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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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Cheeky Fernandos Kick. I see what they did there.

I thought it was ok. Some issues still there from the special but it's certainly improved from that. Have to echo the praise. Ospreay v DBS Jr was a great match. But goodness me, how painful is Alex Shane? Dragged it down for me. But I do hope the rest of the series goes ok.

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I didn't hate it. I hated Will Ospreay though.

If almost a million people tuning in to watch 500 people watch a bunch of generally non-household names in a studio in Norwich isn't a success, I don't know what is. I'd say most people are not in their house at 5pm on a Saturday afternoon on the first weekend of the summer holidays. A lot of families went away this week. When the football season starts and people are at games or in pubs the 16-34 demo, who aren't going to think this is cool enough anyway, are not going to be watching. 10 weeks of these numbers will be enough to do an arena tour and print money, not that ITV need it.

I don't think there was anything going on here that I haven't seen in countless UK indys and it's not necessarily essential viewing for people like us (well not at all actually). The announcement of a briefcase ladder match next week is an instant eye roller for me. I'll be interested in the womens division.


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Got to be honest here, lads.  I don't think this is aimed at UKFFers.  This was a TV show for people who don't go to wrestling events in their home town or surrounding areas.  Most people who watched it won't have a clue who anyone was beforehand, let alone Alex Shane and his shenanigans.  Shane was absolutely fine as commentator for me, It did get a bit Bryan Mills jumps over a fence in places but as a show for kids, it was fine.

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Couple of updates. Turns out "skews" is simply a misleading name and that "skews 9% 16-34" simple means 9% of viewers were 16-34. No idea how that compares to what ITV normally gets/wanted from the slot. That would also indicate it was a 54-46 male/female split.

There's also some dispute over the ratings. An ITV scheduler said that was too low and didn't include the +1 or HD figures. +1 probably makes little difference, but HD could be significant. And in turn that would mean the demographic figures don't mean much if they only cover the non-HD channel.

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2 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

Anyone else feel sick with all the camera movements? They need to stop over doing the cut shots and just stick with classic wrestling camera work

Can't imagine where they've got the idea that that is how you shoot wrestling.

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I actually thought that camera angle shot from directly above the ring was quite novel. WWE only ever use that camera during ladder matches but I think there’s a regular place for it. It always makes the big moves like the Superplex look more devastating.

Other than that the camera angles didn’t really affect me. The only angle that’s ever made me feel sick was that weird floaty camera that haunted Smackdown for a few months last year. Thankfully they look to he packed it in.

With WWE signing up so much talent to sabotage this show, I wonder what they think of Grado? Do you think they’d ever consider signing him? 

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Just watched it with my missus' 6 year old kid and his mate and between playing connect 4 and jenga it was perfect background tv fodder. Its passably entertaining, well put together stuff. 

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