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The General Politics Thread v2.0 (AKA the "Labour are Cunts" thread)


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12 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

I went to a private school (full scholarship for council kids) and the most intelligent ones didn't do private primary, it's a waste.

I sat the entrance exams for all of the private schools in my area (judging by your username, could very well be the same ones) and got accepted to all, but only offered a full scholarship for one and turned it down as to be honest I was scared and wanted to be with all my mates.

About 6 months into Year 7 I saw a lad who I'd known and played football with since 5 years old, who didn't get in initially and was on their wait list until someone turned them down (I like to think he took my place) and said hello to him in front of all his new mates, and he completely ignored me, and it made me feel the smallest I'd ever felt, and remember thinking "Well I'm glad I didn't go if that's how I'd have turned out*"

I'm enough of an arsehole as it is, private school would've made me unbearable.


*not saying everyone that went to private school turns out bad. Dua Lipa seems alright.

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48 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I sat the entrance exams for all of the private schools in my area (judging by your username, could very well be the same ones) and got accepted to all, but only offered a full scholarship for one and turned it down as to be honest I was scared and wanted to be with all my mates.

About 6 months into Year 7 I saw a lad who I'd known and played football with since 5 years old, who didn't get in initially and was on their wait list until someone turned them down (I like to think he took my place) and said hello to him in front of all his new mates, and he completely ignored me, and it made me feel the smallest I'd ever felt, and remember thinking "Well I'm glad I didn't go if that's how I'd have turned out*"

I'm enough of an arsehole as it is, private school would've made me unbearable.


*not saying everyone that went to private school turns out bad. Dua Lipa seems alright.

I missed my primary mates daily, after secondary school I didn't miss the people there, I'd say you made the right choice.

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What makes this all the more astonishing is that she's a serving MP for one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country. How far are they going to take this whole 'we're just trying to win an election!' bullshit?

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38 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Until the election is won expect more and more of this kind of horrific shit. 

And then, in a masterstroke 12D chess move, Sir Keir will move to the left wing. Honestly, that’s what he will do, the absolute political genius. 

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2 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What makes this all the more astonishing is that she's a serving MP for one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country. How far are they going to take this whole 'we're just trying to win an election!' bullshit?

Given that many of the employment gaps we have are in lower paying jobs, it’s still a stupid idea, but I’d like to see the full clip to hear where she finishes that thought. 

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3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What makes this all the more astonishing is that she's a serving MP for one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country. How far are they going to take this whole 'we're just trying to win an election!' bullshit?

It's a very short clip so I can't judge purely on that. 

I suppose it's very much appealing to people who think poor people bring their partners over to scrape off the state. 

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4 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

What makes this all the more astonishing is that she's a serving MP for one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the country. How far are they going to take this whole 'we're just trying to win an election!' bullshit?

She may represent Leicester. But it may as well not exist as far as she is concerned. The much maligned Claudia Webbe does a better job of representing Leicester. Even though she/Labour has managed to allow a number of Tory councillors into what would have previously been very very very safe Labour strongholds.

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

I’d like to see the full clip to hear where she finishes that thought. 

Hmm-hmm.  Whenever I'm shown a clip which cuts someone off in the middle of a sentence, it always sets off my radar as well.

So for the sake of clarity, here's a longer clip

I have to say, nothing she says afterwards makes me think Labour would overturn this rise in the threshold.

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I have an element of sympathy, as they don’t want to fall into Conservative traps on the economy or immigration. And the reality is that the wider electorate are wary of handing the economy to Labour (it’s a forever truism anyway, but especially given the collective PTSD brought on by the financial crisis and the Cameron Tory’s splendid job of pinning it all on Labour), and the electorate are overwhelmingly in favour of drastically reducing immigration. 

The issue for Labour is not on individual issues, as what they’re doing makes electoral sense, it’s that they might over time combine to paint a picture of a pointless ‘opposition’.

If you have to side with the government on real term public sector budget cuts, on fiscal policy, and if you have to also side with the government on immigration policy, alongside mirroring their policies on major foreign issues, the question starts to be, ‘what opposition do you actually offer?’

At some point, soon, they’ll have to break ranks and throw some red meat to traditional Labour voters. It’ll be fascinating to see what that issue is, and how it affects them in the country.

My suspicion is they’ll be hoping the government do something on anti-union laws, or in workforce management, which will allow them to rouse their base.

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Common sense is rolling your sleeves up and solving these problems practically, not indulging in some kind of political performance art. This goes for stopping the boats as well.

It’s not about wave machines, or armoured jet skis, or schemes like Rwanda you know will never work. It’s about doing the basics better. The mundane stuff. The bureaucratic stuff. Busting the backlogs. Rebuilding a functioning asylum system. Removing people more quickly so you don’t have to run-up hotel bills.

Well that's the far right on-side.


I’ve done this before as Director of Public Prosecutions when we took on the terrorists and the people-smugglers.

Not sure which one of those Jean Charles de Menezes falls under though.

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45 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Common sense is rolling your sleeves up and solving these problems practically, not indulging in some kind of political performance art. This goes for stopping the boats as well.

It’s not about wave machines, or armoured jet skis, or schemes like Rwanda you know will never work. It’s about doing the basics better. The mundane stuff. The bureaucratic stuff. Busting the backlogs. Rebuilding a functioning asylum system. Removing people more quickly so you don’t have to run-up hotel bills.

Nah, I don't really see any problem with any of what he's said there. There's a lot of wasted money in a broken system. If you can process cases quicker and more quickly remove those migrants that we were never going to let stay long-term anyway you reduce that waste. And then the ones that are staying move out of hotels in to more stable and long-term housing, that is also more cost efficient.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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1 minute ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Nah, I don't really see any problem with any of what he's said there. There's a lot of wasted money in a broken system. If you can process cases quicker and more quickly remove those migrants that we were never going to let stay long-term anyway you reduce that waste. And then the ones that are staying move out of hotels in to more stable and long-term housing, that is also more cost efficient.

There is a difference between “Processing people more quickly” and “Removing people more quickly”. We know that funding the Home Office so they have the staff to process the backlog is the easiest, quickest, and most cost effective way of dealing with the issue, but by deliberately highlighting “Removing”, it’s what the people with legitimate concerns about immigration want to hear. 

If he said that the majority of asylum cases are granted, and speeding up that process will also speed up identifying those that won’t be granted, that doesn’t sound good to those voters he is courting. They want to hear about removals, not the system. 

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If the solution he is proposing is a good solution, and it addresses the particular concerns of a group is it wrong to speak about it in that context with the people for whom that is the concern they have?

That wasn't a speech for you. Do you not want a politician to connect with voters in a personal way on a local level?

I think there's a difference between implementing a policy specifically to court a particular type of voter vs talking about a policy they have in a certain way.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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