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So, kind of inspired by the Infinity Stones in the new Marvel movie, but with NO SPOILERS for the film.


You come into possession of these six Macguffins which control six fundamental aspects of wrestling. You can control them. What do you do with...

Time - you can go back (or forward) in time to see any wrestling show in person. What do you see?

Power - you have control of THE PLAN. Who's your The Guy who you push to the top and keep there?

Reality - which booking decision or 'rule' of wrestling matches do you change, or wipe from existence completely?

Mind - you can convince Vince McMahon of anything and he'll go with it. What do you get him to change about wrestling?

Space - you can host WrestleMania in any location or venue you want. Where's your show happening?

Soul - the morbid one. You can save any 'soul' and prevent a sadly departed wrestler from dying. Who do you save?


I'll have a think of mine during the day but if anyone's awake this Sunday morning, let us see if this works!

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Time - What do you see? Summerslam 1992, without question. Lee Naylor from my class went to see it live and bragged about it for months. I didn't get to see it until I got it on VHS for Christmas that year along with a load of Hasbros and then proceeded to watch that tape twice a day for a year. I can't imagine what it was like to be there in person.

Power -Braun Strowman. Ok, he already kinda is the guy, but I wouldn't piss about wasting time getting him there. He'd be current super face Braun initially, wins the belt off Lesnar at Summerslam and holds it til Mania where he faces Daniel Bryan who's switched brands for some convoluted reason. Batters Bryan around the arena, turns heel in the process and goes in to a proper program with him and eventually drops the belt to him.

Reality - I'd put a stop to being able to win cage matches by escaping through the door. Infact, scrap pinfalls and submissions too. It should be over the top or nothing.

Mind - Nothing popular gets ran in to the ground by being constantly repeated and done to death. I'm thinking New Day's shtick getting old quickly and what's probably about to happen with Titus Worldslide.

Space - A caravan site in Bridlington

Soul - Macho Man. Would loved to have seen him come back to WWE, Hall Of Fame headliner, maybe a small Rumble appearance. He could have added so much to the company with his experience, imagine him being involved with the performance centre or NXT?



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Time - Wrestlemania X8 - Rock v Hogan.  I got into wrestling late, mainly when I got my own flat and had Sky, so missed most of the Attitude Era (and heel Rock), but got into it late 2000 onwards.  At the time, I enjoyed the Invasion storyline, then lapped it up when Vince brought in the nWo, and the atmosphere for that match just looked electric.  I appreciate the question was what show, but that match would be worth it for me.

Power - Probably controversial, but I would stick with Reigns as "the plan", but would go about it completely differently.  Turn him heel, have him batter people, then build to a face turn against another heel that people want to see take a proper pasting.  The problem nowadays, as has been said before, is that it's hard to build new top faces when there' such a lack of top heel talent available.  You have to want the face to win, but without having any good heels, its just ambivalence.  This way, you can build a new face originally, and then have another one down the line.

Reality - lazy, but I'd go with the same thing as cobra_gordo.  Over the top wins only.  Otherwise, the cage isn't really serving its true purpose.

Mind  - I'd convince him that scripted promos are not the way to go, and let the talent "ad lib" within a general framework of what the "powers that be" want to get put across.

Space - Wembley Stadium, or Twickenham

Soul - Big Boss Man, so he can get his rightful Rumble win at last.


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Time - tempting as it would be to go and see WrestleMania X-Seven in person, I want to go further back. Take me to one of the territories in the 60s or 70s. I might not be thrilled by the matches but I’d love to see full kayfabe play out in person.

Power - if I have complete power over the universe I’m hoping that means I can keep Jeff Hardy on the straight and narrow. Via a little bit more fiddling with time I’m strapping all the rockets to Jeff safe in the knowledge he won’t go off the rails or off to TNA.

Reality - I’ll be altering reality so that when someone goes for a dive, their opponent or opponents aren’t standing there with their arms out for ages waiting to catch them. Dives happen so often now I’ve almost stopped noticing but it looks bloody stupid when you stop and think about it.

Mind - Vince, let’s have a look at that list of banned or discouraged words. It’ll not kill the business to call a title belt a title belt or a superstar a wrestler or a universe fans.

Space - St James’ Park or Murrayfield would be convenient. Decent atmospheres for stadiums too I’d hope, even if it was freezing cold. Then again, the local village hall would mean I’d get a better view and it’s under cover...

Soul - it’s got to be Owen Hart here. Bring him back and let him finish up his career and retire happy.


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Time - the first thing to come to mind is Bruno Sammartino losing the WWWF Title. Just to witness that crowd reaction - there were comparisons drawn to it when The Undertaker lost to Brock, but it's just a live moment I wish I could have experienced. If we're talking a whole show, that's trickier for me...do I just say, "here's a show I really liked, it would have been nice to have been there", or something more significant? I'm going to just say AJW Big Egg Wrestling Universe and get it over with.

