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The Lime-S Electric Scooter Craze - Any Converts Here?


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So, I've seen these funky electric scooters pop up where I live, and notice that they're advertised as being available in London as well.Ā 

Anyone here seen or used one?Ā 

I'm not sure how they would work in London to be honest, as the people using them here tend to nip in and out of traffic, then onto pavements while trying to avoid pedestrians. I've not seen any police or whatever tell these lunatics that they shouldn't be flying past unsuspecting pedestrians at 10-15mph on the pavement, which is astounding.


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8 minutes ago, David said:

I've not seen any police or whatever tell these lunatics that they shouldn't be flying past unsuspecting pedestrians at 10-15mph on the pavement, which is astounding

I wonder if skateboarders are afforded the same courtesy.

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Just now, Merzbow said:

I wonder if skateboarders are afforded the same courtesy.

I can understand cutting them a bit of slack, as they're usually children or those weird adults you get that wear Slipknot hoodies and suchlike. Still a fucking menace mind you.

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7 minutes ago, David said:

I have no idea, but this is the general gist of them...


Yeah that was basically what the episode was about. Itā€™s basically the same as a Boris Bike from what I can gather. I can picture them being used by hipsters whoā€™ve grown tired of their vintage bicycle.

Ive seen some stuff online recently ofĀ big groups of people roller-blading through London, complete with their own ā€˜Marshallsā€™ who stop traffic so they can skate. I donā€™t drive in London, but I can imagine that to be infuriating for anyone that encounters it, more than any skateboarder or cyclist

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5 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Mobike was introduced to Manchester a while back, they've since fucked off after loads of the bikes ended up in the canals.

Ha! I said to the other half yesterday that Glasgow would likely react the same if there were electric scooters parked all over the place on a Friday night at midnight!

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15 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Hull wouldnā€™t even make it to midnight, weā€™d ruin it within 20 minutes

Don't they need electricity to run, though? Ā I imagine one of them turning up in Hull would resemble the opening scenes of 2001 A Space Odyssey.

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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Don't they need electricity to run, though? Ā I imagine one of them turning up in Hull would resemble the opening scenes of 2001 A Space Odyssey.

We figured that, thatā€™s why we went with Solar Power. The sun is going to shine any day now, I just know it

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9 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Are these the things that South Park did an episode about in the recent series? Think it was the Halloween episodeĀ 

Iā€™m not sure mate, but I have a feeling South Park might have done an episode about these recently, possibly in a Halloween special.

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