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2 minutes ago, FLips said:

I’ll be voting Green on the day but our Labour candidate looks really good on paper. Local lad, worked local in the Steelworks and has funded locally for years too. Wants to keep our industry local and make it greener. Any other election he’d have been an easy vote for me.

It’s nice to know at the very least when Labour do win our constituency will be fairly decent and have our area at heart regardless of the party as a whole.

This is my point about how much difference being a good constituency MP can make. People will vote for them and not their party. Even if your MP is Tory and you aren’t, if they fight local issues and take up causes on your behalf (y’know, like an MP should do) people remember that. 

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42 minutes ago, mim731 said:


In my head, it sounds like Nigella Lawson trying to pronounce some sort of Mediterranean dip, and I am 100% on board. Tremendously satisfying name. 


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There's a bit of commotion here as our Labour candidate has been parachuted in from London to run (I'm in the heartland of the Black Country) and apparently left her partner to come here, leading to a lot of 'thats the kind of people Labour are - career over family!' type comments.

I genuinely reckon Reform will do really well here. Pretty much every local Facebook page is full of people saying they'll vote Reform, much more than any other party. It is an area full of dickhead racists, to be fair.

I was going to hold my nose and vote Labour but Starmer has fucked it, so it's Greens for me.

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Well the Manifesto is out and it’s got a lot I like in it that I didn’t expect to see. The Tory ban on Smoking and Vapes made it across, a lot of investment in nature, green energy and the NHS as well. Getting rid of the unfair age-based minimum wages, zero hours contracts and fire and rehires. 

There’s a shuffle of the immigration system to a more merit based system which is another plus for me. As is introducing a new crime in legislation specifically for people threatening or assuaulting retail workers.

It’s basically what I wanted to see a lot of from other parties but with the funding being explained in a bit more detail. The stamp duty on foreign purchases of properties is another big plus.

It’s actually frustrating that a lot of this manifesto hasn’t been mentioned or explained when questioned on it because it’s right there on paper. I even had a browse on Reddit to see criticisms that they’ve had for every manifesto so far and even they’re being overwhelmingly positive.

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2 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I can't find it now, but her partners post was really sad to read to be honest.

I can imagine. Being dumped because your partner is leaving you and London for the fucking Black Country. 

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39 minutes ago, FLips said:


Well the Manifesto is out and it’s got a lot I like in it that I didn’t expect to see. The Tory ban on Smoking and Vapes made it across, a lot of investment in nature, green energy and the NHS as well. Getting rid of the unfair age-based minimum wages, zero hours contracts and fire and rehires. 

There’s a shuffle of the immigration system to a more merit based system which is another plus for me. As is introducing a new crime in legislation specifically for people threatening or assuaulting retail workers.

It’s basically what I wanted to see a lot of from other parties but with the funding being explained in a bit more detail. The stamp duty on foreign purchases of properties is another big plus.

It’s actually frustrating that a lot of this manifesto hasn’t been mentioned or explained when questioned on it because it’s right there on paper. I even had a browse on Reddit to see criticisms that they’ve had for every manifesto so far and even they’re being overwhelmingly positive.

It was safe seems to be the biggest criticism, and it is. But surely after the last 5 years of Tory chaos as well as the other 10 years of Austerity, I will take it.

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I've been waiting to see what's actually on offer with the Telegraph screaming that a Labour 'super majority' will result in a socialist dictatorship & other critics predicting no changes & it being 'Tory-lite'. It's neither.

The main complaints are seemingly about it being 'too safe', this is a win as there's stuff in there that would've lauded as radical had it been presented differently (lowering the voting age, banning forced ZHC's, renationalising the railways, scrapping hereditary peers rights). The anti-social behaviour policies and potholes are easy wins but also likely feature heavily in people's day-to-day issues so I can't see many people taling issue. I've read that the care plan is wafer thin which is disappointing if true. 

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8 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

renationalising the railways

Should be noted that the rolling stock (the actual trains and carriages etc) will still be privately owned and maintained, and it’s just the network coming under state control, but still, that’s good news!

The manifesto is 131 pages long, contains 33 pictures of Starmer (not a cult) and a whole 4 (four) paragraphs regarding the disabled and it’s all about putting them to work. At least they’re introducing markers for a disability pay gap, much like a gender pay gap, so that’s excellent. And guarantees about if the job doesn’t work out they won’t be penalised when going back to the out of work benefits they were on previously. That’s currently a huge stumbling block for a lot of the disabled community wanting to work so that’s a very positive thing. 

But of course, it’s all about whether you trust him not to renege on his promises/pledges/commitments. Due to his track record as a proven liar, it’s hard to do that. 


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Not to be overly defensive of Starmer but coming off the back of that historic Corbyn loss right into the Pandemic and all the shit that followed, I would have been more surprised if today’s manifesto did match their aims from 4 years ago. The whole world has changed since then and the economy is in a much worse place to afford everything on there.

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24 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

has he lied

Yes, repeatedly. Starting with his lies to become leader and constantly since. 

24 minutes ago, FLips said:

The whole world has changed since then and the economy is in a much worse place to afford everything on there.

And therein lies the rub. Whenever he backtracks in the future, he will say how it’s not the same as it was back then, so what’s even the point of a manifesto if you can simply get out of promises and commitments by shrugging your shoulders and saying the political equivalent of “Plans change”

All of his pledges should come with an asterisk saying “Unless something happens, which it probably will”. And that’s going to be good enough for most people and I can’t blame them. 

I think he’s going to get a huge majority, followed by a massive drop in approval rating within a year. 

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