Power - The obvious answer is Braun Strowman, who - for so many reasons - the deserved Guy. To think a little bit more outside of the box, though, I'll say Chad Gable. Mike Quackenbush once said, back when American Alpha were still relatively new to NXT, that he had spent over an hour in the ring with him during his guest trainer spot at the Performance Center, and that he was one of the most outstanding performers he'd ever seen - and that covers a lot of ground. I'm convinced we've not seen half of what he's capable of - and what we have seen has been great. He's drawn a lot of (fair) comparison to Kurt Angle, but I think he has a goofy affability that could lend itself well to Edge & Christian style comedy, or to being a relatable Daniel Bryan-esque babyface, and has the pedigree to be a Bob Backlund style "All American Boy".

Reality - I would actually introduce more rules, not fewer. Or, rather, see the rules that do exist better enforced. Maybe this is just me with my bitter referee's hat on, fed up with standing around like a lemon threatening disqualifications that everybody knows I'm never actually going to give out for pulling hair, or wanting to not allow a tag because the wrestler didn't have his feet on the ring apron, but knowing the crowd wouldn't understand and it would kill the flow of the match. More rules just creates more opportunities to construct and tell interesting stories, and create fun ways for heels to exploit them or work around them.
Bring back the closed fist rule - if only to stop wrestlers for using a flurry of shitty punches as a means of getting from one spot to another, and to stop Shane McMahon altogether. Make more use of the "30 day" title defence rule. 5 count on the turnbuckles.
More than that, though, just make a better effort to communicate the rules to the audience - WWE never told the audience that they had dropped the ban on closed fist punches, for example.

Alternatively, I'd completely revamp WWE's production, make backstage segments in particular more akin to NXT's, where there is always a justification for a camera being present, rather than just cutting to a General Manager in his office for no particular reason. Revamp the set to make it more like Memphis' old studio set-up - a stage set-up alongside the entrance, where interviews are held in front of the audience, rather than in anonymous backstage areas. This allows for matches and angles to flow better from one to the other, and keeps things alive, rather than forcing the audience to watch half the show on a screen.

Mind - Similar to the last post, I'd just try and convince Vince McMahon to speak like a human being. Championships aren't "held in abeyance", they're vacant, suspended, or just "held up". Interviews don't start with "joining me now, my guest at this time". Stop Michael Cole saying someone is "a former champion in his own right". It's not a "local medical facility", it's a hospital.

Space - This one doesn't really bother me so much. Short of just picking somewhere absurd, or somewhere easily accessible for me to attend, I don't really have an answer. Let's say Wembley Stadium. Or The Float @ Marina Bay in Singapore, because it would be a unique, mental visual.

Soul - Really hard choices on this one. It would have to be either Owen Hart, to undo such an easily avoidable tragedy, or Brian Pillman just to see what could possibly have come next for that gimmick heading into the Attitude Era, though.

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Time - sounds strange, but I’d go back to my first WWE/F show in Whitley Bay 93... but as an adult (if that’s allowed). I’d love to experience that show again but appreciate exactly what I was watching. Yoko vs Taker, Savage vs HBK, Martel Vs Kid.. yeah please.

Power - Braun, done right, see responses above, all perfectly put across. However, much like Pat it’s worth chucking a wildcard in there, so I’m going to say Black. I’m really interested to see where they can go with him. I’d really like to see him keep the occult persona and keep his unbeatable gimmick going. Takes on anyone, then see him go up against Braun once Braun topples Brock. 

Reality - 1 champion, they perform on both shows. No title defences occur on weekly show, but must be defended at every PPV. Only 6 PPVs a year (every 2 months).

Mind - To do a tell all expose shoot interview with Austin or JBL and for it to be released the day after he departs and leaves us mere mortals.

Space - defo St. James Park. Just before the opening match he goes to the ring and is about to announce he’s purchased NUFC from Mike Ashley, but Shane appears on the Big Screen live from sports direct, stating there is indeed a McMahon on the back of a replica Newcastle Shirt.. but it says ‘Shane McMahon’ (would cost a fortune to print that many letter).

Soul - Very tough. It has to be Pillman as @Liam O'Rourke‘s book has been incredibly fascinating and I want to see him in 2018 as the loose cannon. Then I’d change my Power answer to Brian.

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To Infinity and Beyond...

Time - IYH: Canadian Stampede 1997 - The Hart Foundation were my heroes when I was kid, so to experience that show live, cheering my heroes as the defeat the yanks in an epic battle would have been a mind blowing experience. The rest of the card brilliant as well.

