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Great looking card for World, especially matches 5 - 9. Can't wait for CIMA/Liger :thumbsup:

WrestleJAM 2nd Season Partial Lineups 7/15/2007 Fukuoka, Hakata Star Lanes-Gamma, Genki Horiguchi, Jimmy Rave vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Lupin Matsutani, Jorge Rivera-Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu Special Single Match: Taku Iwasa vs. Austin Aries -SHINGO, YAMATO, BxB Hulk, El Generico vs. CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka, Dragon Kid, PAC7/16/2007 Kagawa, Takamatsu Symbol Tower 1st Floor Hall-SHINGO, YAMATO, BxB Hulk vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Yasushi Kanda, Austin Aries-Open the Brave Gate & PWG Double Title Match: Genki Horiguchi vs. El Generico-Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Gamma, Muscle Gang vs. CIMA, Ryo Saito, Susumu Yokosuka, PAC7/18/2007 Kanagawa, Yokohama Red Brick-Genki Horiguchi, Gamma, Jimmy Rave vs. Susumu Yokosuka, Dragon Kid, PAC-Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: CIMA vs. El Generico-SHINGO, Cyber Kong, BxB Hulk, Jack Evans vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Muscle Gang, Dr. Muscle7/19/2007 Tokyo, Korakuen Hall-BxB Hulk, Delirous vs. Ryo Saito, PAC-Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: SHINGO vs. Austin Aries-JAM CUP 2007 Naniwa-shiki Elimination 3 Way 8 Man Tag Match:CIMA, Dragon Kid, Susumu Yokosuka, Matt Sydal vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Muscle Gang, Jimmy Rave vs. YAMATO, Cyber Kong, Jack Evans, El Generico7/21/2007 Gifu, Gifu Chamber of Commerce-Challenge Match: Akira Tozawa vs. Jorge Rivera-Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Jimmy Rave-SHINGO, BxB Hulk, El Generico, Delirous vs.Ryo Saito, Dragon Kid, Matt Sydal, PAC7/22/2007 Hyogo, Kobe Sambo Hall-Akira Tozawa, Taku Iwasa, Keni'chiro Arai vs. YAMATO, Jack Evans, El Generico-Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: Yasushi Kanda vs. Jorge Rivera-Masato Yoshino, Gamma, Jimmy Rave vs. Ryo Saito, Dragon Kid, Anthony W. MoriShingo will be using his US ringname, SHINGO, during WJAM.

I know some people aren
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World looks lovely. Koji vs. Mochi caught my eye immediately. Evil kickiness~!Great to see Pac thrown right in the mix on the WJam tour. I'm sure he'll impress.Has the March PPV surfaced anywhere yet? I'm drowning in episodes of Infinity, but haven't spotted the pay-per-view. Any leads greatly appreciated.

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DGUSA's "Mugendai" ("Infinity") section has a list of all the Infinity TV episodes with match listings.


For the PPVs you could scan through the results archive, or alternatively use a trader's website and look through their DG section. http://www.purodvd.com has a sizeable list.


Also, hello you DG people. It warms the heart to see that this thread is still alive and that there are some small murmurs of excitement surrounding the World card. I am as far behind with my viewing as ever, but on the plus side I got a new job recently and wil be ordering many DVDs. In addition to this, I will have my own broadband connection again soon and will be all torrented up. I still plan to catch up one of these days, but then I have been saying that for several years now.

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Can anyone explain to me how and why K-ness has power of authority? He seems to be making matches a lot.

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Can anyone explain to me how and why K-ness has power of authority? He seems to be making matches a lot.

He's semi-retired and in an office role now. That's about it.I'm actually quite looking forward to World, the Triangle Gate match should be a belter.
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I do have another source GIB, but unfortunately the first rule of the other tracker I use happens to be the same as the first rule of Fight Club. ;)I'm sure someone here can sort you out with an invite as quite a few people are members. I have an invite but I don't have my log-in details on this PC, so if you want mine you'll have to wait for a couple of weeks.

