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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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As "one of that lot" I can say with some certainty that "queer" definitely isn't OK for everyday use. It might have been "reclaimed" by some folk (the more militant flag-waving circles, mostly), but 95% of actual gays don't use it, in the same way as very few of us refer to each other as "she" or shove gerbils up our bottoms for thrills.


The argument that "LGBT has had a Q added on the end now" is bollocks, frankly. Again, the more militant lot would add any number of initials on the end if they could, but the regular four letters are enough for the vast majority of normal people.


As we've found with Trump, the person who shouts loudest doesn't always give an accurate representation of the wider picture. Just because someone claims to have "reclaimed a word", it doesn't mean they speak for everybody. Mental how it's been taken as gospel and incorporated into some sort of training course for people who need to be taught about social interactions. Black people have apparently reclaimed the "N word" for use amongst themselves, but if you said it in front of a gang of black lads you'd probably expect get some abuse and maybe a bit of a slap. The exact same thing would happen if you said "queer" in front of a gang of gay lads, except the shouting might be a bit more high pitched. That's if they weren't too busy bumming each other to hear what you'd said, anyway.

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I shall remain silent like the thousands of white men at a rap concert

Are you seriously suggesting that everyone at a hip hop concert is saying that word along to the artist and everyone else is just standing there OK with it? Don't know how many shows you've been to, but this wouldn't happen.

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I saw Ice Cube at a wee concert in Ireland called Sunstroke in 1994, and his DJ actually dipped the volume for 'Wrong N Word To F Word With' at the end of each verse.


I distinctly remember that, at age 14, going "Ooooh" as the only people of colour in the whole field, were on the stage.
But I don't think Ice Cube minded, as he said we were like the n words of Europe because "y'all mufuggas wuz opresst bah dah qweeeen..."

I was quite confused that day.

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I shall remain silent like the thousands of white men at a rap concert

Are you seriously suggesting that everyone at a hip hop concert is saying that word along to the artist and everyone else is just standing there OK with it? Don't know how many shows you've been to, but this wouldn't happen.

Are you for real? Yeah I think everyone would be OK with that.

If whitey only sang that one word then I could see an issue

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I shall remain silent like the thousands of white men at a rap concert

Are you seriously suggesting that everyone at a hip hop concert is saying that word along to the artist and everyone else is just standing there OK with it? Don't know how many shows you've been to, but this wouldn't happen.
Are you for real? Yeah I think everyone would be OK with that.

If whitey only sang that one word then I could see an issue

I genuinely can't understand how you can think this. I must've been going to the wrong kind of gigs for the past 20 years, and observing the wrong kind of behaviour.


Oh and Scott, 1994? Jesus... ;)

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It's a very odd situation to be in & I'm not sure where it's come from?


A friend of mine was in the Trafford Centre in Manchester, she came out of the cubicle to wash her hands, and beside her was a guy wearing a wig & fixing his lipstick in the mirror. Clearly a dude - but in a dress, wig, handbag, make-up, and a stuffed bra. That's a cross dresser - but what can you say or do? She did or said nothing, but it was certainly a bit weird.
And how was that clear in this split second interaction??

Is your mate able to diagnose whether somebody is 'proper' trans or a cross dresser on sight alone? May be a news flash but *whispers* some of us tranny folk look a bit like blokes

Edited by sj5522
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