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Hogan would not be the champion if Mr. Wonderful was bald! (favourite Jesse Ventura quotes)


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Regardless of what you may think of his post-wrestling career, he added such realism to the product and was for me one of the best memories of the Coliseum Video tapes of the late 80s (before I got Sky in Jan '92, by which time he'd jumped to WCW anyway). Really makes me chuckle sometimes looking back. 

"So what McMahon, you can SHOOT somebody as long as it's outside the ring"? 

(On Ultimate Warrior) "This guy's a lunatic."

"You got mustard sauce all over you, you're a mess Monsoon!"

(On Seamus) "So, his skin has never SEEN the sun?!"

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20 minutes ago, Maikeru said:

"So what McMahon, you can SHOOT somebody as long as it's outside the ring"?

I always thought this was an interesting one. It was in response to Ultimate Warrior hitting Rick Rude with a chair at ringside in full view of the referee, and Vince (was it Vince?) trying to defend the lack of DQ.

To what extent should a heel announcer point out the absurdity of what's happening in their efforts to express outrage on the wrestler's behalf? Does highlighting what is essentially a continuity error lend them authenticity or does it expose the product?

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I'd say it depends how it's done - for an example of it done badly, I'd point to JBL, in a match where Stardust had his opponent in a Reverse Boston Crab/Billy Goat's Curse. JBL was burying the move on commentary, talking about how it doesn't make sense, and wouldn't hurt - problem is, the guy in the hold is selling it.

I don't think it exposes the product for Ventura to call out Vince on something like that, so long as he doesn't keep going on about it to the detriment of the match - another JBLism, in that he often gets bogged down in arguing petty details and loses track of the match he's calling, and Ventura never let his heel work go down that route.

So long as it's not to the detriment of the match, and it makes sense for the character, I'd say it's fine - a heel would question why Warrior's allowed to get away with something like that, and probably wouldn't be satisfied with any answer they're given.


As a bit of an aside, I've always liked the go-to, "the referee is showing some leniency because it's such a big match/he doesn't want to see it end that way" to explain away a lack of a DQ call.

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The one asking about the official weight for Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire was ace, plus he introduced me to the word "Chagrin" and I used it to the amazement of a teacher who hated me.  So thanks for that. 

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1 hour ago, Uncle Zeb said:

I always thought this was an interesting one. It was in response to Ultimate Warrior hitting Rick Rude with a chair at ringside in full view of the referee, and Vince (was it Vince?) trying to defend the lack of DQ.

To what extent should a heel announcer point out the absurdity of what's happening in their efforts to express outrage on the wrestler's behalf? Does highlighting what is essentially a continuity error lend them authenticity or does it expose the product?

I always thought it added to the product rather than expose, as it showed that not everyone was a buffoon and recognised inconsistencies.

One of the great things about Ventura's character was that he was very much three dimensional, rather than a straight heel or face. While he would obviously side with the rulebreakers, he would also acknowledge things that might not necessarily fall within a heel colour commentator's remit.


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6 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

I always thought this was an interesting one. It was in response to Ultimate Warrior hitting Rick Rude with a chair at ringside in full view of the referee, and Vince (was it Vince?) trying to defend the lack of DQ.

To what extent should a heel announcer point out the absurdity of what's happening in their efforts to express outrage on the wrestler's behalf? Does highlighting what is essentially a continuity error lend them authenticity or does it expose the product?

It was Tony Schiavone on commentary with him. Ventura is great in that match.

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His hatred of Hogan always got a chuckle out of me. My two favs -

Calling HH "The Luster" around Wrestlemania 5 time when Savage and Liz had fallen out and was shit stirring between them. 

When Powers of Pain both get disqualified for double-teaming Hogan at Survivor Series he says about Earl Hebner "ugh he's saving Hogan AGAIN". It's the level of contempt he has that creases me up. 

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35 minutes ago, RoryFice said:

It was Tony Schiavone on commentary with him.

That's what I thought.

Guns at ringside? That'll put butts on seats.

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I couldn't tell if he was holding a microphone or a vibrator

On Mean Gene after a Jake Roberts promo on Saturday Nights Main Event. Wonder if that's been cut on The Network?

You could probably dedicate an entire thread to Jessie ripping on Vince's inconsistencies and ignorance, alone. A personal favourite is at the 1988 Rumble where Vince didn't have a clue what the Jumping Bomb Angels names were.

Vince is fucking insufferable without Jessie keeping him on his toes or just ripping the piss out of him. There's a Savage/Steele match where Vince hits heel levels of bullshit to justify Steele's cheating.



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