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I really like the look of it(although i won't see it for awhile) but most of the guys at DGUSA don't think much of the line up. The New Japan involvement in DG excites me(not seen any yet mind) but again it doesn't look to popular over at the SSS board, anyone seen any?

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Can't wait for my Best Of Dragon Gate 06 DVDs from PUNQ. Alot of what I've seen from Dragon Gate looks really enjoyable and hopefully if I'm impressed with the Best of 06 comp, I'll check for this years best stuff too. I agree that this looks brilliant:-SHINGO, YAMATO, BxB Hulk, El Generico vs. CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka, Dragon Kid, PAC

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[Results] Dragon Gate, 01.07.2007 - Liger vs. CIMA Dream Match (von Sternness am 01.07.2007)Dragon Gate "KOBE PRO-WRESTLING FESTIVAL 2007", 01.07.2007 (PPV)Kobe World Hall0. Kenichiro Arai, Yuki Ono, Super Shenron, APE Kimata & Koji Shishido besiegen K-ness, Super Shisa, Lupin Matsutani, Shisa Boy & m.c.KZ. nach dem Ryu

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In english

7/1/2007 Hyogo, Kobe World Hall

0. Keni'chiro Arai, Kouji Shishido, Yuki Ono, Super Shenron{W}, APE Kimata (Ryu$B!y(BSei) m.c.KZ, K-ness, Shisa Boy, Super Shisa, Lupin Matsutani{L}

1. Akira Tozawa, Taku Iwasa{W} (7:42 Tozawajuku Saishuu Ougi So no Ni: Noshigami) YAMATO, Jack Evans{L}

2. Don Fujii (11:26 Nice$B!y(BGerman) Tetsuhiro Kuroda

3. Dragon Kid{W}, Anthony W. Mori (DQ from Mask Attack) Gamma{L}, Kinta Tamaoka

4. Yuji Nagata (5:05 Left Middle Kick) Hollywood Stalker Ichikawa

5. Open the Brave Gate: Yasushi Kanda (8:21 Diving Elbow Drop from K-ness Darkness Buster) Genki Horiguchi

*Genki fails in V3, Kanda becomes the 6th Champion

6. IJ Tag: Ryo Saito, Susumu Yokosuka (13:10 Jumbo no Kachi!gatame) Jado{L}, Gedo

*RyoSuka become the new champions

7. Koji Kanemoto (14:20 Ankle Hold) Masaaki Mochizuki

8. Open the Triangle Gate: Shingo Takagi{W}, BxB Hulk, Cyber Kong (19:02 Last Falconry) Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino{L}, Magnitude Kishiwada

*V2 for NH

9. Open the Dream Gate: CIMA (25:14 Crossfire) Jushin Thunder Lyger

*Lyger fails in V2, CIMA becomes the 8th Champion


No i don't speak german it's from DG USA


There's a write up there too.


This part made me actually vomit


Okamura also mentioned plans to run World in the United States next year......The way it was worded made it sound like an idea more than anything definitive


My idea of a living hell is having to watch DG's biggest show of the year held in front of a bunch of smarky ROH cunts chanting "Lets go CIMA, Lets go Mochi" i hope this falls on its arse and doesn't happen.


Like JSF i can't wait to see Mochi/Koji and also like to see CIMA/Liger. The running time for Genki Kanda is a little short but it sounds fun, they should have kept the title on genki though

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  • 3 weeks later...

C&Ped from elsewhere, but, as I enjoyed it so much, I thought it worth a mention here too...


Longtime Toryumon/Dragon Gate fans will remember the days where, invariably, the highlight of any given show would be a long, inventive, exciting, faction-based multi-man match. Well, haveing just watched Infinity 65, I can confirm that those days are back.


