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Tonight I have been very bothered by these random short pains in my left chest area. It feels like a weird electric shock feeling and it lasts about 3 or 4 seconds. Any idea what the hell is wrong with me. I'm having no other pains, in my head or anything else on my body. Any thoughts?

Time for a trip to the doctor, Chilli. I've had those chest pains in the past - there were four separate instances when I was driving once, maybe ten or fifteen minutes apart. The doctors will recognise them as "heart surges", so use that expression when describing your symptoms.


There's not necessarily anything to worry about - I was tested and was given a clean bill of health, which is ridiculous considering that being out of shape means that I'm sometimes aware of my heart begging to be exercised. Mine was triggered when I was running a makeshift bar on holiday and served people whilst standing on the bar itself, because it was bustling and that was the best way of getting the job done. Some nerd joined me on the bar to watch the karaoke and I explained loudly to him that I wanted him to get down, because if he (and then others) stood there I'd no longer be able to walk the length of it to serve. After the third attempt to explain he finally nodded, got down, walked to the other side of me and stood to my right side instead, whereupon I went mad and shouted loud enough that people picked up on it over the karaoke, calling him every name under the sun, including "cunt" in his native Czech! Cue hyperventilation and chest mummurings and, two days later, a series of heart surges.


Help Needed please!!

How does this grab you?


The Arabic isn't quite the same as in yours. I've checked how Google translates it into different languages and they're all giving "Please let me know/please alert me", so I would hope it's close enough.


If the design's alright, let me know and I'll make it into a printable quality. If you want any changes, drop me a line to tell me and we'll go from there.



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Taa for that Ronnie. Coincidentally I've just began back at work and now a night shift manager, and these chest shocks have come since I started the shifts. So maybe it's something to do with my body clock adjusting as well. No idea, going to give the doctor a call anyway.

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* I am 90% sure it was Qatar. It might be one of the other Arab ones like Emirates or Etihad.

I'm not as good as Ronnie but I did find out it was Egypt Air and found a decent quality copy here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6y-wxHzsmAI/UJ3h...00/IMG_4255.jpg


If I had time, I'd vectorise it and clean it up, redo the text but I'm on my way out now!




Hangover somewhat precluding getting out of bed so I did this instead:




The exact Arabic would seem to be وجبة الطعام الرجاء إيقاظى لتناول which translates to "Please wake me to eat the meal".

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