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I love this one! Oh wait...

John Matrix

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Since the music threads have been a real home run the last few weeks, I heard this on the radio this afternoon, and it stuck me as the audio equivalent of that saying "Body off baywatch, face off crimewatch".  

I don't mean "this song has a good chorus"  It's those ones that catch you out, you remember liking them before realising it's only actually the chorus that gets you singing along and you spend the rest of the three minutes waiting for that bit.


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Not that I'm a fan of this song anyway, but this has to be the best example of this. I'm sure a lot of us have been to a 90s night at a club when this has come on and seen people shuffle and mumble along to the verses just to get to the chorus.



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Pffft, bunch of pseuds.

Call me, call me by my name-a, call me by number

You put me through it

I'll still be doing it the way I do it, and yet

You tried to make forget who I really am

Don't tell me I'm the best,

I'm not the same as all the rest


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17 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Not to mention the one note that teases the guitar solo.  Plus that's Saffron from Republica in the vid.

WOW. Every day's a school day.

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