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The Dragon Gate thread


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1. 1,000,000 dreams :love:(CIMA and Hulk duet):love:

Now the Crush Gals got away with it because they were fucking rock and everybody knew it, and they were selling the records to impressionable schoolgirls anyway.The New Sailor Boys have no chance. The bored housewives of Japan can't be that bored.

wondering if any of you guys can help a brother out, haven't watched Dragon Gate in a loooooonnnng time and keep meaning to get bck into it. where would you lot recommend as a starting point?

2003 :(


I'd like you to know that I'm giggling every time I see this reference, even if nobody else is. Good Christ but #11 had me in veritable conniptions.
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2/4/2007 Fukuoka, Hakata Star Lanes1. BxB Hulk{W}, Anthony W. Mori, The Turboman (12:27 Henkei EVO) Taku Iwasa, Super Shenron, Lupin Matsutani{L}2. Syachihoko Machine{W}, K-ness (7:47 SHACHIHOKO From Stalker Failed Chair Attack) Stalker Ichikawa Z{L}, Keni'chiro Arai3. Cyber Kong, Magnitude Kishiwada{W} (10:01 From Genki Chair Attack) Ryo Saito{L}, Genki Horiguchi4. Open the Triangle Gate: Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino{W}, Gamma (21:47 Lightning Spiral) CIMA, Susumu Yoksuka, Matt Sydal{L}*V1 for MO'z5. Open the Dream Gate: Don Fujii (21:38 Nice German) Masaaki Mochizuki*V1 for FujiiGenki shocked everyone by betraying Ryo to join MO'z. Dragon Kid ran out to make the save, followed by CIMA and Susumu. CIMA asked Ryo and DKid to join their new unit. While DF had been having problems, their recent reconciliation made this all that much more of a shock. Genki hasn't spoken about his reasons yet.Fujii and Mochi shook hands and swore to defeat Lyger, Gedo, and Jado in Korakuen. Fujii did not nominate Lyger as his next challenger, however.Doi later said that MO'z would put the Triangle Gate up vs. Pos in Korakuen, making it Belt vs. Unit, but this has not been made official.cedit:DGUSA

OMG, that one come out the blue a bit, it looked like he was going to stay with Ryo.Alos just watched the King of Gate recap on Infinity #55, the final between Ryo/Mochizuki was pretty good, Ryo going over would have been a wiser choice though. It'd be nice to have seen a few of the matches in full, Mochi/Doi, Togo/Fuji (which is worh seeing for Fuji bleeding like a pig), Ryo/Yoshino & both the semi's all looked good.
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They've really gone to town with the annual unit re-shuffle this time haven't they.


For the numerous people who have asked where to start, you could do a lot worse than waiting for the new units to be formally put together and then go from there.


Also, as I haven't done this for a while, here are some photos:


Dick Togo in training for King of Gate:








One taken from Jack and CIMA's romantic weekend:




CIMA is Gamma~!:




Gamma is CIMA~!:




Lupin Matsutani makes his entrance in NEX:




And finally, some old school nostalgia:










Even by the Japan debut Owashi was bigger than he is in that photo. Kondo sorted his hair out a bit too.

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Pains me to say that I'm drawing a blank on some of these...L-R: Yagi?, ?, 'Tiny' Owashi, ?, YASSHI, YOSSINO, UD, Milano, ?, Antony W, Mishima?, ?, Kondo. But I wouldn't even have placed Kondo if you hadn't made me look for him with the hair comment. :(


This one's worse...Back L-R: ? (looks like Horiguchi in Beatles mode, but I don't think he'd debuted then?), ?, Fujii (AWESOME beard, I'm jealous), Magu, Mrs Ultimo (I guess), token infant, UD, ?, CIMA, ?, SUWA (looking a bit Val Doonican) and I've no idea about the rest...Front L-R: ?, holy shit is that Stalker, Araken (Mr Buzzcut~!), ?.But back to the present - thank fuck they've finally done SOMETHING with the awesome Genki. Let's just hope he doesn't get lost in the new-huge MOz mix...
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I have a lot of love for T2P, since I actually saw their debut shows before I saw the main Toryumon Japan stuff. As such, I can do the clean sweep of the T2P photo. YagiIwasa (radically different hairstyle, but still recogniseable, though the main marker for me was the satanic cross on his tights.)Lean mean Owashi. TARU-cito the first. Stevie Brother Tsujimoto Yassini YASSHI FUCK FUCK FUCK. Speeeedstar Masato YoshinoUltimo DragonMilano Collection ATKinya Oyanagei in his full lost soldier entrance gear.Antony W MoriRaimu Mishima in his Yuji Nagata tribute phase. Jun "JUN" OgawauchiShuji Kondo. I'd have thought Philip J Fukumasa would be there, though knowing him he was probably too injured to pose.