BxB Hulk, Cyber Kong & Shingo Takagi [NEW HAZARD] vs. Magnitude Kishiwada, Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino [MUSCLE OUTLAWZ] vs. Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Susumu Yokosuka [TYPHOON]

You want to know the best thing about this match, right off the bat? No CIMA, no Gamma, no Kinta, no Dr. Muscle, no Jack Evans. As fun as they all can be within this environment, this match was far better for their lack of participation. CIMA's lust for incorporating contrived US indy spots at every opportunity frustrates me immensely. Gamma needs his weaknesses covered on a regular basis. Kinta's "I R heel ref... oh shit, here comes Yagi..." schtick has just about run its course. Dr. Muscle was a bad idea from the off and Jack Evans is Jack Evans.


So, they start with some clever little three-way bits and bobs. Shingo, Magnitude and Ryo's chop circle is good fun and most of the smaller guys take a turn on defence. With a bellow of "KIDO!", Doi absolutely punts DK off the apron, sparking a building-wide brawl, then back in the ring, the fun really starts...


Yoshino slaps a figure-four on Hulk. Doi comes in and adds to BxB's woes with a headscissors. Shingo & Kong aren't having any of this and turn the whole predicament over, so Hulk has the advantage. They are quickly cut off by the Typhoon boys, who eject the big lads, plant their knees in the backs of Doi, Hulk & Yoshino and turn the whole shebang over again into the triple crossbow!


Later on, Doi plonks Yokosuka Shattered Dreams-style on the middle turnbuckle. Kong tries to interject, but Naruki runs him headfirst into Yoko's nads and sits him in the corner as well. Hulk comes to help his team-mate, but gets hung, Tree of Woe style on Susumu. Saito attacks and the whole deal ends with Ryo overhead belly-to-bellying Doi into the pile, his arse smacking BxB right in the nose.


In a really nice piece of business, Saito had Kong in a waistlock, but can't heave the big bastard over. Kido tries to help out by coming off the top with a sunset flip to Ryo, but that still doesn't work, as Kong hauls DK up by the neck. Dragon, though, reverses in mid-air into a lungblower, the snapback from which gives Saito the momentum to complete his German suplex.


The Typhoon elimination is genius. Doi is taking a serious beating and DK is lining up to finish him off with a springboard rana. Doi sees it coming and pulls Yokosuka into its path, meaning Dragon accidentally ranas his team-mate. Naruki and Shingo then pile on top, holding both of them down, forcing Dragon to effectively pin his own buddy and eliminate his team.


From, there, the pace doesn't let up. Hulk is powerbombed into oblivion by Kishiwada and Yoshino moves in to administer the killer blow. Kong, though, shoves Hulk aside and, through strength alone, turns the From Jungle hanging submission into hid Cyber Bomb wristclutch Ligerbomb.


Yoshino, however, dodges or blocks everything Cyber has to offer and a Torbellino into Magistral is enough to keep the big guy down.


A fine, fine match.


EDIT: Anyone with World or even the MArch PPV, shoot me a PM, if you'd be so kind.

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Cracking match but I still feel the Typhoon/NH Triangle Gate match was slightly better. As you said the Susumu elimination looked brilliant, really creative. I don't know about anyone else but Cyber Kong is quickly becoming a favourite of mine, he's startng to look really impressive.This has just been anounced and I can't wait

8/11/2007 Aichi, Nagoya Congress CenterOpen the Dream Gate: CIMA vs. Taku Iwasa

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I don't know about anyone else but Cyber Kong is quickly becoming a favourite of mine, he's startng to look really impressive.

Actually, I'm quite interested in the development of Cyber/Muscle Gang. From the little I've seen of him, he looks to have the potential for something quite special.EDIT: Forgot to add, the setup for Stalker/Nagata is great. Nagata is doing an autograph session, Stalker approaches and hands him a piece of paper to sign. Nagata does so and Stalker cackles with glee as he unfurls the paper to reveal a huge match contract that Yuji has just unwittingly signed! Superb.
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