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Orient yourself using the tram lines. Most people try using the canals the first time but it doesn't take long to realise they're fucking everywhere and they all look the same.


Oh, and make sure you have a pint at the pub next to the Amstel brewery. Amstel normally tastes like some of your ma's lovejuice that's dribbled over her arse crack but in that pub it tastes fantastic.

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No Sky Sports, but that's exactly what I was about to add to my package until the letter came through today. I'll call in the morning and see what's what, already looking at other options as we don't actually use the TV much as it is, and Sky Sports and the usual terrestrial channels would've been all we'd really use


We might look to get the BT Broadband on it's own and just get a standard freeview box. Sky Sports down the pub it is!

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does anyone have there internet with plusnet ? if so are they any good ?



I've been using them for close to 3 years now, and had 2 problems the whole time with my internet dropping out both have been fixed within 48 hours. I get good constance download speeds and between 12am-8am i get free downloads.. Which is when i do most of my downloading. I would recommend them highly.


With line rental i pay just over

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Recently purchased a second hand laptop. Everything is cool with it except I have 2 pixels that show up when there is red on the screen. Am I right in thinking that if they were dead pixels they would show up regardless of what is on the screen? If so, does this mean that this is fixable? I've Googled it but all I'm getting are shit videos off youtube, and tutorials on rubbing them with a cloth whilst applying a bit of pressure. I've tried that but it didn't work (not surprisingly). Any help here appreciated. It's not a big issue but things like this bug me.

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does anyone have there internet with plusnet ? if so are they any good ?



I've been using them for close to 3 years now, and had 2 problems the whole time with my internet dropping out both have been fixed within 48 hours. I get good constance download speeds and between 12am-8am i get free downloads.. Which is when i do most of my downloading. I would recommend them highly.


With line rental i pay just over

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