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Fuck it, I'm willing to take the hate.

I'd never vote Tory in a million years, and I can't stand his politics, but I think history will be far kinder to Rishi Sunak than we are currently.

Compared to Johnson (power hungry, morally bankrupt and incompetent), Liz Truss (swivel eyed lunatic and intellectually bankrupt), Theresa May (authoritan minded sinister figure with zero leadership of her party) and David Cameron (fucked a pig and then his country) he stacks up well as a post-Major Tory prime minister.

Sunak has been a poor Prime Minister, primarily because he's a pussy cat put in charge of trying to manage a party of empty headed, bigoted lions - but I actually think he's pretty bright and has some sense of public service.

I hope they lose every seat, but watching him yesterday I just thought 'mate, what are you doing? Should have stayed in the private sector.'

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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37 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Fuck it, I'm willing to take the hate.


37 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Edited 36 minutes ago by d-d-d-dAz

And it would be entirely justified :)

Sunak will be fine. He'll get some massive job in the states some financial bollocks and be even richer. Zero sympathy.

He still hasn't replied to my message about meeting me on the Itchen Bridge for an arm wrestle. Pussy.

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I can't see it daz. He'll only be mentioned by history in the context of the self destruction of the party and his role in ultimately toppling it because he was again, like his predecessor liz, unable to balance the tensions between the wings of the party. I don't think history books will have much to say about his actual political accomplishments or lack thereof.

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I don't think history will be particularly harsh to him or flattering. His time as PM has been pretty much a non-entity, and I don't think people will remember him. Truss will probably be remembered as a comedy figure, May won't be remembered either, Cameron will be remembered to an extent but more for being PM during a referendum, Johnson will probably be remembered on a quite negative basis despite getting a huge majority and a larger percentage of the vote than Blair ever got. The reality is that most Prime ministers sort of fade into obscurity over time and very few are remembered in a negative or positive light. 

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It almost feels like Rishi is trying to destroy the Tories but getting them wiped out in the election because he knows the rot is in there and they will topple him otherwise. If that happens maybe history will be kinder to Rishi. 

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During the covid days, I absolutely took the piss out of Eat Out To Help Out in one Weybridge Cafe which was run by an absolute arsehole (good food though) so that's one thing going for him.

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The only thing he'll really be remembered for is as the UK's first non-white prime minister. 

As an aside, something that really boils my piss is that the Tories, the party of exclusion, have had three women prime ministers and two ethnic minority ones, whereas Labour, who are supposed to march under the banner of inclusion and progress, have had one female deputy leader. They need to get their fucking act together, it's shameful.

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1 minute ago, Carbomb said:

two ethnic minority ones

Disraeli? If so then Labour have had an ethnic minority leader too. Tories also have a trans MP. 

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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Disraeli? If so then Labour have had an ethnic minority leader too. Tories also have a trans MP. 

Yeh, Disraeli. 

Ah, Milliband! Still, it's not great, is it? Didn't know about the trans MP. The fact they're Tory is a disgrace, but then that's the ultimate equality, isn't it? LGBTQ+ people should have the right to be arseholes like anyone else.

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13 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

The fact they're Tory is a disgrace

The fact he’s an MP is a disgrace what with his sex trafficking disguised as student accommodation business!

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2 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Fuck it, I'm willing to take the hate.

I'd never vote Tory in a million years, and I can't stand his politics, but I think history will be far kinder to Rishi Sunak than we are currently.

Possibly, I think it partly depends on what comes next,  you only have to look at the reaction to Theresa May stepping down to see that even a short amount of time has a way of putting events in a different context. He's bright, but probably not in a "common sense" type way. He looked a right plum yesterday, partly because he hasn't hired somebody astute enough to put a stop to it. His main problem though, is that he is to quote Dusty, a "follow behinder". Hes been tinkering with some pretty extreme stuff. I don't think he's a true believer or that he's particularly badly motivated, but in an attempt to position himself where he thinks the country and the party are he's allowed himself to get swept up in the Tory psycho drama bullshit. He had a chance to show real leadership and turn the page, and I think people would have been receptive to that. Instead of rising above it though, he's been up to his neck in it from the start and it's hampered him at every turn. 


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17 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

The fact he’s an MP is a disgrace what with his sex trafficking disguised as student accommodation business!

Just read his Wiki. What a cunt.

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