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Vince McMahon is back. "I hear ya a racist now, father?"


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Wade Keller has tweeted that he was told flat out that Vince McMahon is not back in creative, and Sean Ross Sapp followed his tweet up with second and third tweets, saying he didn’t believe it was true but tried to justify a clear attempt at grabbing subscribers with a flimsy ‘we’re reporting things like this because it’ll make its way to people who wouldn’t bother to get it confirmed’. 

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7 hours ago, FUM said:
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Vince McMahon backstage at RAW according to talent Sean Ross Sapp has spoken to.



With...A MOUSTACHE!! I am curious however as his hair is greyed out again. Was he not on a date recently having used a full box of Just For Men on his Barnet?


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Is it really any surprise? Guys like Vince don't give up power unless they choose to. It wouldn't surprise me if he's back in gorilla just to prove to himself and anyone else who cares that he could be calling the shots if he really wanted.

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4 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Not sounding positive for the Fox renewal 


In the tweet it says not likely to renew at a higher price. Not that they'd not look to renew.

As a projection you can see it's some what misleading in that the same CPM is used for both FOX and USA. There's also no inclusion for retransmissions fees.

If you remember Morgan Stanley did something similar. Included retrans and ad revenue and actually came up with a worse number per year. Even then both are saying FOX might be interested, just don't expect a massive increase.


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44 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

In the tweet it says not likely to renew at a higher price. Not that they'd not look to renew.

That’s not what I said. The whole valuation of $9b was based on share price as well as assets and tv deals etc. They was talk of the next tv deal to be worth more then this one, and that seems less likely based on these tweets, though not impossible of course. 

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Yeah, as others have pointed out I read that post as 'Fox will likely renew but not at a higher price'.

In general, I get the sense that the giddyness that surrounded TV and content rights - particularly in sports - has been curbed a little bit. Not sure if that's the effects of covid or if its their shareholders saying 'look lads, we want the content but calm down a bit'.

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