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Anyone good with names of not very well known contemporary UK based female artists? Sorry for how horrendously vague this question is but I'm a desperate man, I'm trying to find the name of an artist, she does pictures of black and white sort of 1920s looking women's faces with coloured birds and stuff coming out of them. My girlfriend likes her and I want to get a print for her but I can't for the life of me remember what she's called (and I've been trying for days). I realise it's unlikely anyone will know but if you do help a brother out. Cheers

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I ended up Googling it as well out of interest.


Unless I'm having a brain melt and somebody has done one, why hasn't anyone done a proper film about John and Yoko yet? I'm sure that plenty of people must have tried but maybe Yoko nipped any ideas in the bud for one reason or another?


Christ, you know it ain't easy. You know how hard it can be.

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One for you people that know stuff about TV and films.


When arranging the opening credits, you get your lead cast and whatever, and then at the very end there's often a "and John Smith as Sgt Phillips". What's the reasoning behind this, especially if Sgt Phillips appears in pretty much every episode over more than one season?

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One for you people that know stuff about TV and films.


When arranging the opening credits, you get your lead cast and whatever, and then at the very end there's often a "and John Smith as Sgt Phillips". What's the reasoning behind this, especially if Sgt Phillips appears in pretty much every episode over more than one season?


There's a lot of weird rules about billing and credits. The wiki article might make those clearer, or more confusing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billing_%28film%29

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I ended up Googling it as well out of interest.


Unless I'm having a brain melt and somebody has done one, why hasn't anyone done a proper film about John and Yoko yet? I'm sure that plenty of people must have tried but maybe Yoko nipped any ideas in the bud for one reason or another?


As mentioned its probably the Yoko factor. She's apparently very selective about what she lets get used. The only people that could really make anything without her interfering are The BBC with their blanket music rights ( because they wouldnt need permission touse the music) but shed probably not let them use any of her footage if it's going to portray Lennon or her in a negative light.


As for the BBC blanket licence American networks must be very jealous. I was off work the other week and Cash in The Attic had a better soundtrack than some Hollywood films.

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but she'd probably not let them use any of her footage if it's going to portray Lennon or her in a negative light.

And this would need some very creative skirting around, as John was still married to Cynthia when he started shagging Yoko and was, by all accounts, a bit of a dick over it. You'd struggle to get Julian to say anything nice about Yoko, and Yoko likely wouldn't want her previous marriages mentioning.


There's the chance of a biopic, but again there's a danger of Yoko having input, and you'd just end up with a black and white subtitled film that looked like the out-takes from 200 Motels.

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Has anyone ever been given, then appealed against, a penalty fine from TFL? If so, what happened?


I was issued one on a bus today because the travelcard I've used to get on about a dozen buses in the last week apparently isn't valid on them. I was of the understanding that it was valid on all London transport in Zones 1-5, excluding the use of the London Underground. I was of this belief as I had used the exact same type of travelcard a few years ago for six months. During this period, I had regularly used it on buses and had no reason to believe that I was committing an offence or that such a travelcard was invalid, since not one of the bus drivers had indicated otherwise.


While it would be far simpler to just pay the fine, I'd much rather fight it. They've been getting enough of my money over the past four years as it is, and I sure as hell see no reason why I should be punished as a result of countless bus drivers not paying attention.

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Has anyone ever been given, then appealed against, a penalty fine from TFL? If so, what happened?

Not totally for buses, but the guys on the Rail Forum might be able to help you..




Regarding John & Yoko films, there are some absolutely horrid ones kicking about. Not exactly about Lennon, more about Mark Chapman, but "The Killing of John Lennon" is an absolute stinker. Looks like about

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Just bought my nephew a Lego Star Wars game on the 3DS for Christmas from a second hand seller on Amazon. Before anyone calls me a cheapskate it was my sister’s suggestion as he “wouldn’t know the difference” – I was happy to buy it brand new. However the seller has just emailed me to point out it is cartridge only, something I missed in the product description.


So my question is does anyone know where I might find and purchase packaging for the aforementioned game?


A bin?



One for you people that know stuff about TV and films.


When arranging the opening credits, you get your lead cast and whatever, and then at the very end there's often a "and John Smith as Sgt Phillips". What's the reasoning behind this, especially if Sgt Phillips appears in pretty much every episode over more than one season?



I think it's usually because, although they aren't the star(s) per se, they bring a certain name value to the production that makes them more significant than other supporting actors, and so they get a separate billing at the end.

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