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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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5 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Once again I am not for a single second saying it's all false and lies of course I'm not saying that. I watched that video he put out and fucking honestly it probably made me feel worse than anything else. I was speaking to my fiancé about it and said channel 4 would not ever put something like this out on the air unless they had some solid fucking proof and whatnot. 

You thinking that because he helped me and came into my life in the dark scary point means I'm going to jump to defend all this and whatever else that is not for a fucking second what I'm saying or doing. 

No, I never said you were going to defend him, and whether you choose to or not is your right and choice to do so. What I was saying is considering it’s been a pretty open secret, or there have been lots of rumours over the years about him, I’m shocked you were so surprised. I’m not at all having a go at you because you’ve not done anything wrong

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33 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

...knowing that one day this sort of thing might come out, he turned into a full on conspiracy theorist, so he can now rage against the "system trying to get me" and "dark forces" or whatever he prats on about.

I hope it's not the matrix again.  Agent Smith must be absolutely wankered.


“To see that transparency metastasised into something criminal, that I absolutely deny, makes me question is there another agenda at play.”


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20 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

“To see that transparency metastasised into something criminal, that I absolutely deny, makes me question is there another agenda at play.”



I know where @Kfogg1991 is coming from, a social media mate of mine has been outed as a wrongun recently and I was disgusted that I thought he was decent. And there were some of us on here who liked UK Kat Von D and were horrified when that all happened. 

Regarding Dispatches, fingers crossed Noel Fielding gets mentioned as well. Predatory prick. 

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There’s obviously no chance that Brand has needlessly outed himself because he’ll know exactly what’s in the show when they will have asked him to comment. Just like there is absolutely no chance Kfogg had no idea about the many many rumours of him being a wrong’un. 

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8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I know where @Kfogg1991 is coming from, a social media mate of mine has been outed as a wrongun recently and I was disgusted that I thought he was decent. And there were some of us on here who liked UK Kat Von D and were horrified when that all happened. 

I think there's a bit of "But he's really clever. One of us!" hoodwink too that allows people the cognitive dissonance. Take Marilyn Manson. Complete hiding in plain sight job, but there's that disaffected character thing going on there that appeals to people in their moody teens. Big words, seemingly socially aware, a 'surprisingly respectable' interview subject. Turns out in the end it's all part of the predator package. 

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13 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

I think there's a bit of "But he's really clever. One of us!" hoodwink too

Which is funny because most of his fans are the antithesis of "really clever".

Edited by Tommy!
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16 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

I think there's a bit of "But he's really clever. One of us!" hoodwink too that allows people the cognitive dissonance. Take Marilyn Manson. Complete hiding in plain sight job, but there's that disaffected character thing going on there that appeals to people in their moody teens. Big words, seemingly socially aware, a 'surprisingly respectable' interview subject. Turns out in the end it's all part of the predator package. 

There’s also the celebrity factor at play and using that power over fans, who then become apologists. We see it with Manson like we saw it, and still see it, with Depp. 

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Yeah the celebrity status thing is massive. You'll always get people defending them. "Oh they don't seem the type" etc etc based on how they are in interviews or movies or whatever. Or having met them at a convention or a premiere for a minute. Yeah because abusers are well known for walking around in "I'm an abuser!" Tshirts and drawing attention to themselves. They're never manipulative or sneaky at all.

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49 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:


Regarding Dispatches, fingers crossed Noel Fielding gets mentioned as well. Predatory prick. 

Really? This is the first I've heard about him. Now, if you'd have said Stephen K Amos......

Edited by Dead Mike
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There's nothing wrong with recognising that abusers - if it turns out that's what this is, RE: Brand - can fuck up people beyond their immediate victims. When SpeakingOut happened in wrestling, one of the people named was someone I looked up to and considered a mentor, and the cognitive whiplash of having to process that and reconsider how I felt about him, and reevaluate almost every interaction we ever had or I ever saw him have with other people, was a rough thing to go through. It's all a perfectly valid reaction to news like this, and it's not "making it about you", it's just recognising that these things affect different people in different ways.


Kfogg, what someone said to me at the time was that you should owe it to yourself to live up to the person you thought he was, not who he turned out to be. I found that a useful way of framing things and moving forward, and maybe you will too.


Back to Dispatches and the weekend papers, though, it that call for submissions is right, it can't just be Brand, as it talked about beloved comedians from the '80s onwards. Though that only mentioned stuff like drug taking, cheating on spouses, and sleeping with prostitutes, rather than anything explicitly "MeToo", but there's a couple of comics I'm amazed haven't come under scrutiny yet.

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8 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

Really? This is the first I've heard about him. Now, if you'd have said Stephen K Amos......

When he was in his 30s he was seeing 16 year old Pixie Geldof. And she wasn’t the only one. He likes them young. 


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I think the statement that Christina Ricci put out for Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis sums up knowing an abuser personally quite well.

'So sometimes people we have loved and admired to horrible things. They might not do these things to us and we only know who they were to us but that doesn’t mean they didn’t do the horrible things and to discredit the abused is a crime.

People we know as “awesome guys” can be predators and abusers. It’s tough to accept but we have to. If we say we support victims—women, children, men, boys—then we must be able to take this stance.

Unfortunately I’ve known lots of “awesome guys” who were lovely to me who have been proven to be abusers privately.

I’ve also had personal experience with this.

Believe victims. It’s not easy to come forward. It’s not easy to get a conviction.'

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