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The problem with Sunak is poor judgement, execution of strategy and an inability to think on his feet. The clip is fairly unremarkable and it doesn't come across badly at all in my view. The issue he's got is that on BBC News there's a picture of him looking slightly dopey and the headline -

"I went without Sky TV as a child" says Sunak. 

People are going to laugh at that, and if that's the big takeaway from an important sit down interview with a major broadcaster it's a problem. It reinforced the idea that he's a clown and that everything he touches turns to shit. They've stitched him up with that headline, and the interviewer was clearly trying to lead him on a merry dance with the question. The most effective political operators have all this in mind when answering questions. They have an instinctive understanding of what the headlines are likely to be and manipulate the situation to get the outcome they want. They'll shape the narrative and the talking points, and it's about trade offs. They might look slightly aloof to people who've watched the whole interview, but they'll avoid stepping in a big shit for coverage of the interview. You could see Sunaks cogs where spinning round and he knew the guy was looking for trouble. He was persistent though, and Sunak couldn't wether the storm. He curled up in a ball and surrendered, and gave Paul Brand exactly what he was looking for. When you've had the campaign that Sunaks had, and when you're in such a dire position in the polls, you can't afford to be making these mistakes. You can only imagine what mess the party would be in if he also had to contend with a hostile print media. 


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1 minute ago, Donald J Trump said:

You can only imagine what mess the party would be in if he also had to contend with a hostile print media. 


Don't have to imagine, really. We saw exactly how that played out with Miliband and Corbyn.

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Going to have a pore through the Green manifesto but was happy with how they presented themselves in their release conference. They seem honest, though that could be down to the lack of track record they have compared to Labour and Tories. It might be ambitious but there are worse aims that taxing the mega rich to stop our country continuing to sink. Even the presenters afterwards didn’t seem too critical of them.


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22 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

This will get over very well, @Dead Mike knows the score. Tomorrow they’ll promise to clean up dogshit and have a 500 majority 

This, the trains & the policy restricting companies from recruiting abroad before doing so locally are Labour's hat trick IMO. 

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14 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Thanks but I don't speak Dutch.

He said "I have some experience in losing campaigns but I take my hat off to the Conservatives. This is next level."

Also, Sunak seems to be bent on setting some sort of record for saying the worst possible things. "I had a hard life because I didn't have Sky TV!" "I wasn't planning to go to the D-Day commemoration event!" Jesus on a pogo stick....

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9 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:


They make these things so difficult for you dont they Farage. Bloody foreigners, staying over there, writing in their own language. 

I haven't got time for translation, I'm on the phone to a family member in Gouda to help. 

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32 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Thanks but I don't speak Dutch.

Didn’t Steve McClaren teach you anything? 
(FAO Chest, he’s an English football manager who managed a Dutch club and conducted interviews in fluent Dutch, like this)


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