Power - It has to be Braun Strowman. I would have him be the guy who beats Brock Lesnar at probably SummerSlam then just book him as a lovably ass-kicking monster for next couple of years.

Reality - The Undertaker's streak ending + Brock Lesnar losing to John Cena at Extreme Rules in 2012 - This one ties in to one another, if Brock Lesnar hadn't ended the streak, he wouldn't have been the beast incarnate. When he lost to Cena, I honestly thought it hurt him seeing as he had gone for nearly 10 years, because a mega draw in UFC, a legit bad ass and loses his first match against John Cena after beating the shit out of Big Match John for 15 minutes. Let's not talk about him losing to Triple H at Mania as well then needing the help of Heyman to beat him at Extreme Rules the year later. I still think a up-and-comer should have ended the streak to elevate them to that next level. Bray Wyatt, Rusev, Owens, Reigns and Braun could have been the guys to end the streak. Whereas if Brock hadn't had that 50/50 start to his return, he wouldn't have needed to beat The Undertaker at Mania 30 to restart his push.

Mind - Make RAW 2 hours again. Ever since RAW became 3 hours in 2012, I find it harder and harder to watch now. With a show that's 3 hours long, and they still struggle to produce top stars, no excuse nowadays.

Space - I'm going to be a typical Brit and say Wembley Stadium. British wrestling fans will be fired up all night and will react to everything so you can't go wrong with this venue choice.

Soul - Eddie Guerrero - I met him 6 months before he died in Ilford at Woolworths and this death got to me so much at the time. I just feel if he didn't pass away, he could have had nice run with the Big Gold Belt, feuded with HBK, Kennedy, Orton, The Undertaker and other guys on Smackdown at that time. Smackdown really suffered without Eddie for a couple of years in my opinion.

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Time - not so far back, but to WM30 in New Orleans. Every year I tell myself I'll go to next year's Mania, and this was the one that was everything was going to plan and I was going to be there. Until my wife fell pregnant and things changed very quickly! To have seen the end of the Streak, Bryan's rise to the top, a mental Trips entrance and the opening Hogan / Austin / Rock segment in person would have made my life complete. As it is, I had to settle for a second daughter, and plans to go to Mania 35 next year.

Power - Bray Wyatt, back when he first debuted with the Family. Strip him right back to the creepy cult leader, ditch all the supernatural crap that's ruined him ever since. I'd have had him beat Cena at Mania 30, not face Taker at Mania 31 and keep him at the top of the card.

Reality - the '30 day title defence' rule that's either enforced rigourously, or ignored entirely. Once the title is off Brock, make it a hard and fast rule.

Mind - Vince, please get rid of the shaky camera effects and the God awful CGI bits that have started appearing on screen. Some of the Mania entrances were awful, the Uso Penitentiary... just stop. Please stop.

Space - the Millenium / Principality Stadium in Cardiff. For purely selfish reasons that it's easier to get to my house than Wembley, closing the roof would stop the inevitable April British rain.

Soul - Chris Candido - it's one of the greatest tragedies in wrestling that he finally got clean, and then died just as he was rebuilding his reputation. A guy who could have had years left, and could have done so much more.

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6 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

Reality - I'd put a stop to being able to win cage matches by escaping through the door. Infact, scrap pinfalls and submissions too. It should be over the top or nothing.


5 hours ago, FourtyTwo said:

Reality - lazy, but I'd go with the same thing as cobra_gordo.  Over the top wins only.  Otherwise, the cage isn't really serving its true purpose.

Scandalous. I hate escape finishes. For me, the point of the cage match is a brutal feud ender where the victor only leaves once he's left his opponent flat on his back, beaten, broken, ideally in a pool of blood. Especially when set up as "nowhere to run" if the heel has been getting away with shenanigans or running from the face. In a match that's meant to be brutal and "shorten careers" I have zero interest in the babyface trying to escape and the heel trying to drag him back in by the ankles. Let them fight until one man walks out of the cage the victor with dignity, leaving his opponent crushed, not flopping over the bars like an infant escaping his cot.

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35 minutes ago, air_raid said:


Scandalous. I hate escape finishes. For me, the point of the cage match is a brutal feud ender where the victor only leaves once he's left his opponent flat on his back, beaten, broken, ideally in a pool of blood. Especially when set up as "nowhere to run" if the heel has been getting away with shenanigans or running from the face. In a match that's meant to be brutal and "shorten careers" I have zero interest in the babyface trying to escape and the heel trying to drag him back in by the ankles. Let them fight until one man walks out of the cage the victor with dignity, leaving his opponent crushed, not flopping over the bars like an infant escaping his cot.

I instinctively agreed with the initial comments of going over the top only. But your post has sent me completely 180. You're right, it should be the feud ender and we shouldn't see Hogan trying to climb the cage to get away from Bossman, whilst Bossman heads for the door. 

