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I seem to be okay with it headache wise which I was worried about. Only thing is my stupid big head so I've ordered the other strap as that seems to be a bit more comfortable.

But yeah it's exceeding expectations at the moment. Once you get over the weird sensation of not actually physically hitting anything like with table tennis. Plus I was playing against a cat.

Also established that I look like a twat while playing it but I think that's just everyone.

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I bit the bullet and finally got the Resident Evil 4 remake on PS4 Pro, no doubt it's an excellent game but my immersion is all but gone with the horrible cut backs they took to get it to run. It's weird as Resi 7 on the same engine looks gorgeous but here they've stripped back the textures to an almost PS2 level in places.

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2 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

I think you can also sideload some ones people have created but I haven't got that complicated quite yet. Need to master the basic stuff first ?

Side loading isn’t too hard, there’s a few steps but nothing complex - lots of good tutorials too which helps. The mods available really open the game up too by increasing frame rate and resolution (makes it look more like the pc version) and there’s a huge song building community online putting new stuff out daily. 

2 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

I seem to be okay with it headache wise which I was worried about. Only thing is my stupid big head so I've ordered the other strap as that seems to be a bit more comfortable.

Third party stuff from Amazon/Ali express is a good place for new straps - I just upgraded to the quest 3 and that was the first thing I did, especially useful to get one with an additional battery to extend play time but also add a bit of weight to the back of the strap which balances the weight in your neck a bit better.

My next purchase will be a midi keyboard (mine is too old) to use with Piano Vision because that stuff is just black magic.

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Ultimate Doom/Doom II

The original Doom is now 30 years old as of this December, which is nuts.

I’ve downloaded both of the iOS versions over the festive period (not exactly a festive game mind you!) after getting some iTunes vouchers from relatives. 

The iOS ports are great and everything from the original games is present, including things like Doom II’s Arch Vile and all the secret missions and the like. The controls are a bit fiddly but not too bad once you get used to them. Turning and shooting at the same time is a bit of a challenge on the more difficult levels especially when you’ve got a ton of shotgun/chaingun wielding zombies to keep dodging.

Otherwise it’s maniacal fun as always. 


“Alright mate?”


Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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My lovely wife got me the official Steam Dock for Christmas. I've got tons I want to do with this, mostly setting up my Steamdeck with various ports (like this tasty Zelda: Links Awakening port), game mods (mainly Fallout 3 but I'd like to have a go at getting some No Mercy mods working), and a more personally curated emulation set-up. It'll also be grand for when the house is empty and I can just play my indie games on the living room telly.

Speaking of which, fuck me was that a bastard to get working. I plugged the dock into my telly, set the Steamdeck on the dock, plugged in the power source and...nothing. The screen showed me a "Cannot find source" error message and it sent warning lights through my brain and heart and arse. What followed was 90 minutes of wading through endless troubleshooting posts on Reddit and the Steam forums.

My telly is a Samsung, is that a problem? Yes. Apparently Samsung TV's have all sorts of compatibility issues with the official Steamdeck Dock.

My dock is plugged into a power surge protector, is that a problem? Yes. Apparently the power surge protector means that the telly can't recognise certain signals correctly.

I have other games consoles hooked up to the TV, is that a problem? Yes. Apparently the TV is trying to find similar signals to connect to.

So I was fucking around with settings on my TV and game modes and setting the source to treat the dock as a PC and trying various variations on the "turn it off and on again" methodology, until a wild last-minute ride through YouTube led me to a 90 second video with 136 views and a man with all the camera control of an otter on a skateboard and the thickest southern accent this side of a confederate civil war, and he finally revealed the answer; just set your Steamdeck refresh rate to 60FPS and the TDP to max.

Boom. The fucker beamed onto my telly and I got to enjoy 5 minutes of Turnip Boy in glorious 50 inch colour before I had to go to work. I'll try it again tomorrow to see if that actually was the solution or if it was just a fluke, but by God I am excited to dig deeper into my deck now that I have access to a big screen and all those extra ports.

Edited by Accident Prone
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11 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

My telly is a Samsung, is that a problem? Yes. Apparently Samsung TV's have all sorts of compatibility issues with the official Steamdeck Dock.

