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The general political nerd view on Reform pollings tends to be:

* They always do worse in the actual voting than they poll (partly because their hardcore voters are very politically engaged and really like taking part in polls.

* Farage standing/leading will give them a boost.

* The net effect is probably that they get about what they've been polling until now.


And as noted, that is really not good news for the Tories.

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2 hours ago, JNLister said:

 The net effect is probably that they get about what they've been polling until now.

So what does that mean then, Reform still get 0 seats but they split the Tory vote everywhere for everyone else’s benefit? 

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3 hours ago, hallicks said:

So what does that mean then, Reform still get 0 seats but they split the Tory vote everywhere for everyone else’s benefit? 

Pretty much. It's possible Farage gets in in Clacton but that's a bit of a three way crapshoot now. 

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A bunch of Slough Labour councillors have resigned, and will be standing as Independents. This obviously dilutes the votes for Labour in that area. How much of an effect will that have on the GE?

Has Diane Abbott declared whether she'll stand as a Labour candidate?

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17 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

She has. She thinks she has enough runs and should easily get the opposition out twice on a turning pitch with her left arm spin. 

I'd get Sunak to follow on.

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47 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I'd get Sunak to follow on.

This is a nationwide contest, so you can only enforce the follow-on if he is 200 seats behind.

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4 hours ago, BigJag said:

A bunch of Slough Labour councillors have resigned, and will be standing as Independents

They aren’t up for election, that’s a local election and not a general election. They will sit as independents  


4 hours ago, BigJag said:

This obviously dilutes the votes for Labour in that area. How much of an effect will that have on the GE?

The current MP, Tan Dhesi, has a large majority so he will more than likely win comfortably. There is an independent standing who has been endorsed by a group called “Muslim Vote” and Dhesi, who is Sikh, has accused them of trying to toxify the election by urging Muslims to vote for their preferred candidate. He has also asked the councillors who resigned from labour why the haven’t spoke to him directly if they’ve had these concerns about him all this time. 

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3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

They aren’t up for election, that’s a local election and not a general election. They will sit as independents  


The current MP, Tan Dhesi, has a large majority so he will more than likely win comfortably. There is an independent standing who has been endorsed by a group called “Muslim Vote” and Dhesi, who is Sikh, has accused them of trying to toxify the election by urging Muslims to vote for their preferred candidate. He has also asked the councillors who resigned from labour why the haven’t spoke to him directly if they’ve had these concerns about him all this time. 

I understand why he's pissed off, but just from a reading of the posts in this thread (and I made sure to clarify by googling elsewhere), that's clearly not what they have a problem with. He's doing his own part in toxifying the elections if he's pretending he doesn't know that.

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3 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

I understand why he's pissed off, but just from a reading of the posts in this thread (and I made sure to clarify by googling elsewhere), that's clearly not what they have a problem with. He's doing his own part in toxifying the elections if he's pretending he doesn't know that.

The councillors named him in their resignation statement. He’s saying if they had an issue with him, they’re all members of the same constituency Labour Party so it made sense to speak to him directly instead of not to address concerns. 

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Ah, I missed the last bit in the article I read. It said they were pissed off at the treatment of Faiza Shaheen and Diane Abbott, but I should've scrolled a bit further down.

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That's terrible.


I can't believe you posted that.

Just an awful thing to do.

Brings shame on the forum.

You should be thoroughly ashamed at posting that picture.

This one's much better.


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