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The anti wrestling people

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I think I'm fairly lucky as all my close mates and even friends from Uni etc who I still keep in touch with are all still wrestling fans. They might not keep up, but they'll know what's going on or we just talk about old wrestling shit. There's one guy who hates it but he's the outcast.

Even a few guys at work  used to watch it so you can kind of talk about it in a round about way. I think people 30 and up talk way more about wrestling now then they did before.

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35 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Nowadays, the only way that story works for me is if they keep unconsciously bringing back bits of the gimmick in their attempted super-cereal match, and keep getting frustrated and angry when that happens. Culminating in a big match where the only way they can get the win is by going for their previous, super-gimmicky finish..

I don't watch wrestling any more, but what I've gathered from here & Twitter is that this is Daniel Garcia and dancing

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Just now, Jesse said:

I don't watch wrestling any more, but what I've gathered from here & Twitter is that this is Daniel Garcia and dancing

Ah, right. I don't watch much wrestling these days either, so I didn't know that.

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On 2/27/2024 at 7:52 AM, air_raid said:

It’s those types that are often the worst though. Would rather jibber on about the politics and booking implications for the next show than if the matches they’d just watched were any good or not.

Not quite what you're talking about, but similar and it's something that sticks in sticks in my mind about bellends ruining shows, but at the first Royal Quest there was a guy behind us with his son who was about 8 or 9 I reckon. His son said something like "is Okada going to do the Rainmaker now?" and his dad tuts and goes "Of course he's not going to do it this early in the match". Way to go dad, you really learned him. 

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My ma took me to a UK Indy show many years ago and was legitimately stunned by Jody Fleisch doing some nutty high spots. The only time I’ve ever seen her even remotely entertained by pro wrestling. She also took me to WWF Mayhem in Manchester. She liked Owen Hart and Ken Shamrock and tried her very best to disguise her boredom for the rest of it. What a trooper. 

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People are definitely more accepting of wrestling just being another interest or thing on TV these days. I haven’t felt the need to hide the fact I’m going to watch AEW at Wembley, which I definitely would have in the past. And this weekend, my mother in law was asking what we thought of The Iron Claw. She went on to ask how they decide who the champion will be or what ‘success’ is based on in wrestling if it’s not just wins or losses like in sport-sport, and was actually interested in the answer. Again, no way that would have happened in the past.

Besides, most people in this country have had at least one elderly relative who was super into WOS era wrestling, so they get it. They all get it, really.

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Last time I publicly divulged that I watch wrestling was in 2001 in Ms.Lyon's 2nd-year English class. We had to write an essay about our favorite superhero and seeing as I wasn't into that craic at all I substituted Kane for one of those Marvel lads. I wrote a pretty decent essay about the past history of the character of Kane and what he was up to on telly at the time (feuding with HHH for the IC title I think, thankfully this was pre-Katie Vick!)

The first words from Ms.Lyon's after me reading it aloud in front of the entire class was 'you understand it's all fixed don't you? which was very irritating to teenage me. I knew well it was fixed as I was an avid smarky Power Slam reader back then. What annoyed me more was that Ms.Lyon's was obsessed with Harry Potter, with her class filled with posters, figures and lots of other merch as well as her dragging everyone to see the first film instead of LOTR like the class voted for. If she could suspend her disbelief for witches and goblins or whatever, then I should be able to do the same for wrestling without condescension from her.

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There would be an easy was to get people to understand wrestling as a form of fiction by showing them “Wrestling Isn’t Wrestling” if you’re also able to suspend your disbelief that it wasn’t made by a wrong un.

7 hours ago, Merzbow said:

I feel like this kinda fits the thread.


Whatever next? Someone will think the Montreal Screwjob was little teeny Shawn Michaels shoot pinning Bret Hart at WrestleMania 16 or 17. Brother.

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13 hours ago, air_raid said:

There would be an easy was to get people to understand wrestling as a form of fiction by showing them “Wrestling Isn’t Wrestling” if you’re also able to suspend your disbelief that it wasn’t made by a wrong un.

It's amazing that someone can be the worst member of their own family even after their dad killed some kids with a helicopter.

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The most common reaction I get is people asking if The Undertakers still in it. Occasionally you'll get someone who thinks its 1920 and how I respond typically depends on how much time I've got for them. I've seen myself giving people a very brief, potted history of why Wrestling went down the road of fakery and why boxing didn't etc. That's only if I feel theyre likely to find it interesting and whenever ive told that story people have enjoyed it and understood it, or appeared to. It would be easier to go for the comparison to any other kind of fiction but it's quite cool when somebody has gone away with at least some degree of respect for the fact that Wrestling has not only survived, but thrived. 

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Forget chatting about Big Daddy, you'll learn all about Toots Mondt and like it!   

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52 minutes ago, Donald J Trump said:

I've seen myself giving people a very brief, potted history of why Wrestling went down the road of fakery and why boxing didn't etc. 

It's far more fun to try and convince them that boxing is rigged too.

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Just now, air_raid said:

It's far more fun to try and convince them that boxing is rigged too.

Futurama already did that

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