To go slightly off subject, absolute pieces of shit TVs. My own isn't that old and is no longer compatible with a whole host of apps, including Now TV and also has stopped letting me change the ratio aspect.

Bacon, can't you just download and update the firmware? No I won't be doing that.

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Far Cry 6 update. Been doing side missions and one of them led me to some Russian bunker, 


And now I’m in Stranger Things

Bloody marvellous. 

Also NHL23 has stopped squad battles and by some strange coincidence, NHL24 is on sale. Might have to cash in my rewards and get it. 

Finally, Goat Simulator 3 is mental. 

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56 minutes ago, Gus Mears said:

I passionate hate my Samsung TV. There's an issue on it which means MLB TV looks like you've dropped three tabs of acid and there's no fucking way to sort it out. So I have a Roku box solely to play the thing I've already paid for in shit quality. Rubbish.

Yep, me too!

My old telly was a 32 inch basic LG TV that I bought in the late 00's from Spud in Currys or Comet or whatever it was in the Bullring at the time, that me and a mate then dragged and carried on a bus to my house in rough-as-fuck Hodge Hill. We hooked it up and played Saints Row 2 and Halo 3 before heading out, probably to some dingy emo dive under a rock in the outskirts of the city centre. That telly would go on to last me several house moves and was still working perfectly when I decided that 32-inches was too small for 2019's media.

So while I loved the 50-inch upgrade when I bought a new Samsung TV in 2019, I soon found that all the Samsung TV apps are crap for the most part. I had to plug in the same FireStick that my old LG used, whilst also taking up valuable HDMI real estate. That and the fact that my Xbox 360 just plugged in and played with no issues on the old TV, yet here I in my mid-30s fucking around before work with guides and settings and YouTube rabbit holes just to get a simple games peripheral working.

I'll definitely be doing more research into the best telly OS next time I decide that my TV is too small. I cannot believe we live in a time where we have to consider a TV's operating system before making an informed purchase. Philip K Dick didn't see this coming!

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8 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

So what is a good TV brand to get then? Coming from someone who is very frustrated at the lack of Disney and Plex apps on my Panasonic.

From what I can gather according to Facebook, flat screen TVs seem to be the must have. I think they’re pricey though because everyone seems to be moaning about illegals and scroungers are being given them to go with their brand new iPhone. 

I just want my country back. 

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I love my Samsung (KS7000), going on 7 years old and I've never had an issue. Will hopefully keep going strong until we hit mainstream 8K being widely supported (and affordable).

It is funny about the apps though. No problems using the in-built Netflix and Prime to watch stuff in 4K, but the WWE Network and some others just stopped supporting their apps on there (or the other way round). I had to Firestick up.

40 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

That and the fact that my Xbox 360 just plugged in and played with no issues on the old TV, yet here I in my mid-30s fucking around before work with guides and settings and YouTube rabbit holes just to get a simple games peripheral working.

I think setting up consoles is going to be a pain on any modern TV, tbh. With all the variety of settings these days and having to match the TV and consoles RGB range/colour space/black levels or whatever to get it looking good. It's all an Ahmed Johnson promo to me, I've had to hit up Google for all of them.

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My LG has been pretty good value.

My Dad's Sony Bravia has a lovely picture, but the software on it is APPALLING. There are three different settings buttons on the remote, each leading to a different menu.  It comes with terrible apps loaded that you have to delete, an awful Home Screen that tries to sell you films all the time, it's buggy and you have to turn off about a hundred things to get a decent picture.

TVs have been getting worse for some years now.  Who thinks we want all this bollocks?  Why do I want a default picture setting that makes everything look like a Mexican soap opera?  Who wants an iPhone style pop up menu as well as two different icon trays at the bottom?  Why does my Freeview TV also need a Freeview App installed and set as a default, that replaces the normal Freeview tuner?

Trying to set up this tv for my Dad over Xmas, it was like the Krypton Factor, the poor bastard has no chance of using it properly.

Oh yeah, the worst thing - Google TV?  No browser mate.  Pity Google never made a browser huh?

Edited by Loki
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