It always annoyed me seeing someone trying to climb the cage when the door is there.. right there, next to you. 

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Time - My heart says Wrestlemania X7 as that was my first Wrestlemania following WWE religiously as a young'un, but thinking a little outside the box I'd actually go with Wrestlemania XXX. I've been to a Wrestlemania live before (27, which although was a shit PPV was part of an absolutely fantastic experience travelling around the States for a couple of weeks), but at this point Daniel Bryan was my absolute favourite (and I suppose he is again now by proxy) so to have been part of that, seeing him not only beat Triple H in the opener but finally get his big moment at the end of the show would've been amazing. Plus to see the shock of Undertaker's streak ending in person would've been interesting. Like I said, an odd one to pick when you effectively have your entire pick of WWE's history books to tear a page from, but XXX it is. 

Power - All for Strowman being the guy as others have said. Looking at alternatives and cheating slightly, I'd actually push two top guys in differing roles. I think Somoa Joe could be an absolutely excellent top heel. Cuts excellent promos with some serious bass in his voice and I'd just present him as an absolute fucking killer, which to be fair WWE does do at times, I'd just heighten it. Then to combat him, I'd just further elevate Daniel Bryan's status as the King of the babyfaces. 

Reality - Rope breaks in no DQ matches to be abolished. Absolute codswallop.

Mind - Vince to give HHH the keys to the castle. He'll look after the rest. 

Space - Wembley! Though we'd have to build a roof to shield fans from the British weather. Failing this, as ruler of the Kingdom of Norfolk, we host the Greatest Wrestlemania at Carrow Road stadium, Norwich. Sponsored by Colman's Mustard. And Toblerone. 

Soul - Owen Hart's a great choice. He actually passed before I became an obsessed fan of WWE but I don't think anyone has ever had a bad word to say about him, and it would be great to have someone around like that who played so many practical jokes/ribs on people - to hear more stories about those things from him would be great. Alternatively I'd pick Eddie Guerrero. I remember his death at the time and had never previously been so shocked at anything wrestling related. Just a horrible thing to hear about, especially as he was so entertaining and one of my favourites at the time. 

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I hate the "out the door" spot in cage matches, and for years hated the idea of a cage escape as the finish in general - I always saw it more as the NWA style of cage match where the point is to keep people in, and stop the heel from escaping, but apparently a lot of how the WWE presents cage matches comes from Bruno Sammartino, and how the formula for his feuds was that he'd get them in a cage for the blow-off, and beat them sod decisively that he was able to walk away. If you have an all-conquering babyface that's established enough to pull that off, more power to you, and I've kind of warmed to the idea more - but it always grates on me seeing a babyface try and win a match by getting out of the cage, either through the door or over the top, because it feels like an inherently heel move to have to escape a match to win.

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I get what you're saying @air_raid but I don't think it cheapens it if a face goes over the top, if it's done correctly. For me, a traditional cage match should be treated like a last man standing- beat your opponent with in an inch of their life, no interference, no escape until they're essentially down for the 10 count and then go over the top. The heel getting up as the face is halfway up the cage and dragging them back down should be the equivalent of getting up at an 8 count.

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16 hours ago, air_raid said:


Scandalous. I hate escape finishes. For me, the point of the cage match is a brutal feud ender where the victor only leaves once he's left his opponent flat on his back, beaten, broken, ideally in a pool of blood. Especially when set up as "nowhere to run" if the heel has been getting away with shenanigans or running from the face. In a match that's meant to be brutal and "shorten careers" I have zero interest in the babyface trying to escape and the heel trying to drag him back in by the ankles. Let them fight until one man walks out of the cage the victor with dignity, leaving his opponent crushed, not flopping over the bars like an infant escaping his cot.

I hadn't really thought of it in that regard before - I guess there has to be an element of both in it to work.  You need the heel to have a "way out", otherwise you know that the face will most likely win, which then takes you a bit out of the match as a concept.  I guess you could have them just trying to escape to get away from the face, and not to win the match, but then you would end up with count out wins in cage matches?  Thinking it fully through as a concept, I think it does need both elements to work its best, but it would then be down to the way in which the story is told to make sure that you use both ways of winning correctly.


With hindsight, I would probably change it to the enforcement of the 30-day title defence rule, but would couple that with a change to my "Mind" response, so that Vince books the titles, and wins / losses overall, to actually mean something again.

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8 hours ago, FourtyTwo said:

I guess you could have them just trying to escape to get away from the face, and not to win the match, but then you would end up with count out wins in cage matches?

It’s possibly not unique in the world, but down here in Norfolk WAW have done cage matches where you leaving the cage loses you the match - effectively a submission because you can’t take any more punishment.

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