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Tim Healys Chutney Spoon

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7 minutes ago, BigJag said:

I think that Hamas being in the refugee camps has been the case all along

It’s one thing Hamas being in refugee camps but another using those camps to keep hostages prisoner. Doesn’t justify the slaughter of innocents of course but it strengthens Israel’s case against genocide. 

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Not sure how that tracks. Can they argue that the large scale slaughter was necessary?

Let's not forget Israel bizarrely refused a Ceasefire deal that they themselves had put forward. The proposed deal would have released hostages. Hamas had agreed to the deal.


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7 hours ago, BigJag said:

Not sure how that tracks. Can they argue that the large scale slaughter was necessary?

They’ll point out that if Hamas were using refugee camps to hold hostages, they’d have no problem using anywhere as a base, so their intelligence was right with the exception of the few apologies they’ve made. 

As I say, it doesn’t justify targeting civilians, nothing does, but they’ll no doubt use it to show how blurred the lines are where Hamas are concerned. 

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5 minutes ago, deathrey said:

I think this is the right place for this


Holly Valance really is a right tosser isn't she? Is it not a bit dodgy to be doing fundraising rallies for the US election in the UK?

Fairs fair, if you’re saying it’s dodgy then you need to say Wintours event for Biden is too. 
But neither of them are dodgy, no. 

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5 minutes ago, deathrey said:

I read that, it still seems a bit odd to me. Must just be me. Are they flying over here to attend? Why not just donate in the US?

I think Wintour doing one for Biden is just as odd @Keith Houchen. I am no fan of Biden's either.

There’s plenty of rich people with dual nationality or visas.  These overseas fundraisers happen all the time in countries where rich Americans live. 

Yeah I think they’re a bit odd, my point was about singling out one when both parties are doing it. 

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19 minutes ago, no user name said:

Has anyone seen that video of a drunk driver from high Wycombe? I'm having a hard job attaching the link. He was smashing into cars he went on the pavement. In the the and he had a head on with a car and that was where the video ended 

If people could not post this I'd appreciate it thanks. I don't need to see any car crashes. 

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1 minute ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I don't need to see any car crashes. 

Don’t watch the Starmer and Sunak debates that are on Sky at the moment in that case. 

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