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Covid-19 Megathread


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They were warned that there could be a half million deaths, Cummings probably sees just under 30,000 as a slow start on his eugenics plan, so we have to pick up the pace and start thinning more numbers out. 

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1 hour ago, Dead Mike said:

Seems the current Government strategy is taking a twist. They've announced a slight tweak in the messaging to 'stay at home' whilst at the same time briefing the tabloids that restrictions will be eased. The public will largely view this as the green light to get out & socialise. The death rate continues & it's all the plebs fault now for not listening to the 'clear & consistent' message from our leaders. Brits get angry with each other, thousands more avoidable deaths. Johnson gains 5 points in the pollls.

Nah, they're sweating bullets in Downing Street about this morning's headlines.  They are getting fucked by the press who need lockdown over to revive their circulations.  Sunday's announcement is now going to be somewhat of an anticlimax and Johnson will get shit about it.

No fan of them, but in this instance they're trying to do this in a controlled manner but they have very few allies in the press for it.

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They must have reached some kind of conclusion as I've just had a text telling me to shield until at least June 30th unless told othwrwise by a medical professional, so I guess it'll be depending on what my blood glucose is at next time I have it checked, although that'll be around the end of June anyway. 

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Just went for a wander round the block and the traffic on the main road is pretty much back to pre-lockdown levels. Exactly what a lot of (sensible) people thought would happen - the very first hint of restrictions being relaxed, everyone's out and about like nothing's going on. Humans really are a bunch of thick pricks, aren't they? 

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So just to show how we are mostly adhering to the lockdown rules, I have had confirmation my Dad's funeral is being livestreamed next week. Which is for the best really as my Aunt and Uncle wouldn't be able to go as they are both in the vulnerable category. They are allowing up to 9 guests where he is being burred.

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2 hours ago, Dead Mike said:


Seems the current Government strategy is taking a twist. They've announced a slight tweak in the messaging to 'stay at home' whilst at the same time briefing the tabloids that restrictions will be eased. The public will largely view this as the green light to get out & socialise. The death rate continues & it's all the plebs fault now for not listening to the 'clear & consistent' message from our leaders. Brits get angry with each other, thousands more avoidable deaths. Johnson gains 5 points in the pollls.

this actually came in a little earlier here in Jersey, where we haven't been hit nearly as hard as the UK.

Guidance was that from last Saturday your time outside was allowed to increase from 2 to 4 hours, and no longer needed to be just for exercise or essential travel, and permitted to meet with up to two people from outside your household so long as you meet outside and respect physical distancing guidelines. Still strongly advised to follow all other government advice as best as possible. Judging from what I've seen on my daily walk, at the weekend people saw that as blanket permission to send their teenagers out to hang out and play football en masse, and for the adults to hang out boozing in the park together. The moment there's any sign of the lockdown lifting, people are taking it as permission to do whatever they want, and we're a long way from that.

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The queue outside Aldi was fucking massive. I only wanted a few 4 packs of Rheinbacher and a 4 pinter of blue top. They should have let me go in first. 


It's the first queue outside a supermarket I've seen. 

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22 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

The queue outside Aldi was fucking massive. I only wanted a few 4 packs of Rheinbacher and a 4 pinter of blue top. They should have let me go in first. 


It's the first queue outside a supermarket I've seen. 

What are you making?

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54 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

The queue outside Aldi was fucking massive. I only wanted a few 4 packs of Rheinbacher and a 4 pinter of blue top. They should have let me go in first. 


It's the first queue outside a supermarket I've seen. 

At our local Asda they're usually queuing the length of the car park. Although it depends on the weather and the time of day. Early morning when it's pissing down feels like you've got the place to yourself. I bet it's dreadful up there today as everybody tries to get ready for their VE day barbecues tomorrow. 

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An Asda near me, you tend to only be waiting about 5 minutes even when it’s most of the way down the car park.

They've got a one way system once you’re inside, but this being Britain that’s as much use of a chocolate teapot and yesterday people seemed to be making a special effort to be a bunch of daft cunts.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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I had this conversation with a friend last night as one of her clients was insisting that Johnson had announced that the lockdown was being lifted as of Monday and he wanted booking in. 

I somehow ended up trading comments with someone of the "Well, they're claiming they died of COVID-19, aren't they? How do we know for sure" brigade.

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The Morrisons near me always has a queue.  However, the other day, we walked past the front door and started to make our way to the back of the queue and heard an "Excuse me" a few times and cottoned on he was talking to us.  It was one of the managers and he'd noticed my gf was wearing a sunflower lanyard (https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com) and said whenever we come to the store to show it to the door staff and we can go straight in.

I thought it was a really nice thing to do and qualifies for the above and beyond category.

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