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Sorry for another photo-bump, but rudo Genki looks amaaazing:




It says "Go to hell" on his tights, and the backslide is now the Backslide from HELL.


In other news, Matt Sydal won the Brave Gate. *vomits blood*.

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Genki's actually been picking up a bunch of wins on this tour, so I'm less upset about his silly heel turn. And his new look IS swank.J, where do you invision the units ending up? To me it looks like we'll have MoZ, then everyone else in a kind of Sekigun group, which would mainly suck. Not least because that would mean Tozawa-Juku gets fucked over.

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That'll be CIMA I imagine. Pass.

In other news, Matt Sydal won the Brave Gate.

...Injuring Yoshino in the process, it seems. Wow, Dragon Gate sure is getting a lot out of this relationship with ROH.EDIT - Although it does mean that Genki~ will be taking his place on the NOAH show!
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If it is CIMA, that would sell me a ticket. As critical as I've been of his recent work, I'm an unashamed CrazyMAX mark and couldn't pass up the oppurtunity to see him in action live, 30 double foot stomps or not. Sydal is actually off DG shows for a while now, so presumably he'll be defending the Brave Gate in America? Bleh. Re: The units.Neo-Sekigun vs MOz looks to be where they're going with it. CIMA/Susumu/Ryo/Kido and presumably Fujii will all form a unit. Pos.Hearts will lose the "losers must disband" tag, which leaves them free to join the super-face unit too. K-Ness has disbanded K-Nessuka and resigned himself to opening/comedy matches, which makes me sad, though I wouldn't want him forcing himself if he's not up to it. Also, him and Kanda working with the NEX guys can't be a bad thing. Mochi will presumably steer clear of the faction wars a lot of the time too, as it looks like he'll be DG's inter-promotional ambassador instead. It is indeed bad news for Tozawa-Juku, which is a real shame. I've had people suggest that MOz might unofficially form two splinter groups, one to deal with TJ and one to fight CIMA and friends. However, that would surely mean TJ vs MOz "B team" which would suck for them anyway. I also hear thar Yuki Ono has developed a heel power fighter style for the NEX shows, which could lead to a twist of some kind. I'm following DG almost entirely in text form at the moment though, so I don't have the best grasp of what's going on. I'm putting in a big DVD order soon, having finally accepted that torrents just aren't happening for me any more. :(

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Neo-Sekigun vs MOz looks to be where they're going with it.

That seems sensible to me. Apart from TJ, none of the face units have any strong identity left. Blood Generation haven't been Blood Generation for a long time, Pos HEARTS are a joke (disbanding? WTF?), Renaissance were a greatest hits album, 'Final' M2K just took on a rookie (edit: and then apparently disbanded when he left :confused:) and the two guys who defined Do Fixer in my eyes have left.Everybody hates MOz, so let's have everybody against MOz. Works for me. Lump them all together and call them Tenryu Army. Yes.Just had my first look through DGUSA in a long time, mainly to find out what this NEX thing was. I'm glad I did, because APE Kimada is my new favourite wrestling lower primate.kimada.jpgOh yes.
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Here be a NEX match, for those curious. I say a NEX match, it actually only features one 100% NEX member in MC K.Z., but still, gives you a look at the intimate nature of the NEX shows.


MC K.Z./Ryo Saito vs Yamato Onodera/Akira Tozawa:




And this is the Ape hitting a crucifix bomb thing on Onodera:




Lastly, Sydal is defending the brave gate against Austin Aries, who is way over the weight limit for said belt. Bah.

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I think the one biggest problem with having a Sekigun is that Ryo and Susuma will be totally lost in the shuffle, when it's those two who really should have been cemented as the new generation aces a long time ago. If the units were in place and stable, both would have plenty of time to get themselves over in the respective leader spots whilst Mochi and CIMA are off wrestlin ga round Japan/wrestling in BxB Hulk's hotel room respectively. Instead, a super face unit is just going to lead to another round of the CIMA and friends show, with Nobunga bypassing a whole, ultra talented generation for the sake of getting his friends over in the short term. By which point, Shingo will be the best wrestler in the world and Hulk might have learnt how to work someone other than Shingo, so we'll never see guys like Ryo take the spots the company needs them to.

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