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Forgetting you don't like something


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29 minutes ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

I've never forgotten that I don't like a certain food or drink, but there are instances where I'll order certain things from restaurants or fast food chains and remember how much better another item I could've ordered was. 

Food buyers remorse might be the most appropriate.

I used to do this all the time. My go to option would nearly always be ribs. Some places rib were great, other places they wouldnt be. And it is only when you start tucking into a crappy portion of ribs whilst staring at someone's bit of steak you realised you did a Gob. 

Another thing I don't often get happen to me since going veggie.

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1 hour ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

Hang on

So you obviously don't live alone seeing as you are trying not to wake anyone with your fartskis. Who is upstairs while you are down in the kitchen drinking that filth and scrolling through bongo?

Missus and kids. Summer holidays and I need to get the gym for 0700 so if I wake anyone, my morning is upended and I have to make breakfast and tea and all for everyone, so I have to creep around the gaff, grab my gear and run as quickly and quietly as I can.

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1 minute ago, Scott Malbranque said:

Missus and kids. Summer holidays and I need to get the gym for 0700 so if I wake anyone, my morning is upended and I have to make breakfast and tea and all for everyone, so I have to creep around the gaff, grab my gear and run as quickly and quietly as I can.

But only after pondering a little tug in the kitchen first?

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I'll do this with games sometimes? Like wonder whether the reason I don't like it is because I've not given it a fair crack of the whip, then when I play it I remember that the reason I didn't like it was because it's not a particularly good game. Although I did give Pokémon a fair crack of the whip after years and suddenly own at least one title from every generation. Well, I've got Omega Ruby which is technically gen 6, but it's a remake of a gen 3 title. 

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Chorizo is a big pile of greasy wank but I still think it's a great addition to a meal despite detesting it.

McDonalds belongs in this category too. I know that I don't really enjoy it but now and then I'll get the urge to have a Big Mac. Usually when a bit pissed up in town.  And then I'm massively underwhelmed once I've finished it. In fact the only satisfying thing from Maccies was that Jamaican Jerk Chicken burger they did for a brief duration.

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Offered to make a Chicken and Mushroom Pasta for tea the other night. Neither of us like mushrooms but for a brief moment I convinced myself I could make us both like them, my idea for the sauce was so good. 

We had pizza.

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