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My new book: Purodyssey -- A Tokyo Wrestling Diary


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(Shill allowed by kind mod permission.)


Twenty years after his first voyages to watch wrestling abroad, writer John Lister finally made it to Tokyo. Purodyssey shares the experience of seeing 14 shows from 11 promotions in just eight days, visiting venues from the Tokyo Dome to a converted pharmacy. It also details encountering Japanese culture in person for the first time.

The book also includes a comprehensive yet concise guide to the practicalities of visiting Tokyo for wrestling, including ticket buying, transport and key Japanese phrases.

It's about 7 times longer than the FSM piece and the equivalent of 72 book pages.

It's on Kindle for £2.99: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Purodyssey-Tokyo-Wrestling-John-Lister-ebook/dp/B07C8L3DFG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521807473&sr=8-1&keywords=purodyssey

If you really want a paperback copy, that's £5.99 (cheapest I could get it and still make money). Starting in a couple of days, that should include a free download of the Kindle version as well. - EDIT: this might be Amazon.com only :(


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Read through this the other day, enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed your account of the Gatoh Move show - I love weird and wonderful little indie promotions, and adore Emi Sakura, so that was a highlight.

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