They have a fixation on head measurements which I

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Nice one Richie that site does look alright but (maddeningly) it doesn't do any sizes below a medium and I am a tiny, tiny man.

That's a shame, there does only seem to be medium in the style you were looking for. I've just chucked this together to satisfy my own curiosity as to how accurate I could get it. Apologies if this is

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Is it easy to transfer a normal image file into an icon file? I want to use this image as an icon for a folder of old Atari ROMs that I have saved, but when I try to customise the folder using this image as it's icon it just says "no icon selected".




I've tried saving it as a .ico file, but that just fucks the whole thing up.


Would anybody be so kind as to transfer this into an icon file and then maybe e-mail it to me? I know this is a bit of a nuisance request, but there must be someone amongst us who'd enjoy undertaking a minor project like this to help a brethren out? I'd like it with a transparent or "soft" background surrounding the symbol if this is at all possible.

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