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Vince McMahon may actually be done this time [Trigger warning: Sexual Assault]


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1 hour ago, Browser Brady said:

This seems to be exactly it. Sad but true . I wonder if the Netflix and Rock announcements were expedited to “get ahead” of the bad news or if it was just a  crazy week in terms of timing ???

Nothing like that is coincidence.

It's a 'look how mainstream and wholesome we are. We have The Rock on our Board of Directors. We're a wholesome company! Americana! USA! USA!'


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I was wondering about the share price/loss of sponsors thing for the exact same reason Browser Brady mentioned: a forlorn hope that maybe, just maybe, the real world might for once reflect in some vaguely-connected way what is moral and fair, and manifest some material consequence to those fuckers who've been getting away with it scot-free for so long.

I amaze myself with how naive I continue to be in the face of all the evidence so far. Still, at least I'm not so naive to believe that they would get exactly what is coming to them, in exact proportion, as a direct consequence for exactly the things they've perpetrated.

Edited by Carbomb
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47 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

When there are only so many WWE Board members still working there it's not exactly a surprise people are wondering what Vince's son-in-law did and didn't know.


I could be wrong as I’ve not read the full court documents but the “gotcha” people seem to be going with on social media for “WWE Corporate Office No. 1” is that upon meeting her he said he knows “exactly who she is”. That’s far from the “gotcha” people seem to think. There’s zero context and he could simply have been told “that’s the one I’m shagging”. The social media accounts desperate for Triple H to be implicated have this down as “actively participating” when it could just be awareness of Vince having an extra-marital affair for all they know.

If anything it makes far more sense he wouldn’t want his son-in-law to know the full truth so his daughter didn’t find out.

A lot of the timelines are also all around the time Vince/Trips seemed to have a bit of a fall-out and where he would have been off work recovering from his heart attack.

If he’s implicated fair enough and he absolutely should face consequences but right now it just seems to be baseless allegations against him from people on the outside who think because they read Wrestling Observer they know every inner working of the business.

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4 minutes ago, FUM said:

I could be wrong as I’ve not read the full court documents but the “gotcha” people seem to be going with on social media for “WWE Corporate Office No. 1” is that upon meeting her he said he knows “exactly who she is”. That’s far from the “gotcha” people seem to think. There’s zero context and he could simply have been told “that’s the one I’m shagging”. The social media accounts desperate for Triple H to be implicated have this down as “actively participating” when it could just be awareness of Vince having an extra-marital affair for all they know.

If anything it makes far more sense he wouldn’t want his son-in-law to know the full truth so his daughter didn’t find out.

A lot of the timelines are also all around the time Vince/Trips seemed to have a bit of a fall-out and where he would have been off work recovering from his heart attack.

If he’s implicated fair enough and he absolutely should face consequences but right now it just seems to be baseless allegations against him from people on the outside who think because they read Wrestling Observer they know every inner working of the business.


And post summer 2022 when all these allegations came out and he had to unspool 20+ years of being in Vince's personal and professional life. Been a part of the WWE Board dealing with the fallout, investigation, and voting to keep him out of the company.  What'd he do then?


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1 hour ago, Pinc said:

The chance Triple H doesn’t know of any prosecution-worthy actions of Vince is zero.

I guess it now becomes a question of whether he's willing to commit perjury to keep his spot, or take the fifth and risk being taken down with Vince.

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I think it’s a bit dangerous trying to suggest that anyone must have known. The texts he sent might have been utter bullshit; a disgusting fantasy, an attempt to normalise his behaviour (‘see, everyone thinks this is fine’), or even a sinister attempt to imply that everyone knows, and no one cares.

It may be that there were whispers about multiple or specific affairs, there may have been talk of threesomes and all sorts - but unless someone has been named in the suit (or is subsequently accused of inaction) then I don’t think it’s helpful or fair to suggest otherwise. It’s also, potentially, not a sensible thing to do from a legal perspective. 

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4 hours ago, JNLister said:

If you're an investor/stock trader, you're probably assuming at this point that Vince McMahon will be getting removed from his position as a result and that that will be enough to satisfy sponsors. So you'd probably also assume the company's revenue isn't dropping much or at all. And even if it did, it's completely overshadowed by the Netflix and other deals. In 2027, even if they don't have a single sponsor, don't sell a single piece of merch, and don't sell a single house show ticket, this company is getting a billion dollars in revenue. That's what's maintaining the stock price.



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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

I hate the term "low level worker" but it puts into perspective just who Vince was fine with showing/bragging to, if random production staff knew then there's almost no way others higher up like Paul didn't.

But again that ignores what “knowing” actually entails. I’m not sure these guys assumed this was anything more than a dirty old man bragging about some girl he was putting one away with. Even the line about saying no could easily be taken by a third party as him bantering if he’s giving it the big laughs while he’s saying it. The poor culture of the company says that would be treated as the type of thing they would joke about. It’s hardly like he’s flat out saying “listen lads I raped this girl and forced her to be raped off others”. 

Triple H undoubtedly knew of her and who she was, nobody is saying otherwise. That doesn’t implicate him as someone who was actively aware of the fact she was being sexually abused and allowed her to be sexually abused.

There’s also a side he could have been aware but the flat out assurances of he MUST have been are baseless allegations from people who love to gossip.

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4 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Just re-subbed for the Rumble. I'm off to donate some money to Al-Qaeda and buy some Warburtons to round off the day.

I don't know what Warburtons have done, but I expect I'll be trying to wash away those same feelings in a Wetherspoon's before long.

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Vince resigned? Oh good....what food you getting in for the rumble lads? I've got a goodfellas pizza and a 2L of tizer for the rumble. Can't help but feel like Vince will get away with this though.

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