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W*ing, FMW and ECW etc VHS tapes wanted

Dash X

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Did u used to tape trade in the 90s? Still have any tapes collecting dust? I'm interested in buying. In particular fmw, W*ing and ecw with the original music. Also anything weird like those compilation tapes such as wrestlings horrific moments,  Memphis bloodiest brawls, miscellaneous edits etc... the type you buy from some shady bloke who's address you got from the back pages of power slam magazine. Cheers. 

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5 hours ago, samuelnugent said:

I have several ecw tapes and one best of cactus jack epstein collection, i have lots and lots of japanese and lots of comps but nothing hardcore sadly, happy to send pictures 

Awesome yeah let me know what you have pics would be great! 

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