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I can understand if the car had been sold the day you're making the inquiry but when they say "That was sold last week Sir" it takes the piss abit. It's bloody ridiculous and no wonder the market for buying cars is deteriorating so rapidly. Another one I've had is a website listing a car, I phone up and the bloke goes "Sorry mate, that one wont be in till Friday". The condition of the cars I've been looking at have been terrible, went to Lookers in Speke yesterday to see a Corsa SXI 08 which on the website looked great, when visiting it I found the entire left side caved in. I asked the salesman about it "Ahhh, I don't know how that got there, that must be new". Then about 2 minutes later he goes "Ahh well one of colleges was reversing that and hit the lamppost, give is a few days in the workshop and that'll be fine". You don't want that, buying a car for 6K and before you get it needs major repair. I just don't understand why the garages put the cars out in such bad condition to the buyers.


Could anyone suggest any decent cars to look into? I've been tempted for the Corsa 06-present preferably an SXI, Peugeot 207, and a Volkswaggen Polo.

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Ive got a few of those 240 Disc DVD cases laying about. Problem is when I sit them in a bookcase when I try to put either a label or cut a small piece of paper out and sellotape it on the spine it just doesnt stick properly and the end bit are just auto peeling off.


Ive tried brown parcel tape but problem is then I cant read it as its too dark and wondered if there is anything I could use. As the colour of the case is black I cant think of what to do.

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Could anyone suggest any decent cars to look into? I've been tempted for the Corsa 06-present preferably an SXI, Peugeot 207, and a Volkswaggen Polo.



I don't know an awful lot about cars, other than having owned and driven a few, I've had a Polo since 2007 ad it's a great car. Nothing major has ever been wrong with it, insurance is affordable and it's wonderful to drive, even picks up some pretty decent speed and mines only a petrol 1.4. I love it though, and my next car will also be a VW simply because this one has been so good.

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Is there much modern music recorded in mono? This came into my mind recently when my workmates (who are mostly mongs) creaming themselves over a little speaker driver that you put on a table and it amplifies by transferring the vibrations into the table surface. I got a bit angry as they were claiming it was somehow surround sound, when it only had one output.

It's basically a revamp of those clips you fitted to picture frames to turn them into speakers from the early 90s (if not before). Except those were sold in pairs.


Since then I've thought about how often I see teenagers sharing a single pair of earphones from an mp3 player. Most of my music sounds odd if you only listen to one channel, which is why we had headphone splitters for our Walkmans if we wanted to share (except me, because I was super cool and had a walkman with two headphone sockets).


Also, there's a lot of speaker docks with the speakers so close together, that any stereo effect is lost

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A group of us are heading down to Doncaster/Leeds for the weekend on Friday - Doncaster because one of the lads we know lives there and Leeds because we're taking in the Leeds/Millwall game on Saturday. Basically, what's the nightlife in both places? I think we'll be out in Doncaster on Friday and Leeds on Saturday so any suggestions of decent pubs/clubs would be great, and any no go areas too!

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Is there much modern music recorded in mono? This came into my mind recently when my workmates (who are mostly mongs) creaming themselves over a little speaker driver that you put on a table and it amplifies by transferring the vibrations into the table surface. I got a bit angry as they were claiming it was somehow surround sound, when it only had one output.

It's basically a revamp of those clips you fitted to picture frames to turn them into speakers from the early 90s (if not before). Except those were sold in pairs.


Since then I've thought about how often I see teenagers sharing a single pair of earphones from an mp3 player. Most of my music sounds odd if you only listen to one channel, which is why we had headphone splitters for our Walkmans if we wanted to share (except me, because I was super cool and had a walkman with two headphone sockets).


Also, there's a lot of speaker docks with the speakers so close together, that any stereo effect is lost


While it's not mono, pop music in particular is generally mixed so that it sounds similar in mono. There's not as much of the severe panning as there used to be in the early days of stereo. It's more about perceived stereo separation than actual panning.


Any music device smaller than, say, a metre in width, and you might as well not have 2 speakers as you'd have to have your face right up to it to get any effect. My portable radio is a Roberts, which has one big speaker and a bass tube at the back, and it sounds grand.


I'm sure we've talked about this before, but the accumulated effect of about 10 years of shit mp3s, shit mp3 players, cheap headphones and latterly mobile phone speakers, means that there's a whole generation of kids whose perception of what music should sound like has changed. Their ears are used to really low quality.

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On a purely coincidental but similar note, due to wear and tear on the socket, I knocked the SCART a bit loose while watching Live After Death tonight, and Adrian Smith disappeared. Unlike the early records of bands like Judas Priest, I'd never realised it was mixed with the guitars hard left and hard right.

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Could anyone suggest any decent cars to look into? I've been tempted for the Corsa 06-present preferably an SXI, Peugeot 207, and a Volkswaggen Polo.



I don't know an awful lot about cars, other than having owned and driven a few, I've had a Polo since 2007 ad it's a great car. Nothing major has ever been wrong with it, insurance is affordable and it's wonderful to drive, even picks up some pretty decent speed and mines only a petrol 1.4. I love it though, and my next car will also be a VW simply because this one has been so good.


Thanks for that. I was looking at Polos but they were pretty pricey the ones I looked at. I did get tempted to buy one for

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Im after a little bit of advice here on Printers.


My first printer I got was a Epson R260 and a few years ago I had been using a Epson Stylus R300 and the inks on ebay were really cheap as well getting 12 inks for 7.99. One day it fell off the unit and now it makes a horrible worring noise so I need to get another printer.


Are there any decent ones around where I can get cheap inks off ebay? Ideally id prefer a Epson one unless someone can recommend a decent make that does the same. The R300's on ebay are going for insane amounts well over the 100 quid mark which for me is a little bit expensive for a really old printer.

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Any easy one for all you computer literate people. My free anti virus demo that came with my new computer has expired. I understand that there are really good free anti viruses that can be downloaded off the internet and work pretty well.


Please can someone link me up to one that a simpleton like me can download and set up?

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