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I've gotten into noise and power electronics and have been mucking about and experimenting with a few different things recently, just trying to make something of my own. Someone had mentioned that you can use the above technique to create strange noisy sounds and thought I'd give it a whirl.

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Right you lot, bit of advice needed.


I've been signed off of work since the end of November and just recently (Monday) have been put on sick pay. Now that amount is less than half of my rent so I was gutted. I've done sone planning and rung Citizens Advice and I think I'm ok until the end of Febuary. I'm starting to think I should ignore the sick note and get to work. I think I can apply for Council Tax/Housing benefit but I'm not sure how much I get. Currently looking for my NI card so I can apply.


Anyone else been in a similar situation? Been going insane with not working.

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I fear this may be too specialist for even the UKFF hive-mind, but I'm hoping a binary geek may be present to answer it.


I'm looking to convert binary files to WAV format so I can put it through an audio editor. Seeing as I have no experience with binary outside of a long-forgotten 1-hour module in Standard Grade computing, I really have no idea how to implement this. Could someone with a knowledge of binary give me a run-through of the binary basics, how I would go about converting the files to WAV and what programs I would need?


Binary is a system of writing down a number. It is base 2 unlike decimal which is base 10, thus it only uses the 'number' 1 and 0


That's literally the definiton of binary. I'm guessing you're confusing "binary file" with something else

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I've gotten into noise and power electronics and have been mucking about and experimenting with a few different things recently, just trying to make something of my own. Someone had mentioned that you can use the above technique to create strange noisy sounds and thought I'd give it a whirl.


Right, well, theoretically you can turn any old lump of text into a wav file by gving it a valid bwf header and then changing the extension to .wav. Never tried it though.


I'd suggest taking a valid wav, opening it in a text editor, identifying the header info, copying that into a new text file, copying in your random data, then saving and renaming to .wav

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Can anyone recommend a decent but fairly cheap Freeview+ box/PVR, that will be compatible with a TopUp TV card?


We've got rid of our Sky package, but I want to be able to receive and record ESPN, for UFC events.



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Right you lot, bit of advice needed.


I've been signed off of work since the end of November and just recently (Monday) have been put on sick pay. Now that amount is less than half of my rent so I was gutted. I've done sone planning and rung Citizens Advice and I think I'm ok until the end of Febuary. I'm starting to think I should ignore the sick note and get to work. I think I can apply for Council Tax/Housing benefit but I'm not sure how much I get. Currently looking for my NI card so I can apply.


Anyone else been in a similar situation? Been going insane with not working.



Depends what you have been signed off for. Ignoring a sick note invalidates any insurance your work have, so if you have an accident or whatnot because of what is keeping you off, you are bollocksed. The more bang on workplaces will send you straight home if they have an inkling/know you have a note from the doctors saying you are unfit to work. . These days it is a fit to work note iirc. So perhaps seeing the quack/physio/psyche/ whoever to see if they feel that you are ready to go back to work.


If they are, see about a phased return to work; pretty much all companies worth their salt do this. In essence you will pick up part of your duties and part- time hours whilst easing back into things and then go back full time after a few weeks, if you are ready, or they prolong the phased return.


As for the cash thing, cut out everything you cant afford. If you are going to hit trouble, sell stuff you dont need, go to the rent people and explain the situation, and see if they will agree to part rent being paid ( as is better than no rent being paid) for a period of time, say 3-6 months and go from there. Ditto for any phone/sky contracts/credit card bills and so on. Check with your energy supplier to see if you can be put on a lower income tariff, and it may help ease some of the burden, and allow you to get better properly from whatever has caused you to be off in the first place.


Hope that helps a little

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I've been signed off due to drpression, saw the doctor on tuesday and I'm signed off another month.

I may ask for a second opinion and I was told I'd have to pass a "fit to work" and have a phased return. Sold a few games and cut down some bills. Will ring my landlord and see what I can do there.


Cheers patdfb.

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Might be a straightforward question, but i'm a bit of a technophobe.


Is there any where which legitimately repairs RROD X-Box consoles? Had the offer of one from a friend, but no idea what it might involve/cost to get fixed, if it's even possible?


Apparently there's a Rambo game on the way, so you know...

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I've not tested my theory, but it occurs to me you could plug the url into one of those websites like Keepvid that allows you to rip youtube videos on to your computer and then just watch the version you have downloaded..?


Nah, doesn't seem to work. Cheers though.

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Any idea how to get a new National Insurance card? Been using old payslips for the past 5 years to get my code. Didn't realize how important the card was when it came in the post when I was 15.

As long as you know your National Insurance number, you don't need to worry about getting a new one. I lost mine when my wallet was stolen 13 years ago, and never bothered to get it replaced.

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Hate thread rules Monkee:


1. Any talk that spreads outside of this thread would result in a lengthy suspension. That means any talk, any references, any subtle hints, any goading to enter the thread, any PM's about it, anything and everything must stay in the thread.

2. Read the above again. Any troll posts outside of this thread will be more harshly dealt with than usual.

3. Any shit talking of mods will result in a ban. This is because we're oversensitive and have small willies.

4. The only exception to the above is if a tiny willy mod comes in here and insults you.

5. Anyone who posts in this thread will automatically be entered in the monthly UKFF Rumble. At the end of the month those posters will be put in a poll to be voted on to get suspended for two weeks.

6. If you think you are in I, Robot and have found some logic flaw in these rules don't think that your brilliant mind will avoid punishment.

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