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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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Ringside was classic this week. A Sugar Ray Leonard special. Comes across as humble chap who respects everyone he fought. I wish in boxing terms i had been 10 years older to witness all the 4 kings fights as they happened. I only remember the Hagler Leonard one as it was actually broadcast. Sure it was on a delay at 8 o'clock on ITV on a monday night.

Also i just read that SKY have turned down Haye Vitali Klitchko as a ppv fight if the fight was to happen. Think thats a great decision after the last couple of Haye PPV fights, he doesnt deserve the payday.


Bert Sugar used to cover wrestling as well in his early days, i'm sure of it.

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Ringside was classic this week. A Sugar Ray Leonard special. Comes across as humble chap who respects everyone he fought. I wish in boxing terms i had been 10 years older to witness all the 4 kings fights as they happened. I only remember the Hagler Leonard one as it was actually broadcast. Sure it was on a delay at 8 o'clock on ITV on a monday night.

Also i just read that SKY have turned down Haye Vitali Klitchko as a ppv fight if the fight was to happen. Think thats a great decision after the last couple of Haye PPV fights, he doesnt deserve the payday.


Yeah Ringside was really good. I like Leonard, although of the 4 Kings he was always my least favourite. I liked Duran and Hagler most and I prefer Hearns slightly over Sugar Ray aswell. Leonard came across well on Jonathan Ross the other week aswell. Still looks in top nick for his age aswell.


I'm too young to have seen the 4 Kings stuff at the time aswell. The first memory I have of Boxing is probably the first Benn/Eubank fight in 1990, I was only 5 then. Although I do vaguely recall seeing Frank Bruno before that, possibly the first Tyson fight but it's hazy.


Nigel Benn's fights became a big deal in my house. My mom and dad knew Casualty and Catchphrase could fuck off when the Dark Destroyer was on on a Saturday night. The McClellan fight was the first time I really started to become seriously into boxing. I was hearing everyone say Benn was gonna get battered and I remember rowing on my dad and cousin over it. I was backing Nigel all the way. I had no idea how much of a killer McClellan was so my prediction wasn't out of knowledge just blind loyalty.


I didn't really understand the post fight stuff at 9 years old so that didn't really effect me. I guess being a big WWF fan at the time I kind of expected McClellan would be alright in a bit. Like Hogan after Earthquake sat on him, give him a week and he'll be fine. Little did I know, I didn't realize how bad he was until a while later.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Ringside was classic this week. A Sugar Ray Leonard special. Comes across as humble chap who respects everyone he fought. I wish in boxing terms i had been 10 years older to witness all the 4 kings fights as they happened. I only remember the Hagler Leonard one as it was actually broadcast. Sure it was on a delay at 8 o'clock on ITV on a monday night.

Also i just read that SKY have turned down Haye Vitali Klitchko as a ppv fight if the fight was to happen. Think thats a great decision after the last couple of Haye PPV fights, he doesnt deserve the payday.


Yeah Ringside was really good. I like Leonard, although of the 4 Kings he was always my least favourite. I liked Duran and Hagler most and I prefer Hearns slightly over Sugar Ray aswell. Leonard came across well on Jonathan Ross the other week aswell. Still looks in top nick for his age aswell.


I'm too young to have seen the 4 Kings stuff at the time aswell. The first memory I have of Boxing is probably the first Benn/Eubank fight in 1990, I was only 5 then. Although I do vaguely recall seeing Frank Bruno before that, possibly the first Tyson fight but it's hazy.


Nigel Benn's fights became a big deal in my house. My mom and dad knew Casualty and Catchphrase could fuck off when the Dark Destroyer was on on a Saturday night. The McClellan fight was the first time I really started to become seriously into boxing. I was hearing everyone say Benn was gonna get battered and I remember rowing on my dad and cousin over it. I was backing Nigel all the way. I had no idea how much of a killer McClellan was so my prediction wasn't out of knowledge just blind loyalty.


I didn't really understand the post fight stuff at 9 years old so that didn't really effect me. I guess being a big WWF fan at the time I kind of expected McClellan would be alright in a bit. Like Hogan after Earthquake sat on him, give him a week and he'll be fine. Little did I know, I didn't realize how bad he was until a while later.


Really enjoyed Ringside this week also.


You could be talking about me with the comments regarding Benn. I was backing him all the way too, everyone was talking McClellan up and I started to worry when I saw clips of some of his KO's before the bout but still thought Nigel would do it from the very first bell.


I remember watching it with my Dad and younger brother on ITV, good times. I just didn't know how bad things were for McClellan at the time either, felt really bad when more news broke over the next few days following the fight.


If I remember correctly Total Recall was showing on ITV after the fight and we stayed up to watch. Remember loving it because it featured Arnie and a woman with three tits. :thumbsup:



I was 9/10 years old at the time.

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it's kinda weird how everyone seems to remember the Benn/Mcllellan fight, it really is one of them 'where were you when...' moments. I watched quite a lot of the big time boxing when i was younger but there's only 3 fights i specifically remember, it was that one, Naz/Steve Robinson (big deal as i'm Welsh), and Lennox/Bruno.

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Boxnation just showed a ard from Russia, was bizzare, had dancers, Roy Jones rapping, a band playing entrance themes and between rounds (with classics like Ghostbusters and Kashmir by Led Zepp) and Derek Chisora pointlessly addressing the crowd (a possible clash there with Povetkin?). Ws an entertaining show, the first two fights were robberies though. Denis Lebedev headlined, defending his interim WBA belt against Shawn Cox of Barbados, a KO artist who was seemingly out of his depth. KOed in the second round, didnt look like he wanted to be there after a couple of minutes though.

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Shit forgot that was tonight. No doubt Box Nation will be repeating it non stop like usual so I'll catch it over the coming days.


Sounds like an entertaining show. Roy Jones rapping and the Ghost Busters theme have gotta be worth tuning in for at least.

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Yeah BoxNation's worth the coin. They've got some great stuff lined up. I saw a lot of complaints in Jan/Feb that it was all repeats which it was really but Boxing's usually pretty quiet that time of year anyway. I knew it would pick up coming up to spring time.


Mayweather vs Cotto would have been a

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