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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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The lad in the Sting mask being revealed led to a 'oh for fucks sake' from me. At first not because it was Cole Carter, but because I couldn't think who it was. Then the commentators told us, which led to a much bigger 'for fucks sake'. 

That Jarrett came out right after, showed how spectacularly pointless the Carter reveal was. I've no problem with JJ though. He looked in great knick, and usually AEW have been able to get something positive out of these veterans in TV roles (Anderson, Tully, Regal, Sting, DDP, Dustin, Jake, Daddy Ass etc). I'd say the only busts that fit into their venn diagram (that are coming to mind at the moment) are The Hardy's. 

Part of the problem is who he's immediately paired with though. Him being involved with Sting makes sense, but Jay Lethal and Darby? Cooling me on it right away. I'd have preferred The Firm brought him in and binned off the useless Stokely Hathaway. 

Shibata holds no interest for me, outside of it again making me question just who in the hell AEW's doctor's are. I've never seen the man work, but by all accounts he's great, if you like the typical Japanese style of trying to kill yourself stone dead in order to get over how hard you are. NJPW won't book him again, but AEW will. Hopefully that means it's a match full of Cassidy comedy spots and no bumps, and nobody taking head drops. I'll not hold my breath. 

Moxley should be beating these scrubs in matters of seconds. There's a reason there's supposed to be a distinct pecking order and it's not so we can watch Moxley go for aeon's with Moriarty. Then when an undercard guy does go the distance with a top guy, it won't mean what it could, as it's the norm every week. 

Glad to see Hobbs back. Hope he didn't break up from a crew just to meander before joining  a different crew, and instead has just decided to target big Wardlow. 

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43 minutes ago, WeeAl said:

Moxley should be beating these scrubs in matters of seconds. There's a reason there's supposed to be a distinct pecking order and it's not so we can watch Moxley go for aeon's with Moriarty. Then when an undercard guy does go the distance with a top guy, it won't mean what it could, as it's the norm every week. 

This is my least favourite thing about AEW by far. Not every match needs to be competitive. 

If Mox is wrestling someone who isn't on his level it shouldn't be a back and forth it should be like this:

Much more entertaining and much better storytelling. 

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It's not even suddenly ROH anymore. It's just...ROH, a lot.

Agree with those saying Mox does not need to be going 50/50 with opening match (or even Dark) guys. When that match with Moriaty was doing the entrances, I felt sure the only smart thing would be for Mox for demolish him quickly. So, of course, that is not what happened.

I am, to some degree, starting to worry about TK's long-term ability to book this shit.

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41 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

I am, to some degree, starting to worry about TK's long-term ability to book this shit.

I've been pretty critical of Tony Khan's booking this year, but I do think, if you look at the non-ROH stuff, there's still a lot of good going on in this company; and I suspect that AEW would be in a much better place, if Khan hadn't purchased the company, or had chosen to treat it as nostalgia. The MJF/Moxley stuff is really intriguing, The Acclaimed are an absolute blast; are are really coming into their own right now. The Christian/Jungle Boy/Luchasaurus storyline continues to be entertaining, and Jade Cargill feels like an absolute megastar. The Swerve/Keith Lee storyline (and their interactions with The Acclaimed) has been really strong, and they'd been doing some interesting things with Daniel Garcia/Danielson/Jericho up until recently - granted, there's ROH-elements to that storyline, but it feels more tacked on...it doesn't enhance or detract from what they'd been doing. 

There are still problems, of course - the All-Atlantic title has no business existing, and the Trios titles also feel a bit pointless to me. The Women's division, outside of Cargill, is a bit of a mess. Then there's The Firm. I don't think I need to explain that one. 

If Tony Khan was to accept that ROH is to AEW what the NWA was to WWE in the 90s, I think the overall tone of this thread would be much more positive. 

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There is always at least something on a show of value, dynamite never feels pointless, but the B team dross of ROH needs to go do it’s own thing sooner than later. AEW has a lot of talent it’s not using, or not pushing up the card as they should be as soo many blockages.

I want the freshness the new acts created when they started. I want the handbrake taken off in who can lose to who. Give us the matches no on has seen like Darby vs Claudio, not both of them facing 205 live rejects or ROH never beens to keep their records plump. 

Edited by Louch
Typo in never to nevertheless
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20 minutes ago, Louch said:

There is always at least something on a show of value, dynamite nevertheless feels pointless, but the B team dross of ROH needs to go do it’s own thing sooner than later. AEW has a lot of talent it’s not using, or not pushing up the card as they should be as soo many blockages.

I'm hoping the announcement that ROH is going to have its own TV show will come at the next ROH PPV, almost completely removing it from the ROH universe. I still question the value in keeping it alive like that, without a separate booking team, but I would be surprised if Khan killed off the ROH brand at this point. To be fair, it may be helpful, to breathe new life into some of the AEW talent that is feeling stagnant. Darby Allin, for example, might benefit with some time away from Dynamite; same goes for The Best Friends. I'd quite like to see Sting do his own thing for a while, and perhaps even wrestle a World title match at a PPV. 

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43 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Give the ROH book to Jarrett. 

Get the “Don West brown bag specials” sold at live events and Tony will have his $4m back within the year 

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He was touted as being the 'Next Brock Lesnar' and what not prior to him signing with WWE and was quite hyped with a large social media following. Then he did the thing with Joe Gacy where a lot of folk were up in arms because they shaved him bald and presented him as a monster. Then he did not much else before being released. All the usually wrestling sites / YouTube news channels were quite shocked when he was released. 


Turns out he's just a bit shit and was all hype from what I've seen. Sonny Kiss deserves better than dossing about with these scrubs.

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