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No matter which internet browser I use, they keep randomly crashing. No rhyme or reason to it, I could just be viewing a page, clicking on a link, watching a video etc but it just shuts down. It's happening with Chrome and Firefox (don't know about IE, don't like it, don't use it). How would I go about finding the cause and the solution? Starting to become irritating.

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Might be a straightforward question, but i'm a bit of a technophobe.


Is there any where which legitimately repairs RROD X-Box consoles? Had the offer of one from a friend, but no idea what it might involve/cost to get fixed, if it's even possible?


Apparently there's a Rambo game on the way, so you know...


Microsoft fix them. You just need to register it on their site, submit a repair request and send it away to them.


I'd say it's a bit of a gamble though. I bought one off my mate that he'd had fixed twice (though not by Microsoft) and it lasted me a week before packing in all together. It seems that once the damage is done, the console is fucked and any repair is only going to be a temporary fix. The Microsoft repair only comes with a ninety day warranty so it could get pretty costly if it keeps fucking up.

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Might be a straightforward question, but i'm a bit of a technophobe.


Is there any where which legitimately repairs RROD X-Box consoles? Had the offer of one from a friend, but no idea what it might involve/cost to get fixed, if it's even possible?


Apparently there's a Rambo game on the way, so you know...


Microsoft fix them. You just need to register it on their site, submit a repair request and send it away to them.


I'd say it's a bit of a gamble though. I bought one off my mate that he'd had fixed twice (though not by Microsoft) and it lasted me a week before packing in all together. It seems that once the damage is done, the console is fucked and any repair is only going to be a temporary fix. The Microsoft repair only comes with a ninety day warranty so it could get pretty costly if it keeps fucking up.


I sent my Xbox away to Microsoft and they didn't even bother to fix it, they just sent me a new one. I think RROD is exempt from the usual warranty though, because I had mine for a good 4/5 year (I bought it at time of release)s before it died and they said it wasn't a problem, the warranty still covered it.

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A long shot possibly but is anyone on here a member of ewbattleground? I can't access their forums, I can't tell whether they're having trouble or my account has been suspended. I don't know why it would have been since I'm not aware of having done anything wrong. I wanted to look at their lucha section.

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I've recently started brewing Red Wine at home with one of those kits from Wilkinson. The wine is alright and it's saving a fortune from the costs shops are charging for it these days. Anyway, I was wondering if anybody knew of any good websites reviewing, buying, help or guidelines to help brewing your own booze at home.


I tried a fair few but the premise of most things was so simple I stopped and just worked from an old book so I could browse and go for what ever took my fancy with stocks from Wilkos.

As long as you have a good hydrometer you can balance the sugar to end strength and after that its just adding yeast for most things, its just the process from fresh ingredients to keep pectins out which either had me fermenting on the fruit or the water the fruit has been boiled in.


It can be as simple or difficult as you like, I made some cider I just let settle and filtered into a new demijohn and drunk it from that, some things would be quite involved with mashing and fermenting on fruit and others I'd just leave them to boil for an hour and ferment the water and sugar.


I will say don't be put off by what it is either, I made a carrot wine which went down a storm.


I would advise just signing up to a couple from the first page of google, most common questions are there or can be asked and quickly answered.

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My mum used to make wine when I was a kid. Our garden used to have various fruit bushes and trees - pear, apple, plum, gooseberry, redcurrant, blackcurrant, elderberry, blackberry and cherry, and my mum would use all of them to make wine - obviously, being a kid I never got to taste them, and even if I had been old enough I probably wouldn't have got any: my uncle and my dad used to guzzle that stuff down the moment it was ready.


She also used to make beer in a massive plastic keg at Christmas. Was gone within a day of her telling them it was ready.

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Anyone on here a guru when it comes to CVs?


I've recently updated mine to make it specific to the area i'm looking to move into, but it dosent flow like i'd want it to. I still want to emphasis my working history, although largely that comes second to what i'm trying to promote which is my media experience which although voluntary and as part of a hobby, has still been done in conjunction with legitimate publications and companies such as Endemol, Johnston Press etc.


So i have the usual standard content, should my career history come first, followed by a summary of my media experience, or given that it wasnt paid work, can i place that at the top given that's what i really want to shout about? I know there are no hard and fast rules, but i dont want to come across as a bit of a chancer.


Any thoughts or suggestions?

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What do you think would stand out for the jobs you're applying for? If you think the employer would be more impressed with your career history then put that first. If you think it'd be better to put your work experience first then do that. You can always have two variations depending on the types of jobs you're going for. I usually put employment, education, skills, personal statement (in about 5 bullet points). Just put yourself in the shoes of the employer and think what you'd specifically be looking for.


Don't start with the personal bits - "I'm hard-working and enjoy reading" isn't a good opener. Stuff about your attributes (hard-working, good time management, etc.) should go in the cover letter. The personal bits should be relevant things like clean driving license or an interest that might enhance the CV (like saying you have a keen interest in a particular sport if the job you're applying for is in some way related).


Keep it to 2 pages maximum and to the point. Anything that needs expanding should go in the cover letter. I could send you a link to mine if you want an idea.

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