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Who can I watch WM with in Manchester

samus maximus

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Hey Guys,

I moved up to Manchester a few years back, leaving all my wrestling fan friends behind, I have now got no one to wish 'Happy Rusev Day' to and have no one to talk about or watch wrestling with. Is there anyone either in the same boat as me or is there some social group up north that I need to be involved in? Any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks

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I think Courtyard still do wrestling nights. It's a student bar off Oxford Road. I've only been twice, both for Rumbles. The first was fine but the Rumble itself was shit (other than Rollins vs. Cena vs. Lesnar) so the atmosphere was flat. For the second, they'd tried streaming it on IPTV and it fucked up leaving everyone pissed off so I ended up going home instead.

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In response to your opening post, for last years Wrestlemania myself and a few others watched it inside Bierkeller in the Printworks. Lots of people there, so it was a good laugh. Cheap drinks if I recall correctly as well, that's probably where I'll end up watching it this year as well.

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18 hours ago, samus maximus said:

Thank you guys, is it something you can go to on your own and meet other fans? Or am I going to stick out like a sore thumb? 

Yeah, you can go on your own.  Fab is a geek bar so there isn't any macho bullshit and people are friendly. I don't think I'll be going but if I am I'll let you know.

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