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10 years of Kofi Kingston


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On January 22, 2008, young Kofi Kingston made his WWE debut on ECW.

Ten years later, he’s still there. It’s been a decade long run, which not many can claim, and in which he’s been on all the brands, won a load of midcard titles, perfected the Rumble near-elimination, wrestled Dolph Ziggler 1038472618 tines (copyright @King Pitcos), nearly got to the main event and been part of the modern era’s most successful tag team. What are your favourite Kofi moments and memories?

For me, he’s just always been consistently decent to watch. You’re going to get a decent match from him, and even in the never ending Ziggler series he was never bad. At his best he’s pretty great - really exciting on a comeback, loads of fun and easy to get behind. And he was a brilliant character to play as on All Stars #giveusallstars2 .

Let us celebrate the Decade of Dreadlocked Destruction! (Name pending) with your favourite Kingston stuff...

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Watching through that top 100 raw moments recently (I didn't make it past 75) I was reminded of that run he had with Randy Orton in 2009. He was involved in Orton losing the belt, had the great angle where he put him through the equipment table and a big win at Survivor Series but he lost at TLC and was about done. That was the time when I thought he could have been a star. Sure that's the same for most people. I never have since. I enjoyed his tag team with Evan Bourne, his whacky Rumble gimmick and the New Day up to a point but he's only been a decent utility guy since. It's a shame they didn't put more thought into that run because he could have been a bonifide just-down-from-Cena player.

I think in the years since, probably going by to D-Bry, all these guys have come along who don't have any more charisma but are better workers, or at least have the rep. Kofi's never got close. He was in 2009 though. When you look at some of the shite who got a title run, he should have had one. Once he was a made man, he'd have always been good for an angle when you needed one. Like a less irritating Dolph Ziggler.

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Probably best to start with this:


I wasn't watching wrestling properly at the time but I knew of Kingston from catching WWE occasionally and this moment stood out like a sore thumb. He was brilliant in this segment. Many thought he'd go on to be a star after that, but to be honest what he eventually became has given him an illustrious career regardless.

Very solid, reliable and always fun to watch. His Rumble exploits are always a highlight and his mic work has improved massively since the New Day took off.

Although it's incredible to think he's been around for 10 years, he does have a lot to show for it. On the other hand, you look at somebody like Tamina- who has been on WWE tv for EIGHT YEARS now and has done absolutely nothing memorable. Ever.

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10 is it? Felt like much longer for a long time for me. Bloke did nothing for me in essentially forever, then when New Day happened I enjoyed them as an ensemble. For a few weeks, anyway.

My memory of Kofi is that he languished in the midcard forever but where a bunch of other guys got the "big push" and fell flat, many of whom ended up released, they never bothered with Kofi and he just found his place eventually, has job security in that place and is better off than a lot of guys they had higher hopes for. So good for him.

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I like Kofi. He's got an innate likeability that most guys on the roster would absolutely kill for, and he's usually good fun to watch. I really liked him as a heel in New Day (something I didn't think he could actually pull off), he's done some pretty cool stuff, and he's one of my favourite guys to watch. He'll never pull of a Meltzer ***** match, but he's fun to watch, and I much prefer him to most of the WWE midcard.

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He's a solid middle of the card guy, but he's not going to be remembered with any particular fondness because for so many years he was the epitome of the WWE quagmire of the modern age, treading water sharing wins with other forgettable names in forgettable runs over a forgettable belt. 

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He's a solid hand. His "not getting eliminated" thing at the Rumble is always entertaining, and he can usually be counted on to do something exciting in a ladder match. 

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2 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Jamaica at first, then Ghana if I recall.

That was it. His accent was awful. I just vaguely remember Tripper saying it to try and gt a laugh.

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