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100 quid at 5-1 covers his deposit for running. Of course the bookies are going to be suspicious. This is the most suspicious bet since them lads in builders gear kept going into bookmakers in North London and betting that Wembley wouldn't open on time. 

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56 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

It’s pretty much common knowledge to be fair, they were. Although they did come from wealth themselves. The vast majority of Sunaks wealth is from his wife’s family. 

No idea what Starmers parents did though. 

I think one of the biggest clues that you've made a crap joke is people not realising you're kidding, so I'll reflect.

To clarify, yeah, I know, I was referring to how he brings it up every 30 seconds.

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2 minutes ago, Duke said:

I think one of the biggest clues that you've made a crap joke is people not realising you're kidding, so I'll reflect.

To clarify, yeah, I know, I was referring to how he brings it up every 30 seconds.

Ah, apologies! Ya got me good!

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4 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

He's not much older than me. I still remember the glorious morning I woke up to find my dad had got a dish installed as a surprise and watched shite on Sky Movies all day. It was amazing. Say what you want about Sunak but I'll not have you maligning satellite TV. Granted we lived abroad at the time so I was starved of English language programming prior to that, but still.

Mate, we had BSB because my dad preferred the dish, but I preferred going to my friends on a Sunday to watch The Simpsons. I was pretty chuffed when they merged not long after BSB launched as it meant I got The Simpsons and WWF. It was supposed to be a knock on Sunak not Satellite TV.

On the further upside seeing King Kong Lives advertised on Sky Movies started a life long love of King Kong (the movie is of course shit, but I was 5 at the time), and I also discovered UHF which introduced me to Weird Al Yankovic.

Also I’ll just say Tutti Frutti and that will sort the men from the boys, if you know you know.

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Rishi Sunak having two Sky-based disasters today. I thought Starmer left a bad taste during his but Sunak's was even more brutal. Not a good look for either when large portions of the audience laugh at your answers.

My personal worst moments were Starmer getting a laugh/groan when he mentioned his Dad's job again, and when he refused to be straight on answers about taxes and why he loved Corbyn one minute and then didn't and was promptly called out and the audience was told "he's mugging you off here, he thinks you're thick Grimsby idiots".
Sunak got roasted on nearly every question but had feverish support from a small handful of clearly on death's door pensioners clapping for everything he said. No claps however when he was asked why young people should vote for him when he's giving pensioners triple locks and sending them off to national service, and he answered with "I have two daughters and I'm very excited to put them into national service". Arsehole.

The host was unprofessional at times, interrupted constantly, lost control at the end, and maybe slightly Tory-leaning if anything, but she did a good job of not letting either of them get away with too much bollocks early doors. That being said, I can't see how anyone watched either of them tonight and want to vote for them. Disingenuous con-men the pair of them and any chance Starmer had at getting a vote from me if I hadn't already made my mind up would have been lost when he admitted he has changed everything about Labour he could to get away from the Corbyn era but wouldn't admit he supported him. Can't have your cake and eat it.

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5 minutes ago, FLips said:

My personal worst moments were Starmer getting a laugh/groan when he mentioned his Dad's job again

"We couldn't make ends meet and that's not something to laugh about" 


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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

"We couldn't make ends meet and that's not something to laugh about" 


More tone deaf than the bloke trying to pretend he was poor but was also annoyed about taxes to his children's private education?

I am curious what the plan for national service is if he's confirmed you can just say no with no legal ramification. Why even bother if that's the case?

Edit: Oh god I forgot that completely unprompted, Rishi Sunak blamed the Junior Doctor in the audience for the NHS waiting lists. They did not like that.

Edited by FLips
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55 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

"We couldn't make ends meet and that's not something to laugh about" 


I think he knew that and used that line to shut them up. He’s done that thing at PMQs quite a few times. Fair do on his answer about his biggest fear being for his kids. That made him look human and vulnerable. 

Overall, wankers the pair of them. 

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I've started listening to The Today programme on Radio 4 of a morning, and can definitely recommend it as a decent catch up on election news.

Also they'll have 1 or 2 guests on there most mornings (David Cameron and some Scottish lad from Labour today-I was making a brew so missed his name) and its always good value.

Apart from that, I get all my info from Private Eye :)

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That's who's standing in our neck of the woods. Mishra can fuck off since he left the Socialist Campaign Group and Workers Party / Galloway have shown their transphobic colours lately so they can fuck off too. So I'm probably going to vote Green because I actually know and am friends with Helena Mellish, she runs the meatball and arancini stall on Heaton Moor market so she gets my vote for the food alone.

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51 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Helena Mellish


49 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

This is such a satisfying name to say out loud.

In my head, it sounds like Nigella Lawson trying to pronounce some sort of Mediterranean dip, and I am 100% on board. Tremendously satisfying name. 

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I’ll be voting Green on the day but our Labour candidate looks really good on paper. Local lad, worked local in the Steelworks and has funded locally for years too. Wants to keep our industry local and make it greener. Any other election he’d have been an easy vote for me.

It’s nice to know at the very least when Labour do win our constituency will be fairly decent and have our area at heart regardless of the party as a whole.

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