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Vince McMahon may actually be done this time [Trigger warning: Sexual Assault]


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9 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Does this assume they're being US-specific?

I've always assumed in the streaming era, they're just using the gross figure, hence all the grand proclamations every month.

Could be. Plus they probably count YouTube clips and people posting GIFs on Twitter.

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22 minutes ago, IronSheik said:

Can anyone enlighten me to who the unnamed people in the law suit are?

The UFC / WWE talent is clearly Brock Lesner, but i wasnt sure who the "most feared" employee was?

Unnamed for a reason 

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Not read the thread but this shit is wildly disgusting assuming it is all accurate. I've added spoiler tags to avoid upsetting anyone as they are rather degrading actions and reading it is mighty unpleasant.



Vince shitting on the woman and making her have sex with another person whilst covered in it. 

He named sex toys after WWE wrestlers and used them so aggressively she sustained injuries.

They restrained her and said "no means yes" and "take it bitch".

It is hard to say how long this may have been going on for, particularly as this seems relatively new. Yes there were always anecdotal comments made about how he was toward male performers but (and I may be wrong) this is the first set of big revelations about women (?) You'd have thought that these would have been uncovered years ago. It leads me to wonder whether the number of hard chair shots to the head have finally caught up with him. Of course this is absolutely no excuse and if true he needs to go to prison for a long time and is clearly a menace to society and extremely dangerous. That said, one only needs to think back to Benoit and the head trauma he had from chair shots etc to wonder whether Vince has CTE or other type of neurological problem (e.g., I'd not be surprised if he has dementia of some description, typified by impulse control issues and problems with disinhibition). Vince was 53 when he started wrestling and taking those brutal head shots from Austin, Taker and Foley et al clearly wasn't healthy for a man of that (or any) age. 

It seems he was probably a prick for years anyway - you don't get where he is without stomping all over people and being at least a bit psychopathic. His toilet "humour" and angles with Stratus and Stephanie are cringeworthy and uncomfortable to watch back with 2024 eyes. I always found his obsession with incest angles to be disturbing and even Stephanie and HHH expressed embarrassment in one of the DVDs when the topic was raised (I think it was the McMahon DVD). 

So yeah, just trying to make sense of it all really. It is horrible for the women involved and also his legacy, company and the history will now all be tarnished with his shitty behaviour. 

Surely HHH has to go. I can't imagine that he didn't at least have an inkling that something wasn't right. Unless, as I said, this is neuro-degenerative. I'm utterly astounded that Mick Foley, Taker et al haven't had many more problems neurologically and I think these instances are going to become more prevalent in the future as those Attitude Era guys get old and decrepit. Look at poor ol' Verne Gagne, killing that vulnerable old man with a slam (or some other move) in a nursing home. 

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2 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:


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Vince shitting on the woman and making her have sex with another person whilst covered in it. 

He named sex toys after WWE wrestlers and used them so aggressively she sustained injuries.

They restrained her and said "no means yes" and "take it bitch".

 (and I may be wrong) this is the first set of big revelations about women (?) You'd have thought that these would have been uncovered years ago. It leads me to wonder whether the number of hard chair shots to the head have finally caught up with him.

He was credibly accused of rape in the '80s, and of sexual assault in 2006, not to mention the more than $10 million dollars in NDA payments. That's just the stuff that got the law involved.

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Yeah, it's not a massive shock revelation that Laurianitis is a complete wrong 'un. That Bella's statement just comes across like they have been pestered for a comment on it and tried to give a statement without actually saying anything of note. Saying they weren't aware of his past is like saying HHH didn't know about Vince.

On another note, the comparisons between Tony Khan addressing the Jericho allegations and HHH addressing Vince's needs to stop. Comparisons about serious allegations should not be happening. Both are terrible, horrible situations. That one is worse than the other does not make the lesser one ok or how it is dealt with. 

Who would have thought people involved in the wrestling business couldn't treat situations delicately and seriously, eh? 

Edited by Nick James
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I was reading earlier how Ari Emmanuel (sp?) culled a load of deals in Saudi years back to do with UFC, even though it meant losing money long term, as it was the right thing to do for business.

He seems to have been pretty ruthless in the past, when it was “best for business”, when it came to axing deals, or staff. I’d bet a pretty penny that Paul is concerned currently.

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8 hours ago, Matthew said:

I was reading earlier how Ari Emmanuel (sp?) culled a load of deals in Saudi years back to do with UFC, even though it meant losing money long term, as it was the right thing to do for business.

He seems to have been pretty ruthless in the past, when it was “best for business”, when it came to axing deals, or staff. I’d bet a pretty penny that Paul is concerned currently.

Ari also heads up the UFC. He stuck by Dana after he slapped his wife in public last year and seemingly has no issue with the likes of Sean Strickland bashing gays, trans or anyone else that doesn't allign with his insane views. 



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10 hours ago, Matthew said:

I was reading earlier how Ari Emmanuel (sp?) culled a load of deals in Saudi years back to do with UFC, even though it meant losing money long term, as it was the right thing to do for business.

He seems to have been pretty ruthless in the past, when it was “best for business”, when it came to axing deals, or staff. I’d bet a pretty penny that Paul is concerned currently.

Share price hasn't dropped massively, if it does he'll act until then I doubt much will happen beyond an investigation and a few token firings. Definitely feels like it's just about whether it hits him in the pocket rather than any moral objection. 

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18 minutes ago, mim731 said:

Definitely feels like it's just about whether it hits him in the pocket rather than any moral objection.

He gave back 400 million dollars because the Saudi's murdered a journalist. I don't doubt he cares about the bottom line, it's his job, but to claim that outweighs any moral objections he has does not appear to be based on precedent mimsy. 

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6 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

He gave back 400 million dollars because the Saudi's murdered a journalist. I don't doubt he cares about the bottom line, it's his job, but to claim that outweighs any moral objections he has does not appear to be based on precedent mimsy. 

Fair point. I still think that's to do with the optics and the share price, but perhaps I'm wrong. We'll have to see how it plays out with the Vince situation and if he's as morally staunch on this issue. 

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